Wednesday, September 11, 2024

LifeVac device used in Dunwoody, GA to save a young child from choking, Officer honored.

RoughDraft Article

Ms. Cathy Cobbs of Rough Draft Atlanta wrote an overview of of a City Council meeting presentation explained how this new safety device, LifeVac, saved a young child here in Dunwoody.  It is my hope that this item becomes common place in the various mounted "safety boxes" in public places where the AED, Narcan, the LifeVac and maybe other emergency medications like epi-pen's & albuterol could be stored?

Parents, the cost of this device might be a great investment for your home as it is a proven life saving tool in the time of emergency.  Literally 1,000's of lives have been saved and the link is below so you can do your own research. 

PTA / School Parents, please ask your school lunch room if this investment would make sense to them?

YouTube videos about the device.

PS: related subject - does everyone know you can walk into CVS and buy Narcan without a prescription?


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