Monday, January 28, 2013

Dunwoody Mayor announces Krystal Corporate HQ move and city passes False Alarm Ordinance - video

Recap: Three new police officers were sworn in, Mayor Davis announces Krystal Corporate Headquarters moving to Dunwoody, everything on agenda passed as submitted except that a minor change was made to the Alarm Ordinance prior to final approval. Only alarms that are registered with an alarm monitoring company are now required to be registered with the City.  There is no registration fee for residential alarms ($25 for commercial alarms) but other fees kick in for failing to register and numerous false alarms where police are called out.

Dunwoody High offering Girls Jr. Volleyball Camp

Application form.

Girls Rising 4th - 8th graders
March 11 - March 27th (each Mon & Wed)
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Dunwoody High School
$95.00 per player

Click application form for more details.

Friday, January 25, 2013

St. Luke's Tartan Trot 5k & 10k race - Sat Feb 2nd


There are 3 ways to register for the Tartan Trot:
  1. Apply online at
  2. Download (PDF, 2.5 MB) registration form and mail in to St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church.
  3. Register in person at one of the 6 Big Peach Running Company locations:

    Big Peach Stores will continue registration through Monday, Jan. 28. You may also register in person at St. Luke's during packet pickup time on Feb. 1, 12-8pm.

Dr. John Barge, Georgia State School Superintendent to speak to Dunwoody

Dr. John Barge, Georgia State School Superintendent

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Time: Meeting @ 9:15-10:30 AM (Refreshments @ 8:45 AM)
Meeting Location: Peachtree Charter Middle School
Speaker: Dr. John Barge, Georgia State School Superintendent

Peachtree Charter Middle School is located at 4664 North Peachtree Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338

The entire calendar for DCPS can be located by clicking HERE.

DCPC meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month (unless noted otherwise), starting with refreshments at 8:45 am. The meeting starts at 9:15 am. and ends by 10:30 A.M. Meetings are held at various public venues within the Dunwoody Chamblee area. Meetings are open, and topics are geared toward the interests of parents and guardians with children in Dunwoody and Chamblee schools in the Dekalb County School District. There is no charge for attendance. All Parents are encouraged to attend.

For more information, go to

Dunwoody Dash for Austin Elem - March 16th

Are you Ready to Fly Like an Eagle at the 12th Dunwoody Dash?

Register to Run today!!

Corporate and Family Sponsors are appreciated to support our playground and play space for the children.

This race is open to everyone in the community in support of Austin Elementary

There is something for everyone, a 5K, 1 Mile and a tot trot at Austin Elementary. Race day is March 16th at 8:30 am.

Come join the fun!

Click here for Sponsorship and Registration Information.

Agenda for January 28th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

Monday, January 28th
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
6:00 p.m. - Work (Exec) Session


Administer Oath of Office to Newly Hired Police Officers Brian Kiel, Terrell Styles and John

Recognition of Court Administrator Trina Gallien for Attaining her Bachelor of Science Degree
in Criminal Justice from Troy University.

Approval of Amendment of City Position Allocation and Compensation Chart Related to SalaryRanges.

Approval of Addendum to Sentinel Offender Services, L.L.C. Contract to Adjust ProbationFees.

Resolution to Join GIRMA Membership for Workers' Compensation.

Authorize the City Manager to Pay the DeKalb Municipal Association Fiscal Year 2013Assessment.

SECOND READ: Ordinance to Amend City of Dunwoody Purchasing Policy.

SECOND READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 24 to Adopt Regulations Governing FalseAlarms in the City of Dunwoody.

Resolution Adopting and Approving False Alarm Fees.

Resolution Appointing Community Council Members. (Debbie Montgomery, Sam Verniero)

Resolution Appointing Development Authority Members. (Jeff Ackemann, Jim Gaddis, Robert Miller)

Resolution Appointing Board of Zoning Appeals Members. (Bill McCahan, Kristin Wescott & Gerri Penn)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Mayor Davis guest server at O'Brien's, other Monday activities and other misc items.

Ales, Lagers & Pilsners - Oh My!

Come wrap up your MLK Jr. holiday weekend with us as the Mayor of Dunwoody, Mike Davis, guest bartends at our neighborhood pub, O'Brian's, serving it up to benefit LLS!

Who: Dunwoody Community
What: "Fun"raiser for LLS (Leukemia Lymphoma Society) and its Team in Training
Where: O'Brian's Tavern
When: January 21, 2013 - 6-9PM (MLK Jr. Day)
Why: LLS shares its research with ALL cancers ~ we all benefit!
In of honor patients battling and strong survivors; In Memory of Past Fighters

Join Chesnut on MLK Day for a Bowling Spirit Day, $10.00 buys bowling and shoes from 2 to 5 pm with $5.00 going back to Chesnut!   300 Atlanta, 2175 Savoy Drive

Yellow River Game Ranch: $1 Admission on MLK Day, January 21, 2013

Atlanta History Center: Free Admission on January 21, 2013

Dunwoody Zoning and Land Development Code Rewrite - Jan 24th

Dunwoody resident cooks up gourmet jams

Pebble Tossers - Jen Guynn Teaching kids volunteerism can have a ripple effect

DeKalb (Dunwoody) Charter Schools Annual Report - (Chesnut, Kingsley & PCMS)

Chesnut Boosterthon FunRun Coming Soon

Congratulations to the PCMS Academic Quiz Bowl team for winning Regional and headed to State competition!

Dunwoody Baseball Highlights 2012 - 30 min video

My blog stats tell me that people are looking for the 2013 - 2014 DeKalb County School Calender.

Mark your Calenders - Dunwoody Garden Club's 2013 Bridge Party, Luncheon, and Silent Auction to be held 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 19 in the Fellowship Hall at Dunwoody United Methodist Church. Tickets are still only $20.00 for the annual event. Proceeds of the silent auction are used to support the club's many gardening initiatives that benefit our community.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

DeKalb County to Hold Public Informational Meeting tonight at Dunwoody High

Wed, January 16, 2013
Dunwoody High School
6:30 to 8pm

Every five years, school districts across the state submit a list of schools to participate in the state capital outlay program. The DeKalb County School District is completing an application for funding that requires a list of its schools and shows that the DeKalb County "Proposed School Organization" meets the state requirements. It is not a redistricting plan.

In January, DCSD planning staff will revise its briefing to focus the community's understanding on DeKalb's list of schools and minimize any discussion of boundary changes. This list of schools will incorporate the new schools added under the SPLOST IV capital program.

The staff briefing in January will clarify that a list of schools is all that is needed to begin the state application process. The list of schools does not require any information about boundary lines. Consequently, the proposed school organization is not a redistricting plan but a list of school facilities the district expects to operate in the out years. This list is used to determine the state's award for capital project funding.

The meeting with the DCSD on January 16 will discuss this application process and the school district's submission.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dunwoody passes resolution for Ethics Ordinance Moratorium

Monday was a long night with much City Council discussion and just one vote; whereby we put into place a 90 day moratorium on the filing of ethics complaints and this was done to only change the way these items are handled, not to change the ethical rules in which we strive to operate.  Much of the discussion on ethics took place at the 6 pm meeting shown below and that is also where the 911 CAD to CAD item was again updated.  It was brought out in open discussion in the work session and the main meeting that there is another recent ethics charge that the city is dealing with and that we will follow the original ethics ordinance in its handling.

Work Session 6 pm - poor sound quality

Council discussed numerous other things like the alarm ordinance, court probation fees, the City purchasing policy and other things whereby there were either no or very minor changes to what was presented.  Council decided the next big intersection to be funded for complete design plans will be Vermack / Mt. Vernon with the intersection of Chamblee Dunwoody / Spalding receiving just preliminary design funding along with outreach with the community and Sandy Springs.

My video limit is 3 hours per recording, therefore a second and much shorter video clip was needed to record the complete meeting.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Is this the best option for Chamblee Dunwoody & Spalding?

Click above for full analysis.

The intersection of Spalding Drive with Chamblee-Dunwoody Road, Spender Trace, and Spalding Club Court has some significant challenges. Citizens of both the City of Dunwoody and the City of Sandy Springs have expressed concerns about the safety of the southbound left turn from Spalding Drive onto Chamblee-Dunwoody Road.

This intersection is currently a five-leg signalized intersection. Spalding Drive is the main street and the two neighborhood streets are split phased from one another. Chamblee-Dunwoody Road operates as an exclusive phase. This intersection has no turn lanes or pedestrian facilities.

The intersection operates in a less than optimal fashion. The split phase operation on the neighborhood streets introduces delay which is particularly realized when there are detection failures. The southbound left turn from Spalding Drive to Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd has no left turn lane and tight visibility. Modifications are worth considering for the benefit of both the Cities of Dunwoody and Sandy Springs.

Several alternatives have been evaluated to improve the safety of the intersection. As outlined in the study linked above, diverting the traffic to another intersection and closing Chamblee-Dunwoody Road (as shown in the drawing) should provide the most benefit for the cost. Providing a southbound left turn signal phase (Alternative C in the operational analysis) is the next most cost effective option, but does not fully resolve the southbound left turn concerns.

DeKalb School Board Member Nancy Jester wants to change the game on DeKalb Accreditation.

My fellow citizens, along with the challenges presented by probation, comes opportunity.  We can either leverage that opportunity to fundamentally change and reinvent education in DeKalb or things will remain the same.  The board or administration can be removed but the deep systemic problems will continue, and possibly worsen in the short term, despite the false hope this action might give.  The persistent and intractable problems that have plagued DeKalb for more than a decade will erupt again.  Look at the outcomes where accreditation and various state actions have temporarily given relief and hope; only to see the systems plunge right back into the same quicksand.  But there is a way out.

Here are my solutions:
  1. Consent Decree – The current or newly appointed DeKalb Board must enter into a consent decree with the State that contains provisions for addressing the “required actions” in the AdvancED report. This decree must do more than offer a weak promise to implement yet another plan and another round of stakeholder engagement meetings.  It must demand that DeKalb reinvent the way public education is delivered and governed.  The consent decree must demand that we push governance and autonomy to each individual school or cluster of schools.  This approach is called The Portfolio Strategy.  Using the Portfolio Strategy approach:
    •    The district can meet the required actions listed in the AdvancED report and ensure that the district retains accreditation;
    •    Design a new governance system that minimizes the risk and footprint of financial malfeasance;
    •    Eliminates the governance, policy and advocacy conflicts that entangle all layers of the district and;
    •    Provides a robust and authentic community engagement process that yields results to meet the unique demands of a diverse set of communities.
  2. Georgia needs to adopt a model for accrediting schools and/or districts based on the merits of their work.  Accreditation should not be linked to anything but results for children and prudent financial management for the taxpayers.  The state of Texas does this and we can too.  Check out the value the Texas Education Agency adds to their systems.  The state continually monitors and works with their systems and does not cede their oversight role.  It is a transparent system based on student results and financial stability.  Read how Texas determines accreditation for schools and districts.  And, it has generated results.  Read the news on their graduation rates.
The Texas model has worked.
•    Number 1 with Asian students with a graduation rate of 95 percent. (Georgia 79%)
•    Number 1 for white students with a graduation rate of 92 percent. (Georgia 76%)
•    Tied for 1 with a graduation rate of 81 percent for African-American students. (Georgia 60%)
•    Has the 3rd highest graduation rate for all students with a rate of 86 percent. (Georgia 67%)
•    Number 2 for Hispanic students with a graduation rate of 82 percent, behind only Maine. (Georgia 58%)
•    Number 2 for children with disabilities who graduate at a rate of 77 percent. Only South Dakota had a higher rate.  (Georgia 30%)
•    Number 2 for economically-disadvantaged students who graduate at a rate of 84 percent, behind only South Dakota. (Georgia 59%)
•    Number 26 for limited English proficient students who have a graduation rate of 58 percent. Those who become proficient in English are removed from the limited English proficient category. (Georgia 32%)

The Portfolio District
According to the Center for Reinventing Public Education, “A growing number of urban districts including New York City, New Orleans, Chicago, Denver, Hartford, and Baltimore are pursuing the portfolio strategy. The portfolio strategy is a continuous improvement model for districts that aims to dramatically affect student outcomes at scale. The strategy, built around 7 key components, creates diverse options for families in disadvantaged neighborhoods by opening new high-performing, autonomous schools; giving all schools control of budgeting and hiring; and holding schools accountable to common performance standards.”  Most recently, the Cleveland Plan has been set in motion to reimagine and improve public education.  Click here to read about their plan.

The Portfolio District strategy acknowledges the realities and complexities of a large, diverse community.  The strategy allows the district to jettison the notions of “one size fits all” and “top down” implementation of policy, procedures, curriculum, hiring and more.  This model removes the intractable governance issues by changing the function of the district from a unit responsible for all policy, budgeting, curriculum, HR decisions, etc. to a purely supportive role.  Schools and communities around the district are given autonomy and then held accountable for their results.  The district would simply be a conduit for funding and could provide other services at the request of individual schools.  Innovative districts around the nation are using this strategy.  You can read more about it by visiting the website of The Center on Reinventing Public Education.

The Portfolio District strategy also establishes a partnership with the community, business leaders and foundations.  This public-private partnership helps guide the implementation of the strategy; ensuring that all communities receive the choices and support they need.  This partnership is critical to reestablishing credibility with the citizens and parents.  It will provide for authentic stakeholder engagement that will yield the results each community wants; rather than the false hope of surveys, task forces and commissions long ignored.

Parents, teachers, citizens, I hope that you will join with me in asserting your ownership of the school district.  For too long, the bureaucrats have controlled and affected your communities while your voice carried little authority to demand change.  The mantra of accountability sadly has held almost no one to account.  Don’t let this opportunity leave us with false hope.  Let’s leverage this situation to bring about meaningful reform in DeKalb and our state.

Please join me in asking The State Board of Education and Governor Deal to return power to the parents and the school communities.  If we don’t make this structural change now, I fear that we’ll limp along with ambiguous plans to “do better” or with a new board that either plays the same game or gets rolled by the educrats.  You deserve a seat at the table that determines how your school is run.  You know what is best for your child and you should have a governance system that allows you to use the tools, strategy, calendar, schedules, budgets and staffing models that work best for your specific community.

Please request that the State Board and Governor decree that DCSD must take immediate steps to begin converting our district into a Portfolio District.  Ask them to study the Texas model for accreditation.  If you agree with my approach, let them know.  Let’s use this opportunity to take back our schools, empower parents and give every child in DeKalb the education they deserve. 

Stage Door Players is hosting a Mardi Gras Masked Ball

A Fundraising Event for Stage Door Players - Join us for Masks and Merriment!
Holiday Inn Perimeter - Centennial Ballroom
4386 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta 30341
7:00 - Midnight

Silent Auction, Seated Dinner, Strolling Entertainment and Dancing til Midnight
Regular tickets - $75.00 VIP Tickets $100.00
Holiday Inn Special Room Rates Available
Call 770-396-1726 option #5 for reservations and information

Donate Your Used Books to Kingsley Charter School and Mark Your Calendar for the Book Bonanza Sale

If you would like to donate books, please drop books off at Kingsley Elementary School or contact Kendra Hoey for pickup (  Kingsley is located at: 2051 Brendon Drive,  Dunwoody, GA 30338.  Boxes for your book donations are located in the foyer of the school.

H/T to Dunwoody Mom at

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Updated Dunwoody Agenda - Ethics Moratorium & Intersection Improvement Choices added for Monday

Monday, January 14th
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
6:00 p.m. - Work Session
Discussion of Ethics Ordinance. (new)
Discussion of 90 day Ethics Ordinance Moratorium  (new)

Voting Meeting Agenda 7 PM (new)

Proclamation Honoring the 2012 Sustainable Hero. (Tom Lambert)
Sustainability 2012 Year Review.
Dunwoody Village Main Street Project Update.
Discussion of Intersection Improvement Projects (new)
-  Chamblee Dunwoody & Spalding and Mt. Vernon / Vermack suggested.
FIRST READ: Regulations Governing False Alarms in the City of Dunwoody
Discussion of City Position Allocation and Compensation Chart Related to Salary Ranges.
Discussion of Sentinel Offender Services, L.L.C. Contract to Adjust Probation Fees.
FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend City of Dunwoody Purchasing Policy.
Discussion of Resolution to Join GIRMA Membership for Workers' Compensation.
Discussion of Award of Brook Run Video Surveillance System Contract to Iron Sky, Inc.
Discussion of Board Appointments. (docs below from Dec10)
- Board of Ethics Members. (Janet Webb & Wade Wright)
- Community Council Members. (Steve Barton & Susan Harper)
- Development Authority Members. (Augustine, Gaddis, Miller)
- Planning Commission Members. (Anders, Converse, Dwyer)
- Board of Zoning Appeals Members. (McCahan, Mitchell, Penn)
Discussion of Ethics Ordinance. (new)
Resolution for Ethics Ordinance Moratorium. (new)
Discussion of a Parks and Recreation Board.
Discussion of DeKalb Municipal Association Dues.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Northside Hospital job fair Wed Jan 16 to fill more than 500 positions.

Northside Hospital will hold a job fair next week to fill more than 500 positions. 
The event will be held 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Wednesday, at 5601 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, the former Marriott Courtyard. The site is across the street from Northside Hospital.   Northside seeks candidates for new and existing positions. Nursing, allied health and support professionals are needed, a press statement said.  Candidates should bring their resumes and be prepared to meet with recruiters and hiring managers.

Positions in the following areas are available:
• Oncology Nursing
• Surgical Services (OR/PACU Nursing, Instrument Tech)
• Women’s Services
• Med/Surg Nursing
• Patient Access & Business Office
• Food Service
• Environmental Services
• Cardiology Nursing
• ICU/ED Nursing (Intensive Care/ICU, Emergency)
More information can be found online at

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Agenda for January 14th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

Monday, January 14th
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
6:00 p.m. - Work Session
Agenda (my comments in RED)

Update on the CAD-to-CAD Interface Project.
Proclamation Honoring the 2012 Sustainable Hero. (Tom Lambert)
FIRST READ: Regulations Governing False Alarms in the City of Dunwoody
Dunwoody Village Main Street Project Update.
Discussion of City Position Allocation and Compensation Chart Related to Salary Ranges.
Discussion of Sentinel Offender Services, L.L.C. Contract to Adjust Probation Fees.
FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend City of Dunwoody Purchasing Policy.
Discussion of Resolution to Join GIRMA Membership for Workers' Compensation.
Discussion of Award of Brook Run Video Surveillance System Contract to Iron Sky, Inc.
Discussion of Board Appointments. (docs below from Dec10)
- Board of Ethics Members. (Janet Webb & Wade Wright)
- Community Council Members. (Steve Barton & Susan Harper)
- Development Authority Members. (Augustine, Gaddis, Miller)
- Planning Commission Members. (Anders, Converse, Dwyer)
- Board of Zoning Appeals Members. (McCahan, Mitchell, Penn)
Discussion of Ethics Ordinance.
Discussion of a Parks and Recreation Board.
Discussion of DeKalb Municipal Association Dues.
Discussion of Intersection Improvement Projects

Interested in serving on the Dunwoody City Council?

2013 Election Information
The City of Dunwoody will conduct a general election on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 for the purpose of electing three (3) members of City Council. The City Council posts to be voted on are Post 1, Post 2, and Post 3. The qualifying fee for the office of City Council is $360.00 (three hundred sixty dollars), which is 3% of the total gross salary of the preceding year (Georgia Election Code 21-2-131). The qualifying dates will be Monday, August 26, 2013 through Friday, August 30, 2013. The hours of qualifying will be from 8:30am to 4:30pm and shall be conducted in the Office of the City Clerk (Georgia Election Code 21-2-132).  
The last day for voter registration in the 2013 Municipal General Election and, if necessary, Runoff Election, is Monday, October 7, 2013.  Registration forms are available at Dunwoody City Hall, 41 Perimeter Center East, Suite 250, Dunwoody, Georgia 30346, through the Chief Registrar of DeKalb County, Georgia or through the Georgia Secretary of State website:

The polls will open for the November 5, 2013 Municipal General Election at 7:00 a.m. and will close at 7:00 p.m. at your designated voter precinct.  If no candidate receives a majority vote, then a runoff election will be held on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at the same precinct locations. 

2013 Candidate Information
The qualifying period opens on Monday, August 26, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. and closes on Friday, August 30, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. The hours of qualifying each day are 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Any person desiring to run for office shall qualify in the Office of the City Clerk (Georgia Election Code 21-2-132).
The qualifying fee for a Council post is $360.00 (three hundred sixty dollars), which is 3% of the total gross salary of the preceding year (Georgia Election Code 21-2-131).
The qualifications to run for office include: candidate must be a resident of the City of Dunwoody for a continuous period of at least 12 months immediately prior to the date of the election; candidate must continue to reside in the City of Dunwoody during their period of service; candidate must continue to be registered and qualified to vote in the municipal elections for the City of Dunwoody. 
In addition, no person will be eligible to serve as a Council Member representing a council district unless that person has been a resident of the district they seek to represent for a continuous period of at least six months immediately prior to the date of the election and continues to reside in their district during their period of service.
For questions or for more information please contact Sharon Lowery, City Clerk, at 678-382-6711 or

Frontier League at Murphey Candler Baseball still has slots available.

Registration will be closing soon for the Spring season of the Frontier League at Murphey Candler Baseball designed for kids with mild life challenges.  Spaces are still available for this ground breaking league and I would like to encourage anyone with a child interested in baseball who fits the medical requirements below to join.

For Kids With Mild Life Challenges like ADHD, Appraxia, Auditory Processing Speech delays, Dyslexia, and Other Executive or Sensory Challenges.

Fiddler on the Roof at the JCC in Dunwoody
“Because of our traditions,
everyone here knows who he is…”

Saturday 1/19 at 7:30 pm
Sunday 1/20 at 3 pm
Thursday 1/24 at 7:30 pm
Saturday 1/26 at 7:30 pm

Sunday 1/27 at 1 pm & 5 pm*
Thursday 1/31 at 7:30 pm
Saturday 2/2 at 7:30 pm
Sunday 2/3 at 10 am** & 3 pm

*Sensory-Friendly Performance: January 27 at 5 pm. This performance is designed to create a theater experience that is welcoming to families and friends with children or adults on the autism spectrum or other sensitivity issues.

**Sing-Along Performance: February 3 at 10 am. This is karaoke on a grand scale. Lyrics will appear on the screen to make sure everyone can join in the singing!

Get your tickets today!
TICKETS $12-$30
PURCHASE 678.812.4002 | Online

Proud Partners of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta

© 2012 Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta, Inc.

Don’t miss a single program! Sign up today to receive e-newsletters and emails about the MJCCA programs, services, and events you love.
To unsubscribe reply to this email with the subject line "Unsubscribe"

DeKalb school closures and new construction up for discussion. Dunwoody meeting scheduled for Wed Jan 16th

Former Shallowford Elementary School on Chamblee-Dunwoody Road
The DeKalb County School District will hold the first of a series of community meetings to discuss proposed school closures and openings.  (AJC)

The facilities plan for the next five years prompted preliminary lines for new attendance boundaries last month, but officials say any needed boundary changes will be discussed “sometime in the future and under a separate, detailed public process.”

From Dr. Atkinson’s “Victory in Every Classroom” newsletter: (DSWB)
Every five years, school districts across the state submit a list of schools to participate in the state capital outlay program. The DeKalb district is completing an application for funding that requires a list of its schools, and the DeKalb County “Proposed School Organization” meets the state requirements. It is not a redistricting plan.

In January, DCSD planning staff will revise its briefing to focus the community’s understanding on DeKalb’s list of schools and minimize any discussion of boundary changes. This list of schools will incorporate the new schools added under the SPLOST IV capital program.

The staff briefing in January will clarify that a list of schools is all that is needed to begin the state application process. The list of schools does not require any information about boundary lines. Consequently, the proposed school organization is not a redistricting plan but a list of school facilities the district expects to operate in the out years. This list is used to determine the state’s award for capital project funding.

DCSD staff will update the current list of 2007-12 schools to show SPLOST IV new school buildings and any decommissioned buildings out to the years 2016-17. The briefing will underscore that the Board of Education need only approve a list of schools so that the district meets state processing deadlines in order to qualify for funding. Any discussion about boundaries, if needed, would take place sometime in the future and under a separate, detailed public process per district policy.
The meetings are 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in various parts of the county with a meeting scheduled for Wednesday Jan. 16 at Dunwoody High School, 5035 Vermack Rd., Dunwoody and a district-wide meeting on Jan. 17 at the district administrative complex, 1701 Mountain Industrial Blvd., Stone Mountain. The final school board vote on the facilities plan is Jan. 23.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dunwoody Homeowners Association Annual Meeting - Sun Jan 6th, 2 PM at Dunwoody United Methodist Church

DHA Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 6
2 P.M.
Dunwoody United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall
1548 Mt. Vernon Road

Doraville swallows up islands abutting Dunwoody and includes Friday's Plaza and Oasis Goodtime Emporium

Several months ago Governor Deal signed Senate Bill 532, which expanded the City of Doraville's borders by roughly a half square mile on January 1, 2013.  As featured in the map above, the areas situated to the east and west of Doraville’s northern point, have existed as islands of incorporated DeKalb County since the City of Dunwoody formed in 2008.  This annexation did not require a vote unlike the 2008 attempt which included a larger Southern area and failed.

Surrounded on all sides by the City’s existing borders and the City of Dunwoody, the western area includes the old Fridays Plaza and the Van Fleet Circle and Ridgway Drive residential neighborhoods west of Peachtree Boulevard.  This annexation also directly affected the Texaco Station on the Dunwoody side of PIB at Tilly Mill which was within unincorporated DeKalb, but now will be governed and paroled by the City of Doraville.

Across Peachtree Industrial Blvd, is the Tilly Mill Crossing shopping center (old Friday's Plaza) and the Oasis Goodtime Emporium which was also transferred over to Doraville which necessitated them to make numerous ordinance changes on sexually oriented businesses and where those types of businesses should be allowed to be located.

Based on my cursory reading of the ordinance passed just weeks ago, it appears that the Oasis may be allowed in a M-2 heavy manufacturing district (page 94)  which seems very different than the commercial district it currently appears to be zoned for?

I haven't talked to Doraville Councilwoman Pam Fleming in a while but I can tell you that she will fight hard to turn the Friday's Plaza into a "Family oriented shopping center".  In fact, you can read her own words and watch her in a video I taped where she fought against another nightclub going into that location.

I am very glad that this annexation went through and it will be interesting to watch what the City of Doraville does with this island where little oversight was given in the past and then see what happens near Friday's Plaza as that area has so much unrealized potential.