Monday, November 1, 2010

Georgetown Master Plan Meeting - Wednesday evening 7 p.m. at Peachtree Charter Middle School

Georgetown get ready to work just as hard as the Dunwoody Village Residents.

The City of Dunwoody will be hosting the third of four community meeting to discuss the Georgetown / North Shallowford area on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Peachtree Charter Middle School cafeteria which is located at 4664 North Peachtree Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338.

The meeting is part of the development of a Master Plan for the Georgetown area, which will provide a framework to guide land use, transportation, and open space improvements in the future. At this third meeting, the conceptual master plan will be reviewed and discussed.  Your input is needed to define issues and alternatives, prioritize plan elements, and inform the implementation/action plan.


  1. I do not understand this. Why would Dunwoody citizens want to discuss Georgetown University?

    Shouldn't we be discussing our elementary schools, the middle school, or Dunwoody High School? Or if we want to discuss a college, wouldn't Georgia Perimeter College be more relatives?

    Do lots of Dunwoody citizens have children that go to Georgetown University? Then I can understand that, if that is true.

  2. you are a hoot Sarah. So clever in your words.

  3. Thank you Bob. Some of my neighbors had suggested that with my passion for politics and eloquent that I should run for Dunwoody mayor next election.

    Your kind comments here and with the Tea Party victorys on Tuesday I am getting encouraged to maybe to that. Thank you again.
