Thursday, January 15, 2009

Website available for Dunwoody 4th & 5th Grade Academy on Womack

The new 4th & 5th Elementary School on Womack is on schedule to be opened by this August and the DCSS just published the school website which I have listed below.

Principal Johnathan Clark - Resume

Faculty and Staff have not been selected for the new Elementary School. It is the expectation that each faculty member will have his or her own web page. As staff members are added, they will upload and link their web pages. If you are interested in employment at the new Dunwoody Elementary School, please contact the DeKalb County School System Department of Human Resources.

Advisory Action Teams have already been created to help prepare the school for opening day and they are starting to meet on a regular basis to ensure a smooth transition for the nearly 1,000 students scheduled to attend. If you are interested in these action groups please check the school website for group contact information or if you need more information, Mr. Clark can be reached via e-mail at

The Climate and Culture Action team is focused on gathering information to establish the climate and culture for our new school. This will include but not be limited to spirit days, grade level field trips, holiday gatherings, murals for the school, and any general activities that will contribute to developing our own culture and set of traditions.

The Clubs and Activities Team will focus on ideas and concerns regarding clubs and activities that we wish to provide for our children at our school. This will include but not be limited to clubs and activities that are currently being offered at the feeder schools, service-based clubs, honor programs, and extra-curricular activities like Science Olympiad and Odyssey of the Mind.

The Communication Team will focus on providing the best methods of communication for between all groups and communities during this time of transition. This will include but not be limited to updating the school website, providing input and feedback from the stakeholders as well as answering questions, and acting as a general means of communication for all parties to make this process as transparent and accessible as possible for all people affected by the changes.

The Facilities Action Team will focus on ideas and concerns regarding construction, the facilities, and the grounds of our new school. This will include but not be limited to playground equipment, outdoor classroom area, and campus beautification.

The Instructional Delivery Model Action Team will focus on best practices for our instructional program. This will include but not be limited to bell schedule, specials that will be offered, how we serve the needs of our ELL, gifted, and special education students, and ideas that support differentiated instruction for all children at our school.

The Parent Teacher Group Action Team will focus on ideas and concerns regarding the structure of our parent support group and help determine whether we form a Parent Teacher Association or Parent Teacher Organization. This will include but not be limited to fundrasing, registration practices, support programs for the students and teachers, outreach programs for our families, and general issues regarding with community involvement and support of the school and our students.

The Technology Action Team will focus on concerns and ideas related to technology for our instructional program. This will include but not be limited to types of technology such as Activboards, laptop labs, wireless capabilities, presentation stations, and possible tools that will enhance the instructional program we offer our students.

The Transportation Team will focus on the impact of transportation and traffic flow in the community. This will include but not be limited to getting the students to school safely, carpool ideas, sidewalks, traffic flow pattern, turn lanes, and working with both the DeKalb County School System and the new City of Dunwoody to address these issues.


  1. Since when is it Government's role to 'create' a culture for a school? The students, parents, and teachers will do this the first few months. Although public officials cannot create a school's culture, they can PRESERVE a school's culture. Dunwoody's school board 'representative' Jim R was successful is PRESERVING the culture at Vanderlyn by not allowing the board to seriously consider a rezoning of the Dunwoody cluster.

  2. But, will the City of Dunwoody also address (with the county schools system) issues that have existed at our CURRENT schools? I am referring to over-crowding, traffic, lack of outdoor play areas, bad bathrooms, etc.

    Is it possible to place a moratorium on building permits (for residential) until the local school is under capacity?

  3. DunwoodyParent, here's a question. Have you contacted the DCSS directly with your issues? Have you attended a BOE meeting and addressed them with your issues? Are you aware the State of Georgia is cutting education funding AGAIN? As you know from previous conversations, Dunwoody has no say over the schools in our city.
