Friday, August 26, 2022

$25,000 donation from lifelong Dunwoody resident Dr. David Goodchild establishes the Goodchild-Fortenberry-Bass Scholarship.

Thank You Dr. Goodchild! 

Dunwoody, have you donated to this worthy cause?

A new college scholarship is being established at Dunwoody High School (DHS) to support high-achieving students facing challenges. The Goodchild-Fortenberry-Bass Scholarship will be awarded in increments of $2,500.00 per year for the next ten years to a different graduating senior. These ten scholarships are made possible by a $25,000 donation from lifelong Dunwoody resident Dr. David Goodchild, who presented a check to his longtime friends DHS Principal Tom Bass and Academy of Finance founder Steve Fortenberry.

“I believe that a donation to Dunwoody High School is the best investment you can make in our children and the City of Dunwoody as a whole,” Dr. Goodchild said. Both Principal Bass and Mr. Fortenberry hope that this gift will inspire others to invest in public education, our children, and the community. 

The $25,000 donation will fund the Goodchild-Fortenberry-Bass scholarship, which will be annually awarded to the student with the highest GPA, coming from a challenging background or home life. Student applicants will submit an essay, along with a teacher recommendation. The first scholarship will be awarded later in the school year, as DHS celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Dr. Goodchild indicates that “Mr. Bass and Mr. Fortenberry are included in the scholarship because Mr. Bass has brought unparalleled leadership and pure enthusiasm to the school, which is so fitting for its 50th anniversary. Mr. Fortenberry is included because over 50 years ago when Steve and I were finger painting at a church preschool in Dunwoody, I never imagined that he would become such an innovative force in education, spearhead so many building initiatives for the campus, and be so committed to this school and the community.” It is important to note that Dr. Goodchild and Margie have two children, Judy and David, who are students at DHS. For decades Dr. Goodchild has been funding scholarships, organizations and sports teams at DHS, as well as other educational institutions, but this year all of his educational and civic donations are going exclusively to DHS. In addition to funding the new scholarship this year, Dr. Goodchild is also supporting the DHS volleyball team as a platinum sponsor and the DHS football program as a blue sponsor.

“With today’s rising costs people may be more reluctant to give, but those costs are precisely why financial support is so important right now,” Dr. Goodchild cautioned. Dr. Goodchild is encouraging others to donate to the DHS Community Association, which is raising money to support academic, art, and athletic initiatives to celebrate the school’s 50th anniversary. A donation link and more information can be found here:

Details about the Goodchild-Fortenberry-Bass scholarship and application process will be made available to students and their families at a later date.

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