Monday, November 1, 2010

Wednesday's DCPC Meeting - Mrs Ramona Tyson revisits Dunwoody to discuss redistricting.


WHEN:  Weds., Nov. 3, 2010, 9:15am (refreshments start at 8:45am)
WHERE:  Dunwoody Elementary School, 1923 Womack Road, Dunwoody, GA  30338
WHO:  Mrs. Ramona Tyson, Interim Superintendent, DeKalb County School System (DCSS)
WHAT:  2020 Vision - Master Plan for School Consolidation and Redistricting
Va mos a tener interprete presente (we will have a Spanish interpreter present). All guests are welcome!


  1. Good turn out for this meeting. Overheard the principals in the back corner saying that they think it is a bad idea to move kids again for redistricting and consolidation.

  2. the principals work for us, not the other way around.

    If it were up to the principals they would have a school for each level. If given the chance teachers and principals would like Vandy to be all Kindergarten, Austin all 1st graders, Chesnut all 2nd grade, etc.

    It does make it easier for management of the institution to have one or two grades level, but I think there are many negatives (for kids and families) having the grades segregated.

  3. Rick - not sure how the principals casually mentioning to one another that redistricting is a bad idea turned into "the principals work for us" and "if it were up to the principals they would have a school for each level."

    I don't believe the principals are telling the board or the parents what to do, instead, like you, simply voicing an opinion.

    And with that, a thumbs up to Noel Maloof, who in my humble opinion, has done a great job at Vanderlyn!

  4. Bob,

    I hear great things about Vandy principal. No issue there for me. Vandy is a great school. So is Austin, Dun Elem, Chesnut, Kingsley, etc.

    I am just saying that Dunwoody need not keep some 4th and 5th graders segregated just because a couple of principals tell us so.

    No one has shown me anything that proves a K-3 is better than a K-5, and no one has shown me that a 4th 5th grade academy (keeping Kingsley kids out) is great for Dunwoody.

    I taught in public schools, have a post-bac degree in education, have home schooled, blah blah blah. I've been in the classroom, teaching kids from various backgrounds at one of the most diverse middle schools in the state. I don't accept an off the cuff remark by a principal as gospel, and no one else should.

    Just sayin' that just because a couple principals whispered they are opposed to redistricting that we take their advice and not go back to the K-5 format.

    I know certain people will fight redistricting until the end of time because they are afraid of the unknown.

    I am still waiting to hear from a Vandy parent telling me at what point redistricting makes sense. 200%, 250%? Can Vandy be a K-2? How about Kindergarten and 1st grade only? Is that what you want? How about triple-decker trailers with lunch served at 9:50 AM? Is that what Dunwoody residents deserve?

    Why are people afraid of having their kids at a new $20 million K-5 school on Womack?

  5. Rick,
    I anxiously await redistricting. Done correctly, it will work for everyone!

  6. Feel pretty sure it is fear of the known, not fear of the unknown. The issue is with how the lines are drawn.
