Friday, May 22, 2009

Random updates

The next City Council meeting will be Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at Dunwoody United Methodist Church. Full agenda should be out by Friday evening.

At some point I will be voting on the Dunwoody Convention and Visitors Bureau and Mr. Bob Dallas, representing the Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce provided the outline of his public comments as to why the City should not form it's own Authority. The AJC also wrote a short article. Please give me your comments.

The Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce is hosting a special night with the Stage Door Players on Thursday May 28th and they are inviting the community to join in the fun.

The Dunwoody Library will be closed for a month, June 2 - July 5.

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Draft Community Assessment Document is a great read to learn about the City of Dunwoody, I highly recommend it. (8 MB) Any mistakes or things that need to be addressed prior to our Tuesday meeting?

No news on the Safe Routes to School Grant? Not sure of the status.

My house is still for sale but we had someone come back for a second look, which sounds positive.

Who in Dunwoody, Twitters? I want to follow you so please let me know you exist, I'm @DunwoodyNorth

Today is the last day of school in DeKalb, Congratulations to all the Graduates and their parents who got them there.

My neighborhood pool opens today and I'm looking forward to hanging out with my boys. Have a Safe Holiday.


  1. Does the library really have to close 10 days after school lets out? I imagine all the school signs say "Have a great summer, remember to read." So our local library closes???? I'm grateful for the renovations but could they start August 11?

  2. Good Morning John,

    Mr. Dallas makes a compelling argument in favor of a private authority. I am inclined to agree with his views. That being said, if someone favoring a city run approach offers, or would offer, a comparable argument, I'd like to read it in order to better understand both positions.

    The PCID has done little I can recall to which I have objected, and much that I have found pleasing. They certainly have much at risk with regards to tourism and conventions in Dunwoody. As result, it strikes me that this risk combined with their positive history in the area makes Mr. Dallas' view worthwhile.

  3. At first I thought the Authority would be better than the (c)(6), but I have flip-flopped.

    I would support a (c)(6) as long as Dunwoody Preservation Trust or Dun Woman's Club or DHA does not have a seat at that table.

    I think council should let a non-profit handle it for a year or two, but restrict the nine spots so that a member of council, a spouse of council, an officer of DHA, DWC, or DWT cannot serve on it.
