Sunday, August 16, 2015

Dunwoody Foodstock was a fabulous success that ran for 10 hours - Kudos to All, especially to DUMC for hosting!

My two older boys and myself helped at the Community Foodstock event that took place at Dunwoody United Methodist Church during the Noon to Two shift while my youngest was off playing with Butterflies (more likely looking for snakes & bugs in the creek).  I saw the Dunwoody Football team in action volunteering, met a new Dunwoody homeowner, chatted with Becky Springer who will be running for City Council and talked to numerous residents and the Clergy at DUMC, all the while I was told that in two hours we bagged over 70,000 meals in the short period that flew by.  This was a great 10 hour event that bagged a total 300,000 meals for those in  need and I highly recommend it next year if you are able. 

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