Monday, July 7, 2008

Expect Fireworks at DeKalb BOC Meeting on Tuesday

Remember that only Vernon Jones sets the agenda of all DeKalb BOC meetings.

A resolution to Support Legal Action against the Incorporation of the City of Dunwoody was placed on the agenda for this Tuesday, right before the Democratic primary which will decide the race for DeKalb CEO. This matter is politically charged and was probably placed on the agenda not because Mr. Jones wants to take expensive legal action against the State of Georgia for the City of Dunwoody’s creation, but because it could be used as a wedge issue dividing the County in half. If that is the case, it will probably be played as North DeKalb vs. South DeKalb, and sadly probably also along racial lines too. The Justice Department has already ruled on the matter therefore the pending lawsuit has no merit, or it would have gone forward months ago.

Now ask yourself, who set the agenda item and why? Who running for office does it help and who does it hurt? Is this action politically motivated, I think so?

DeKalb politics is a grand blood sport where power and influence is often wielded to attack their political foes. If only the same amount of energy were put towards making DeKalb a better place to work and live, we would all be better off. Unfortunately this is DeKalb County, change is slow and the referendum for SB 52 which limits the CEO’s power doesn’t come up for election until November.

Immediately following the Dunwoody lawsuit item on the agenda is a third contract extension for Brook Run Park and the last time I checked the work at the park was completed and checked off by Parks Department. So why is the contract being extended? For what work and for how much? The last time they extended the contract it was for only an additional $500,000 on top of the original $1.3 million dollar bid.

I have already made inquiries and it looks like another open records request may have to be made.

JULY 8, 2008


E1. Resolution to Support Legal Action against the Incorporation of the City of Dunwoody

Parks & Recreation
E2. Change Order No. 3 to Contract No. 07-900545 with Dore & Associates Contracting, Inc. Demolition of Designated Structures at Brook Run Park

1 comment:

  1. The BOC went behind closed doors into Executive Session to "discuss" the lawsuit and an hour and a half later, without the votes to go forward the matter decided to allow the proposal to run its normal course of review and was tabled until the next meeting.

    By the time of that meeting, Dunwoody residents would have already voted on cityhood and a new CEO would have been chosen.

    AJC Article
