Monday, August 8, 2011

Video of the August 8th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

1 comment:

  1. Tonight was a work session therefore no official votes were taken. We discussed impact fees on new development and each council member will be looking for someone from the community to serve on a committee, so reach out to me and others if you are interested, though I already have someone in mind as my nominee.

    Complete Streets will be brought up for a vote at the next meeting as there was universal agreement in principal.

    The next item was the crosswalk now being proposed at Stonington & Tilly Mill which went off on a tangent because the crosswalk being proposed is located just within the City of Doraville. I believe that safety and roadway improvements should be made in this area because of the direct impact on our citizen's lives and other council members are disagreeing with me because of where the jurisdictional city line is located. I am still exploring a possible transfer of services by Doraville police for the paving improvements paid by Dunwoody, as well as a way out there idea of the City of Doraville transferring the ownership of the street (they have a hard time maintaining) to the City of Dunwoody. Basically I am still exploring all options and I will be posting something in the coming week on this issue.

    Most of this evening centered around 911 and the impending transfer of services away from DeKalb to Chattcom in early October. Councilman Ross voted against this item in March and is now raising concerns over an aspect of the enhanced coordination of dispatch, though important, does not raise to the level of delaying the switchover for me. The possible several month delay of this CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) to CAD transfer for Fire and EMS will necessitate Chattcom using a one button transfer to DeKalb 911 just as Chamblee and Doraville 911 currently uses. The immediate service improvements for our police dispatch still has me sold on the switch.

    AJC - Dunwoody to move forward with 911 switch

