Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Atlanta Regional Commission recognizes Dunwoody as a Certified Green Community

Fifteen local governments -- nine cities and six counties – are certified under the Green Communities program for implementing policies and practices that reduce their overall environmental impact. Below is Dunwoody's information about its green initiatives and here is a link to see what the other fifteen communities are doing.

City of Dunwoody

Certified December 2010
City of Dunwoody encourages green building by offering expedited permitting reviews for projects that achieve LEED, EnergyStar, EarthCraft, or WaterSense for New Homes certification or include the installation of solar projects or pervious paving materials. Purchasing policies give preference to environmentally friendly goods and services, including recycled content paper, folders, and other paper goods, green cleaning products. The city has also replaced disposable goods with products that are re-usable, recyclable, or compostable. The green fleet policy provides preference to the purchase of alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles. So far, 34 flex fuel police vehicles have been purchased. Curbside recycling is available to all residents and commercial customers for paper, plastics, and metal and glass containers. Through the Safe Routes to Schools Program, the city works with the five elementary schools in Dunwoody to improve the walking and biking environment around the schools and increase the number of students that bike and walk to school. The Dunwoody Sustainability Commission, established in 2008, has developed a public awareness and education campaign on Dunwoody’s sustainability efforts through the use of brochures, business cards, stickers, T-shirts, and social networking.

Description of all of Dunwoody's sustainability measures (pdf)

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