Tuesday, July 9, 2024

GDOT releases update on 285 toll lane project / meeting Dunwoody City Hall on July 16th.

I-285 Top-End Express Lanes Visualization – June 2024

GDOT prepares to launch I-285 toll lane project by Thomas Wheatley of Axios Atlanta

Project Link

Public Meeting: Dunwoody City Hall,
July 16, 2024, 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

City of Dunwoody meets with GDOT to review issues concerning improvements along the I-285 Corridor, requests Peachtree Industrial direct access to 285 express managed lanes.

Other posts on blog regarding this subject can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty video and it was easy to follow regarding the proposed changes and additions. I must take it as an article of faith that there is data to support this vast project. If I can get to the meeting, I am hoping I will hear more about that aspect of this project.

    I've had a Peach Pass since I moved here 25 years ago, originally so I could use the GA-400 portion that was once a toll road. I've still got a pass in my car but I have yet to use a HOT lane. I keep it more for the interoperability when I go on road trips and might find myself needing to use a toll road elsewhere.

    Thank you for sharing, John.
