Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dunwoody City Council Meeting Agenda for Tuesday May 26, 2009

Dunwoody United Methodist Church
1548 Mt. Vernon Road, 30338
Tuesday May 26th
7 p.m.

Proclamation: “Dunwoody United Methodist Church
Proclamation: “Dr. Robert Albin
Proclamation: “Automated External Defibrillators

Minutes from the April 20, 2009 City Council Work Session.

PRESENTATION Dr. Kevin Harris, Dunwoody High School Principal.

Resolution adopting a license fee for door-to-door salesmen and solicitors in the City of Dunwoody.

Resolution adopting Lights Off/Power Down policy.

Ordinance to Amend Chapter 2: Administration

Status Report on New School Traffic - Richard Meehan, Dir of Public Works.

Resolution to transmit the Comprehensive Plan Community Assessment and Community Participation Plan to the Atlanta Regional Commission and State Department of Community Affairs.

Ordinance to amend Chapter 27: Zoning - An amendment to the text of the Zoning Ordinance to clean-up certain language, reinstate certain provisions, and amend certain requirements.

Ordinance to amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance, specifically Section 3C, the “Dunwoody Village Overlay District”.

Ordinance to rezone the Dunwoody United Methodist Church property to remove it from the Dunwoody Village Overlay District Designation”.

EXECUTIVE SESSION for the purposes of legal, real estate, and personnel discussions.

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