Saturday, September 18, 2010

Please help me fund community garden beds at St. Pat's Episcopal to feed Dunwoody area food pantry clients.

Can you help me, help others?

As I have discussed here previously St. Patrick's Episcopal Church on North Peachtree Road operates the Malachi's Storehouse which is a food pantry that provides basic groceries to area families in need. The Church has just partnered with the Dunwoody Community Garden (located at Brook Run) to have garden beds installed on church property whereby all of the fresh food grown will be donated to the food pantry.  My good friends Pattie Baker & Bob Lundsten are spearheading the fund raising drive ($1,000 by Wednesday) and I am honored to lend a hand here, as well as make a personal donation. 

All donations made though the Dunwoody Community Garden website until this Wednesday will be assumed to be for the new food pantry beds.  Please click here or click the button below if you are able to make a tax deductible financial donation towards this worthy effort.

Thank you for your generosity.



  1. John: THANK YOU for your donation and for featuring this on your site. FYI, we are currently at $592. Just $408 to go! Any extra $ will go toward critter protection and season extention elements, which are both necessary to maximize production at this garden.

    Also, your link back to the post about this on my blog is broken: for anyone who is interested (the photos of Bob with the children are worth it--and, by the way, the children insisted he be in that group shot with them), just head over to and it's the latest post.

  2. John: Quick update for your readers--we did it! In the last 48 hours, people from Dunwoody as well as our "neighbors" in Chamblee, Roswell, Buford, Suwanee,and Alpharetta donated money toward this effort and we have surpassed our goal. The new garden beds for those in need will be up and growing within two weeks.

    Here in our little city, we are capable of seemingly impossible things, both small and large, when enough of us focus on a common goal.

    THANK YOU to all who donated. Amounts ran from $5 (which buys two packets of seeds, by the way) to $100 (which is half the cost of a cedar bed), with one family giving $18, the Jewish symbolic number for "chai," which means life. It will be hard to see food growing and not think of this.

    Anyone who wants to join our ever-increasing Team Food Pantry (you could be the designated Monday waterer, for instance, at this new little garden), please email me at I'm not sure what the new city branding is going to be, but I'm starting to see an "I Dig Dunwoody!" t-shirt in my future!
