Monday, September 27, 2010

Revive 285 Plan now has an interactive mapping tool of what could happen to the Dunwoody area.

Revive285 Maps Virtual Future of I-285 Top End with Interactive Mapping Tool

Pull up the map and zoom all the way in to see what could happen to 285, the intersections around it as well as where the possible new train stations will be.

Chamblee Dunwoody & 285
See the collector lanes leading to Ashford Dunwoody which actually starts east of Chamblee Dunwoody, and the new train station (or bus rapid transit) on the Georgetown Shopping Center.

Georgetown Swim Tennis
Look where the new transit line could go?

Ravinia Train Station & Ashford Dunwoody
GM Plant becomes a Mass Transit Storage Yard?

1 comment:

  1. Their plan must be really far into the future. We found some flying cars in the rendering.
