Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dunwoody news Tidbits


Dunwoody High School is ready for an addition and this evening I believe the community is being shown the same plans as in October. Feb 2nd, 7 pm DHS Cafeteria.

In my discussion with GPC, Pres Tricoli stated that Sr. Citizens can attend GPC for free but he forgot to mention that in his presentation to the City Council.  So please encourage Grandma to ease her 1976 Buick Regal onto Dunwoody roads, so maybe she can teach those young whipper snappers about driving the speed limit.

Dunwoody resident Michael Rothenberg
has announced his candidacy for Judge of the Superior Court of DeKalb County and I wish him all the best.

The USPS now recognizes 30360 as now part of Dunwoody

If I had a daughter, I would be signing up for this, Daddy-Daughter Dance.

If I didn't already have plans for this Friday, I would be attending the Taste of Dunwoody.

If I was a State Legislator, I would be supporting this bill to protect children from Georgia's archaic laws.

Dr. Crawford Lewis gives the "exclusive story" to Chamblee High School Newspaper.

To the residents e-mailing and calling my home to talk about the proposed cuts to the DeKalb County School System, please know that Jim Redovian is our member of the school board and that I am just an interested parent and tax payer who sometimes feels as though he is just screaming into the abyss. Remember the March 1st meeting, so mark the calenders.

Leadership DeKalb is now accepting applications and is also having an open house, I'm not applying but could think of a few good candidates.

The AJC is looking for permission to put a sign on their new Dunwoody HQ and it will be discussed Thursday by the Dunwoody ZBA.

Dunwoody Marta Station escalator issue causes questions on 137 escalators system wide.

A local media outlet asked for my dining recommendations for Dunwoody and it only reinforced the sad truth that my wife and I don't do much fine dining.

Dunwoody HS Swim Team - finished 2nd in the DeKalb County Championships

Superior Court Chief Judge Cynthia Becker is one of my favorite ladies of DeKalb, sweet as can be and tough as nails.

I shook hands with four candidates for Governor last week and thanked all of them for coming to the City of Dunwoody one year celebration via their twitter accounts, only two replied.  Social media fail or progress?

I love this quote when talking about ethics, "it’s the children who will suffer – not the politicians" by Dr. Eugene Walker, DeKalb Board of Education


  1. John,

    The reason people are contacting you instead of Redovian is because he does not reply to emails from his constituents. Unless you are a next-door neighbor / friend of his expect no response. I've had many parents express anger at his lack of response. When they do hear from him it is usually to pass the person on to someone else with the school system

  2. Jim Redovian always responds to my e-mails. I hear so many complaints about our school board, yet I don't see anyone running for the office. Could it be that it's an incredibly difficult job with extremely low pay and few other benefits? I know that I would not be interested in the job.

  3. I think Jim's term expires this year. Anyone know who is interested in running for the position? Perhaps Jim will run again, but I doubt it.
