Sunday, August 7, 2011

DeKalb School's start on Monday - Be Safe

The following post was written by my friend Cerebration at the DeKalb County School Watch Blog and since it was perfectly written, I am sharing it here to remind everyone that school starts Monday and we all need to be extra careful.  Thanks.

I saw the buses out practicing their routes the other day and I thought, "Oh, Lord, it's still too hot!" And it is too hot. We have had bad news lately about student athletes falling victim to heat exhaustion, even dying. Please be careful in this heat. Pay close attention to your own body's signals and pay attention to the condition of your teammates. Don't push yourselves (no matter what anyone says.)

Also, below is a safety message from Dunwoody Police Chief Grogan - it's important and appropriate for everyone to read:

The start of the new school year presents many challenges; for students; teachers; parents; and for the police department. Our primary concern as the new year begins, of course, is the safety of our students. The first few weeks will be hectic. I expect traffic to be extremely congested around all of the schools with parents taking students to school, school buses in action and the general motoring public trying to get where they are going. Of course, the sidewalks will be filled with walkers as well. In some instances, this can be a recipe for disaster.

To that end, the Dunwoody Police Department will be stepping up our traffic enforcement efforts around all of our schools. We are bringing in additional officers to help with this effort. Our #1 priority is the safety of our children. We will not tolerate careless and reckless driving on the part of anyone. This includes teachers, students, bus drivers, parents and anyone else. If you commit a violation, expect to receive a citation.

Of course we hope everyone will obey the law and there will be no need to issue any tickets. For that to happen, we need your help and cooperation. Here are a few key ways each of you can help.

  • Leave earlier for work, school or wherever you are going. Motorists tend to speed more when they are running late.
  • Be courteous. You can’t control the actions of others but you can control your actions.
  • Stop at the stop signs. You will not gain any time at all by rolling through them.
  • Give pedestrians the right of way, especially in a cross walk.
  • Expect delays, especially during the first few weeks, and plan accordingly.
  • Pay attention. Accidents happen in many cases due to driver inattention. Don’t talk on your phone, text, eat, fix your hair or do anything else except drive. 
  • Drive like your life and the life of others depends on your driving because they do.
  • I think if I asked, everyone would agree that the safety of our children as they travel to, attend and travel home from school is extremely important. Please show you agree by driving safely as the new school year begins. 
 Be safe.

My uncle was a state highway patrolman. Every time he had to investigate an accident it took a little piece of his heart. Our police officers care deeply about our safety. Please don't give them a reason to have to fill out any accident reports. Slow down. Put away your phones. Be kind to others on the road.

Kids: remember - be yourself, do your best and work hard to make the best of the gifts God gave you! Like the side of the barn at the Spruill Gallery says, "Everything will be OK."

Here's to a great year!

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