Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dunwoody Farmhouse goes Blue for Autism Awareness Day - thank you to the Dunwoody Preservation Trust

Thank you to the Dunwoody Preservation Trust for taking part in the "Light it up Blue" observance of World Autism Awareness Day. This effort is intended to shed some light on a disorder that affects tens of millions worldwide. Here in the U.S., 1 in 88 children are diagnosed (1 in 54 boys and 1 in 252 girls). You can read about it at www.lightitupblue.org .

A special thank you to Sam Portis (portisbuilding.com) and Erik Christensen of (bulldogmovers.net) for following through to make this happen, as well as Tom McGurk for your leadership!!!  Though these gentlemen are very busy with final preparations for Lemonade Days, which is our communities biggest event, they had time to recognize a segment of our community that needs a light shown upon them.

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