Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fontainebleau neighborhood asks for long term improvements to Happy Hollow Road.

Members of the Dunwoody City Council received the following letter from Mr. Christos Kiriazis, President of the Fontainebleau Swim and Tennis Club. After receiving the letter, I called and talked to Mr. Kiriazis informing him that I agreed with the needed infrastructure improvements which in my opinion would not only include sidewalks but also the long term infrastructure improvement of trees.

In 1998, the Fontainebleau area was one of the hardest hit areas of the Dunwoody tornado and the tree coverage was decimated. Though it is starting to come back, the stretch along Happy Hollow could, and in my opinion should, be tree lined at the same time that new sidewalks are installed. The City of Dunwoody council members have agreed to work towards being designated a Tree City USA Community; therefore the re-forestation of our community is important for all of us.  Happy Hollow Rd from Peeler to the Sandy Springs border at Dunwoody Club runs 1.3 miles in length, with a number of elevation drop-offs and gullys; this type of project will need to be properly planned and engineered before installation. Besides sidewalks and trees the other amenity that will need to be taken into consideration in the long term planning of Happy Hollow Rd is the possible creation of bike lanes which may, or may not require a slight widening of the road.  This type of project will not happen overnight but please know that it is on my and the other council members long term plans for the city.

John Heneghan
Dunwoody City Council
September 20, 2010

To: Mayor of Dunwoody, Ken Wright City Council Members: Denis Shortal, Adrian Bonser, Doug Thompson, Robert Wittenstein, Danny Ross, John Heneghan

The Board of Directors of Fontainebleau Swim and Tennis Club met on September 14, 2010, at our standard meeting held on the second Tuesday of every month.  Among items on the agenda was the relationship this area of Dunwoody has with City of Dunwoody, particularly regarding infrastructure issues, long term planning, and road maintenance.

One issue that was unanimously viewed as needed is the addition of sidewalks in this area of Dunwoody, particularly the road connecting Spalding with Peeler, Happy Hollow Road.  Our membership, of one hundred and twenty seven families, lives on both sides of Happy Hollow and is well aware of the traffic volume and speed issues in that section of Dunwoody.

The route along Happy Hollow would be well suited for walkers, families with strollers, joggers etc. but can not be utilized by the area residents due to the lack of sidewalks.  For their safety, most residents, who do walk, jog etc. take long detours through neighborhoods on both sides of Happy Hollow, avoiding crossing or walking along Happy Hollow.

Parents who have school children with bus stops on Happy Hollow choose to either drive them to school or to a safer bus stop.

We hope that this issue can be addressed in a timely manner. 

The Board of Directors of Fontainebleau Swim and Tennis would like to be informed of the next meeting for updating the rating system for sidewalk and infrastructure funds so that we may present our issues to the appropriate body.  Hopefully, this section of Dunwoody can have equal priority with the other areas on this matter and all future issues for the city.

Thank you,

Christos Kiriazis, President
Fontainebleau Swim and Tennis Club


  1. John. Thanks for thinking of us in Fontainebleau. Dekalb County made a lot of promises to us after the tornado (like fixing all the curbs that the contracts tore up removing debris) but never followed through. I would love to see sidewalks on Happy Hollow. They would be well dogs would be very excited to complete their walk that way!

  2. AJC - Request for sidewalks could mean more trees in Dunwoody

    The neighborhood hit hardest in a tornado 12 years ago is asking Dunwoody leaders for sidewalks but may end up getting trees.

    The board representing the Fontainbleau Swim and Tennis Club has requested the city consider Happy Hollow Road when prioritizing funds for sidewalks throughout the city. The letter notes that 127 families live on either side of the road, which links Spalding and Peeler roads.

    The issue is not yet on a city agenda. However, councilman John Heneghan noted on his personal blog that the city may consider planting trees along the road, both to make up for some lost in the 1998 tornado and to help Dunwoody in its pursuit of a Tree City USA designation.
