Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Video of the June 13, 2011 Dunwoody City Council Meeting - Parks and Parks Bond

Bond Referendum Discussion 00:34:20 - 01.19.00
Parks Plan Discussion and Ratification 01.19.01 - 02:07:00

Truck Routes Start of Video 2 -09.50
PCID Livable Centers Initiative 10 year update 11:50
       Council Questions to LCI plan 31:00 - 37:40

I am sure others will be reporting on this meeting but here is my 2 second recap.  I have marked some of the time stamps above if you are interested in watching the video for specific topics or discussions.

Bond Referendum proposal still at 1.5 mils (.75 acquisition and .75 development) with a public hearing and council vote next week on June 20th.  Parks plan was ratified as proposed with the addition of a 100 yd x 50 yd multi-use field in the back of Brook Run with baseball staying at Dunwoody Park until a better location can be found.  PCID LCI document has a residential goal to match (to a specific ratio) housing units to jobs in the Perimeter Center area.  Shade may be coming to Brook Run playgrounds by end of Summer. Voting districts to be redistricted as proposed by City Attorney.  2011 ad valorem tax rate for the City of Dunwoody stays exactly the same as the day of incorporation.

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