Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Do you know of any good candidates for the City of Dunwoody? Please urge them to run.

Three voting districts with 2 reps each.

The Citizens for Dunwoody committee with whom I serve on the board, is now looking to be prepared if the city charter passes the referendum.

If we vote to form a city on July 15th, there will be less than a month for talented people within the community to run for office and organize their respective campaigns. Toward that end Citizens for Dunwoody has funded creation of a website at:

The site shows what is involved in running for either Mayor or city council. We ask that you forward this email to your friends and associates who live in Dunwoody to encourage them and/or their friends to consider running for office. If they are interested, the website will give them a head start on knowing what is involved in organizing a campaign. Potential candidates may need some time to weigh whether to run, and the site is designed to give them access to information that may prove helpful in organizing a campaign, should the vote on July15th create a city of Dunwoody.

In addition, we wish to spread the word that should there is a positive vote on July 15th, there will be a forum held at the Dunwoody Library on Saturday July 19th (from 9AM to Noon) for anyone interested in learning more about being a candidate for elective office. At the forum, we will review the information presented on the website and have a Q&A session with a panel of successful candidates from Sandy Springs, Milton, and Johns Creek.

A very special thanks to volunteer Rick Otness for spearheading & organizing this piece of Citizens for Dunwoody’s educational initiatives.

Best regards,

Ken Wright
Citizens For Dunwoody

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