Thursday, August 18, 2011

Agenda for August 22nd Dunwoody City Council Meeting

Monday, August 22nd
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
6:00 p.m. Work Session - No Video
7:00 p.m.Watch Live

Agenda & full city packet


  1. Yo John--
    Why is the writing of an ordinance being hired out via RFP? Why isn't the council/staff doing it internally?

  2. Here's my take: Since the business model of the City is to contract out most non-Public Safety functions and most of the "staff" is contract, it would stand to reason that you would request proposals for a major code rewrite. If rewriting the ordinance/zoning code is not in the scope of work for our Community Development contractor, then you have to RFP the "new" work.

  3. Sorry for delay, busy weekend and then storm knocked out internet.

    Waterman is correct, large 3 year undertaking with lots of public meetings which is well above the expertise of the current contract.
