Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Election Results for DeKalb County - Congrats to Nancy Jester and Courtney Johnson



  1. FWIW...

    Nov 2, BOE Dist 1:

    Gillis 1895
    Jester 9192
    Redovian 8945
    Total 20,091

    Today, BOE Dist 1:

    Jester 3482
    Redovian 2806
    Total 6,288

    (better participation than BOE Dist 7, where vote totals went from 18,926 to 2,685 for the run-off -- and a big "Thank You" to the 1,943 Dist 7 voters responsible for ejecting Zepora Roberts)

  2. Steve, Im happy too that Zepora got elected. Thankyou if you helped with her champaign. Election time is fun isnt it?

    Good, shes good. I thought she was behind. District 7 knows a good person and elects them. Im pretty sure she doesnt believe in teaching evolution either.

  3. Sarah has become more entertaining than goofball letters to the editor in The Crier. sarah needs to join DHA

  4. What is the DHA? I think I already belong to Dunwoody Homemakers Assocaition. Is that the one where I get to go to the used book sale a day early at the library?

    You know Im looking through my purse right now and I cant find that card any more. But now Im thinking that card for the library said friends on it. or is that the fiends club for abusing dogs and cats? I joined that club when that Atlanta football player Mathew Vick was killing all those poor dogs.

    Anyway what club is DHA? How much is it to join?

  5. On second thought Sarah, you really need to join the DPT, DWC, the Dunwoody Womans Club.

    from their web site:
    Dunwoody Woman's Club has been serving the community since 1971 and has grown to a membership of more than one hundred fifteen dedicated volunteers. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month, September through May, in the Williams Room of the Dunwoody Library.
    DHA is Homeowners Association, but they are more of a liberal group and littered with infidels. The DWC is a nice Christian group and need great volunteers like yourself.

  6. Thats good. Then the Dunwoody Womans Club wants to take evolution teaching out of the schools too and put in intelligence design teaching instead right? Is this Nancy in that club too? I hope so.

    What is a infidel that you talked about? Those arabic guys? Why are the police not arresting them for littering?

  7. Sarah,

    Are you British? If so, are you my mother?


    I am perplexed. R u fake or real?

  8. I did not know you were talking to me abhinavy until I noticed my name there.

    Sarah Rogue is not my real name. The reason I use that name is because I like to watch all those moneytree videos where people would hang dolar bills from trees and then film to see what people would do.

    Well in one every person took just one dollar from the tree exsept for one lady wearing a Sarah Palin tshirt. This lady took about 15 dollars. But what made me mad was that other people who watch that same film were writing very mean things about that lady and Sarah and Republicans. Saying they were greedy and fat and selfesh.

    If I had ever seen a moneytree I would take more than just one dollar too. I have children and I have to feed them. The way I would do is that I would first grab all the money off the bottom branchs then I would use some of that money to buy a ladder and climb up to the high up branchs and pick those dollars too. My husband told he thought that was a really good idea I have.

    But see because these people wrote such mean things I wrote stuff back but I used my real name and they wrote mean things about my real name. But when I used a artifisal name of Sarah, they stopped. I think maybe they were scared of who I could probably be.

    Thats all bye.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sarah,

    Lol lol lol lol lol.

    Makes sense. i was just wondering, since in almost every post there is smething wrong. Zepora got elected, homemakers association, in the 20th century (epic Chick fil a debate).

    I wasn't sure if you were joking or not. I decided that no one can be tha stupid, even though we are below Hungury and Estonia in math and science respectively. So the only possibility is that you were doing it on purpose. Hence you have british humour.

    au revoir

  11. I woke up this morning abhinav and I read your comment. You have ruined my day.

    My family and church do not think I am stupid. I may not write as good as you but my husband said that you have mistakes in what you had writen too but I dont call you stupid.

    I do not like mean people. Goodbye.

  12. Why did you insist on Sacha Baron Cohen breaking character? You know he never does. Now I must vanish, but you be transcendent!

    (तुम ऐसी एक वरदान होने के लिए धन्यवाद :
    Thank you for being such a blessing)

    (एक अच्छा जीवन है : Have a good life!)

  13. Sarah,

    Thanks for translating (I have never lived in India, so i am not sure if its hindi or sanskrit). With my current karma I don't think i'll be a brahmin much longer, but oh well.

    A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury- John Stewert Mill

    Brilliant quote by a member of the worlds first liberatrian party. I have done my duty by bringing up the Arab comment, looks like my jobhere is done.

  14. BTW, it's Hindi.

    Yes, you performed your job with character, as I performed my task of highlighting via a virtual doppelganger some of the more ignorant comments I actually heard a few of the more benighted members of the community utter.

    It is good to see that there are still good and intelligent people out there like you. Shalom.
