Thursday, October 31, 2013
City of Dunwoody Parks and Recreation provides few services directly to residents yet we should be providing a quarterly activity guide.
On October 17th, I posted an idea for a community activity guide (much like shown above for the City of Duluth) and have been working with staff and a few vendors to attempt to turn an idea into reality.
My thinking is that if the City is not going to offer much programing, we should be consolidating and offering information on activities offered by local nonprofits to the residents so that they can be aware of what is available.
The Dunwoody recreation staffing model is very lean and this project would probably be contracted out. An electronic directory or version of the information would be available on line and then maybe a hard copy of the document could possibly be delivered to every drive way by the City organ, The Dunwoody Crier.
Mayor Davis is very supportive of the idea but ideas need to be flushed out, how will this be put together, published and finally how will it be funded.
Dunwoody Election Day is this Tuesday Nov 5th from 7 am to 7 pm
Election Day is fast approaching on Tuesday and because there is only a single item on the ballot voter turnout is expected to be low. Only the the three local Dunwoody City Council seats are contested and then you only get to vote in the district in which you are registered.
Above is a map pulled from the Dunwoody GIS System identifying the three city council districts with the actual voting precincts whereby some precincts are split between several city council districts.
The polls will open
for the November 5, 2013 Municipal General Election at 7:00 a.m. and
will close at 7:00 p.m. at your designated voter precinct. If
no candidate receives a majority vote in Districts 1 & 2, then a runoff election will be
held on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at the same precinct locations.
At about 7:30 the polling workers are required to post a paper tape of the results behind a glass window or door upon closing therefore runners are typically assigned to wait for the results and call them into a central location for unofficial tallying.
By 8 pm, the results will be known.
Real question is are you ready to vote? Have you researched the candidates in your district?
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Two Lane Roads with dedicated Bike Lanes make Dunwoody a safer community for everyone.
The City of Dunwoody will not be four laneing our major roads to alleviate our rush hour traffic jams, instead we will be adding turn lanes where appropriate along with additional street width for dedicated bike lanes. As a member of the City Council I hear quite a bit of negative feedback on us spending money on the bike lanes that we are attempting to add to our main thoroughfares and let me tell you that the investment is not just for our spandex wearing bikers.
These lanes are there for everyone to use in the case of an emergency; as it is those lanes which will allow drivers enough room to move to the right to allow an emergency vehicle through. Grid locked streets without a means to allow emergency vehicles to pass, is poor planning therefore bike lanes are part of the long term solution. This message though communicated before, needed to be repeated as I believe it was one aspect that has been forgotten about in our conversations of government spending.
These lanes are there for everyone to use in the case of an emergency; as it is those lanes which will allow drivers enough room to move to the right to allow an emergency vehicle through. Grid locked streets without a means to allow emergency vehicles to pass, is poor planning therefore bike lanes are part of the long term solution. This message though communicated before, needed to be repeated as I believe it was one aspect that has been forgotten about in our conversations of government spending.
Below are drawings for Mount Vernon Rd with 11 ft lanes and 4 ft "bike lanes" and a foot and half gutter on each side for a total of 33 feet curb to curb.
A typical car or SUV is 7 to 8 feet wide. A fire truck needs about 10 feet for
passage. So most places on these streets
could conceivably allow for two cars and a fire truck side by side but the
planned cross section would certainly allow for a fire truck to operate with a
little more room which would likely benefit response time.
Mayor Ken Wright addresses Council on Dunwoody Village Parkway
First &
foremost, I wanted to express my family’s gratitude and appreciation to you for
your service. Serving at the local level
is the most demanding, raw, and unfiltered level of service available in this
great country of ours. It's you, your loved ones, your friends, your neighbors
and your community as your stakeholders.
It's like an
extended Thanksgiving get together: You've got your know it all Aunt who has
all the easy answers, your drunkard distant step grandfather who believes the
world revolves around him and his personal entitlements, to hell with the rest
of the family, your over bearing mother, and of course your siblings that have
their own very strong and always right personal opinions on every topic of
In a
nutshell, it's a tough crowd to feed and peacefully coexist. You're
tasked with keeping and moving the family together in the most thoughtful,
forthright and best manner you can, no easy job.
As far as
Dunwoody Village Parkway is concerned, let me lend you this family member’s
opinion: When Dunwoody Village parkway
was cut, the thought was that all Dunwoody major roads would soon be four lane, it
was "forward thinking" at the time.
Dunwoody Road, Roberts Drive, Peeler, Tilly Mill, North Peachtree, Spalding
Drive, Dunwoody Club Drive, Cotillion, Shallowford, Peachford, Mount Vernon
all are major Dunwoody roadways and are
only two lanes.
In fact,
most of us love our two lane roads here in Dunwoody. In the 70's, a group of
citizens fought like hell to prevent Ashford Dunwoody Road from becoming 4
lanes, they fought to have bike lanes and sidewalks instead. They lost, and Central
Perimeter exploded. The irony is that many of these same protesters now
vehemently oppose Dunwoody Village parkway becoming two lanes, a walkable / bikeable
Village Parkway is not Ashford Dunwoody Road and Dunwoody Village is not
Perimeter Mall. I imagine Dunwoody Village is called a Village and not a mall
because it is surrounded on and abutted by all sides by thousands of homes. In
those homes are kids and adults, many wanting to get out, walk, and bike around
“the village.”
To what
extent and what ultimate form the remake of Dunwoody Village Parkway takes
shape, if any, is in your hands, that's why you were elected, that's why you
make the big bucks.
I firmly believe
one thing is for sure, Dunwoody Village Parkway, in its current form, is
unacceptable now and for future generations.
I wish you
all the best.
Ken Wright
Dunwoody City Council Recap for October 27, 2013
Everything on the agenda passed as presented with the only changes to the budget being a few minor revenue changes to the positive. We heard of additional delays on the CAD to CAD project, we heard a preliminary report that an independent school system based on Dunwoody's revenue and expenses to be not only feasible if implemented at the current levels but would be running a surplus which could be lowered by reducing taxes or we could reduce the proposed class sizes to improve the services provided. The final report on the feasibility of an independent school system should be available around Thanksgiving and when presented to me I will post. We approved the final contract to the Dunwoody Village Parkway.
Shooting video tonight was hit or miss as I was knocked off for lack of bandwidth a number of times but that being said, there are 7 video segments available here.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Video - Young Families of Dunwoody City Council Candidate Q and A Session
Segments (1 is intro, 2 is opening statements, 3 - 10 are questions, 11 is the candidate closing statement.) The audio fades on the intro and may skip a few other places but someday I promise I will learn to not cover the microphone with my finger.
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 1
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 2
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 3
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 4
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 5
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 6
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 7
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 8
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 9
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 10
Dunwoody Young Parents political forum 11
Remember, you only vote for one on November 5th based on where you live.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Donaldson-Bannister Haunted Farm Tour today from 3 to 9 at corner of Chamblee Dunwoody and Vermack.
Donaldson-Bannister Farm
4831 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Come visit the neighbors you
thought had passed away long ago, as Boy Scout Troop 477 brings to life the
haunted legends of the Donaldson-Bannister Farm, Saturday, October
26, 3-9pm.
Find giggles and surprises
around every corner, on your folklore-filled friendly guided tour of the
gardens and cemetery folklore. And if a walk with the spirits isn’t enough,
there’s also games, prizes, s’mores, and enough fun to, well….wake the dead.
Don’t miss Dunwoody’s newest Halloween tradition.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Dunwoody City Council Meeting Agenda for Monday October 28.
Monday, October 28th
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
6:00 p.m. - Work Session
Agenda 6 pm
Agenda 7 pm
Update on the CAD to CAD Interface Project
Proclamation Recognizing Mill Glen Swim and Tennis Club Lifeguards.
Proclamation Recognizing Chesnut Charter Elementary's 45th Birthday
Presentation of Georgia Planning Association 2013 Award for Outstanding Plan Implementation for Project Renaissance.
Report on Feasibility Study for a Dunwoody Independent School District.
Resolution Adopting 2014 Legislative Priorities.
Approval of Consent to Ground Lease for the Spruill Center for the Arts.
Approval of an Amendment to the Project Renaissance Declaration of Easements.
SECOND READ: Ordinance to Amend the Project Renaissance Quitclaim Deed Regarding the Reversionary Interest.
Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget.
Approval of the Dunwoody Village Parkway Construction Contract.
Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating and Capital Budgets.
Approval of an Amendment to the Development Agreement for Project Renaissance.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Friends of Brookhaven kicks off Police Car AED Drive

From Farmer Bob's Blog:
Last night was the kick off to the campaign. I was honored to be invited to attend and was asked to speak. As is my normal pattern, getting me to limit my talk was a challenge, but it led to a real challenge. I challenged the citizens of Brookhaven to raise the required funds faster then we did here. The great news for Brookhaven is the City has offered to match all funds raised for AEDs.
December 17th is their goal deadline. 64 AEDs to serve their new city.
We in Dunwoody know that incalculable benefits of having the AEDs. We have saved lives in Dunwoody because we have them. There is no better ROI.
So here is my challenge to all the citizens of Brookhaven and Dunwoody, lets beat the deadline and have the AEDs delivered and ready in Brookhaven by December 17th.
Follow the link below to access The Friends of Brookhaven web page. Click on it and donate. We will all be safer for your efforts and contributions."
Dunwoody Volleyball shows that "Wildcat Pride" - repeat Saturday 2 pm Dunwoody Gym
Watch above for the final point and some "Wildcat Pride" as Dunwoody defeats Hiram in the GHSA Volleyball playoffs to advance to the Quarterfinals!
This SATURDAY (October 26th) Wildcat Volleyball will host the third round of 5A state playoffs. Join us at 2pm as our Elite 8 volleyball team takes on Apalachee High School.
The recent student crowd support (our "7th Man" section) has been phenomenal and has most definitely infused the team with energy and fight! You make a difference! And fans, please wear your RED to help us 'Red-Out' the Dunwoody gym too show more of our Wildcats pride!
Young Families of Dunwoody want open discussion with City Council Candidates - Sunday 7 pm at Kingsley Swim and Racquet Club
October 27th, 2013
Kingsley Swim
and Racquet Club – Club House
Are you a young family
raising your children here in the city of Dunwoody? Do you find yourself
commenting on things that you love and brainstorming directions you would like
to see our city go? Perhaps you have questions about the future of schools, park
systems, ball fields, walk-able cities, street safety, city aesthetics,
commutability, and more…
Come join your fellow
Dunwoody families at the City Council Candidate Q&A Session. Meet the candidates and take the opportunity
to ask them questions about things that are most meaningful to you and your
event is meant to be positive, vision-based, and forward thinking. Its intent
is to highlight the questions families have about our city's future and the
positive and actionable steps the candidates, if elected, would take to address
these questions and concerns.
Families Ask the Questions & The Candidates Share
Their Answers
Coverage by the Dunwoody
Special guest: State Legislator and
Dunwoody resident, Tom Taylor
Moderator: Kathy
All city council candidates from all three districts have
been invited to attend the event.
Supported by
Young Families of Dunwoody:
Shawn and Ben Bard, Dona and Gabriel Cardenas, Erika and
Laurence Harris, Amy and Scott Hatmaker, Nancy and Stan Jester, Lyndsey and
Richard Pearson, Audra and Ben Weiss, Bridgette and Aaron Uhde, Jennifer
Westrick, KaLyn Davis and Evan Wetstone
Facebook Group Link
Friday Night Community Bonfire, Pep-Rally and Movie Night on Colt Field - future cheer leaders & football players encouraged to attend!
1551 West Nancy Creek Drive
Brookhaven, Georgia
Brookhaven, Georgia
6:00 - BBQ, burgers and dogs will begin selling (Spiced Right BBQ & Kona Ice)
6:30 - Bonfire and DJ begin
7:45 - Cheerleaders will lead mini pep-rally in the circle
8:00 - IL and Colt Directors will say a few words and raffle drawings will take place
8:15 - "Game Plan" begins on the big screen - Colt field
Please bring blankets to sit on the field or plan to sit in the stadium.
Raffle Tickets are Still on Sale!
Raffle tickets will continue to be on sale through Friday. Prices are 1 ticket for $5 or 5 tickets for $20.
Prizes include:
-iPad mini with case
- Dinner for two, once a month, for a year at the Flying Biscuit in Sandy Springs
- microdermabrasion treatment at Health and Beauty Boutique
- hair removal laser treatment at Health and Beauty Boutique(medical spa)
- basket of skincare line from Health and Beauty Boutique
- a Smoker for all your grilling needs
- gift cards for dinner
- portable wagon filled with colt memorabilia
- folding canopy chair
-(2) $50 off of colt cheerleading registration
-$100 colt football registration
Monday, October 21, 2013
Dunwoody Volleyball - Tuesday 6:30 - Get there early, wear red, be loud!!!
front of a record home crowd, our Dunwoody Volleyball team advanced to the
second round of state playoffs after an impressive straight 3-set victory over
Warner Robins HS Thursday night. The girls' hard work, dedication, and
determination is really evident on the court and they are excited to keep
The team is very appreciative to the highly energized student section, the
numerous Wildcat staff, and Dunwoody community who cheered them on to victory!
The crowd noise
and excitement had a HUGE impact!
out and support our girls Tuesday night when Wildcat Volleyball faces Hiram HS
at home at 6:30 p.m.! Let's pack the gym again!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Empire State Pizza & Growlers in Dunwoody, GA on Winters Chapel at Peeler
Empire Pizza & Growlers Dinner Menu
5000 Winters Chapel Rd
Dunwoody, GA 30360
770-680-5516 - Pick Up Only for now.
12-9 Sunday and Monday 11-10 Tuesday through Saturday
Facebook Dunwoody Chamber
Friday, October 18, 2013
Complete video of the Dunwoody Candidate Forum hosted by DHA on October 17, 2013
Opening Statements - audio semi poor as finger must have covered mic. (gets better)
Question 1 -Traffic Solutions?
Question 2 - How have you made Dunwoody a better place in the last 5 years.
Question 3 - Spending Priorities
Question 4 - How can we trust you if we don't know you?
Question 5 - Improving PTIB for businesses
Question 6 - Dunwoody Village Comp Plan
Question 7 - How do we limit density on projects approved by DeKalb before Cityhood
Question 8 - Parks in District 1?
The last few questions were changed for each district and I just listed the first question.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Dunwoody has it all going on this weekend! Carnival, Food Truck, Candidate Forum, Football, DC Update, Theater, Biking, Running, Camping.
Men, earn this by hitting a few of these other events with the Family.
Dunwoody Fall Festival (Carnival w Unlimited Rides) @ Perimeter Mall 5 to 11 pm
Dunwoody Food Truck Thursday @ Brook Run 5 to 8 pm
DHA - Dunwoody Candidate Forum @ Dunwoody High School 7 pm.
The Andrews Brothers @ Stage Door Players 8 pm
Dunwoody Fall Festival (Carnival w Unlimited Rides) @ Perimeter Mall 5 to 11 pm
Dunwoody HS Varsity Football vs Mays HS @ North DeKalb 7:30 pm
The Andrews Brothers @ Stage Door Players 8 pm
Dunwoody Elementary School "Tour de Dunwoody" Family bike ride 7:30 am
DUMC - 2013 Great Day of Service - 8 am
Isakson Chief of Staff, Chris Carr to speak at Wright's Gourmet 9 am
Georgia #15 vs Vanderbilt at Noon
Florida #22 vs Missouri #14 at 12:21
Auburn #24 vs Texas A&M #7 at 3:30
Florida State #5 vs Clemson #3 at 8
Dunwoody Fall Festival (Carnival w Unlimited Rides) @ Perimeter Mall 1 to 11 pm
The Andrews Brothers @ Stage Door Players 8 pm
Family Campout at Dunwoody Nature Center 4 pm
RunDunwoody 5K & fun run @ Perimeter Place Center across from Mall 8 am
Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Atlanta Falcons 1 pm
Dunwoody Fall Festival (Carnival w Unlimited Rides) @ Perimeter Mall 1 to 11 pm
Atlanta Radio Theater Company at MJCCA 2:30 & 7:30 pm
The Andrews Brothers @ Stage Door Players 2:30 pm
Finally, I dare you to close the weekend with Netherworld Haunted House
DHA Candidate Forum - Tonight - 7 PM at Dunwoody High School
October 17, 2013
Time: 7:00
PM - 9:00 PM
DHA will host a public debate for candidates running for Dunwoody City Council
Dunwoody High
5035 Vermack
Dunwoody, GA
- No campaign literature and no campaign signs at the debate or on school property
- No surrogates may stand in for a candidate
- The moderator will select questions from those submitted in writing. The debate moderator has broad discretion to ask follow-up questions after a candidate’s answer, so the public can be fully informed about specific positions.
- Candidates will be asked questions in alphabetical order and reverse order, alternating with each question.
- If a candidate is singled out by name, or a group/entity to which he belongs, for criticism that candidate gets 30 seconds to respond.
Williams is the emcee for the event. He will introduce the candidates, explain
the format and introduce the moderator.
Reporter, Tony Thomas, will be the moderator for the forum. He will select and
ask all questions during the forum. There will be a pool of questions from which
he will choose.
will be seated by district on stage by 7pm. One microphone will be shared and
passed from speaker to speaker.
candidate will have 2 minutes for opening remarks, 90 seconds to reply to each
question and one minute for closing remarks.
first 2-3 questions will be directed to all the candidates. Once those questions
have been answered, the moderator will direct questions to each candidate by
district. The moderator will choose the order of the districts but the
candidates will go in alphabetical and reverse alphabetical order alternating
with each question.
questions will come from a variety of sources. The Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce,
Dunwoody Homeowners Association and The Crier will write questions. The audience
may also submit questions the evening of the forum from 6:30-6:45. After 6:45 no
questions will be accepted from the audience.
will be send to the candidates via email on Wednesday morning, October 16 with
the understanding more questions may be submitted via email and in person prior
to the forum.
Running for Dunwoody City Council:
1 (District 1 Local)
- Denis
Shortal (incumbent)
2 (District 2 Local)
William A.J. Mercier
3 (District 3 Local)
- Sam Eads
- Doug
Thompson (incumbent)
Upcoming Dunwoody Community events and the need for a consolidated City directory of services and activities.
The City of Dunwoody is blessed to have a very active non-profit network of organizations, churches, synagogs, schools and even a few local colleges that provide programing to the community that the city government could never dream of duplicating. Below are a few events & classes happening in just the next two weeks at the Atlanta Jewish Community Center and they are all open to the public.
FYI: I am in discussions with city staff to put an effort into cataloging all of the many "programs" available to the community. For example: If a new family wanted to know who offered basketball leagues for 8 yr old's or what Senior Activities were available; there should be one universal guidebook filled with copious amounts of information and a few ads to cover the printing charges. The guidebook could be available around town and in an electronic format, with updates several times through the year.
I guess my thinking is that if the City is not going to offer the programing, we should be consolidating and offering the information to the residents so that they are aware of what is available. Though the discussions are preliminary, an eventual joint Public / Private Directory of Services & Activities available in Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Brookhaven, Chamblee, Doraville & Peachtree Corners is a lofty goal to aspire to but one worth working on. The Dunwoody recreation staffing model is lean but this project could easily be contracted out. John
Registration for MJCCA’s Youth Basketball Leagues
Registration closes Oct. 28.
Sports and Sports Events
Girls & Boys • Pre-K - 9th Grade
MJCCA is proud to offer the Youth Basketball Program presented by the
Atlanta Hawks for children of all ages! Our youth basketball
leagues afford your child the opportunity to learn essential basketball
fundamentals and enhance existing skills in a competitive, yet supportive
environment. Our youth basketball leagues stress both individual
development and teamwork, giving each child a thorough understanding of the
game while teaching core values and providing opportunities to develop
leadership skills. Our unique partnership with the Atlanta Hawks elevates our
league and what we offer to you.
More information: Contact Ethan Bagen at 678.812.4174
Edgewise Speaker Series
Thursday, October 17, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park - 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338)
MJCCA Members: Free / Community and Silver Sneakers: $5
Jose Perez and Bryan Gilbert will host a discussion entitled, “Come
Explore Your Health Care Options,” geared toward seniors and looking ahead
at 2014.
More information:,
MJCCA Welcomes the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Sunday, October 20, 2:30 pm AND
7:30 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park’s Morris and Rae Frank Theatre - 5342
Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody)
Ticket prices: $10-$15
Ticket prices: $10-$15
The MJCCA is pleased to welcome
the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company (or ARTC), for two shows, featuring
“War of the Worlds: The Untold Story” by H.G. Wells (adapted by Ron N. Butler).
The ARTC is dedicated to preserving, performing,
and educating people about the art of audio theatre (or radio drama). This
talented group of writers, actors, and sound technicians in Atlanta has
succeeded in maintaining this art and craft of audio drama in live shows, where
guests can see how they create adventures in sound by crafting their sound
effects and manipulating microphone placement.
More information: MJCCA’s Box Office at 678.812.4002, or visit
Teen Drivers Ed
Sundays: 10/20, 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17 - 12:00-6:30 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park - 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338)
MJCCA Members and BBYO Members: $465 / Community: $495
The MJCCA is proud to offer fall Driver's Ed. Driver's Ed classes
are designed to produce safer, more confident, and more experienced teenage
drivers. Each student will attend 30 hours of classroom training, which
includes the state-required Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (ADAP) training.
Students will also complete 6 hours of private, individual, behind-the-wheel
training with a licensed driver-training instructor.
Graduates are eligible for up to 10% reduction in insurance
premiums, and parents are eligible for a $150 Georgia Income Tax Credit.
All students must be at least 15 years of age by the end of the
More information: Stacie Graff,
Teen Babysitting Classes
October 20 and 27 -- 2 Consecutive Sundays from 2:00-6:00 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park - 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338)
MJCCA Members: $125 / Community: $145
Safe Sitter®, an up-to-date and well-rounded youth development
program with a
medical basis, teaches young teen babysitters everything they need
to know to keep themselves and the children in their care safe.
This 8-hour, nationally-recognized, pediatrician-developed program
includes child care techniques, basic first aid, rescue techniques (like
choking infant and child rescue), babysitting as a business, and online and
cellphone safety. Students will also learn CPR.
More information: Stacie Graff,
Sex After 50
Tuesday, October 22, 7:00 am – 9:30 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park - 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338)
MJCCA Members: $5 / Community: $10
Join Dr. Judie Manulkin for an engaging discussion about our
culture's myths, attitudes, and messages about sex and aging. Learn what's
working and what's not working and how to get the most joy in your life.
More information:,
Bestselling Author Brad Meltzer
to Speak at MJCCA
Thursday, October 24, 6:45 pm
Brad Meltzer, an American political thriller novelist, non-fiction writer, and TV show creator, is returning to the MJCCA for a special Prologue to the Book Festival of the MJCCA event, as he presents his newest book, History Decoded: The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time.
Brad Meltzer, an American political thriller novelist, non-fiction writer, and TV show creator, is returning to the MJCCA for a special Prologue to the Book Festival of the MJCCA event, as he presents his newest book, History Decoded: The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time.
Purchase tickets: Call 678.812.4005 or visit
online at
Edgewise Speaker Series
Thursday, October 24, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park - 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338)
MJCCA Members: Free / Community and Silver Sneakers: $5
Former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr will speak about private law
practice. Bob Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the
U.S. House of Representatives from 1995-2003, and now practices law in Atlanta.
More information:,
Pianist Joe Alterman to Perform
Two Jazz Concerts
October 27, 5:00 pm AND 7:00 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park’s Morris
and Rae Frank Theatre - 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody)
Ticket Prices: $17-$22
The MJCCA is thrilled to welcome renowned pianist Joe Alterman, for two jazz concerts, kicking off the MJCCA’s new 2013-14 Jazz at the JCC series. Alterman has performed at venues around the world, including the Blue Note Jazz Club in Milan and Preservation Hall in New Orleans. Both Oct. 27 concerts will be produced in association with the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival.
The MJCCA is thrilled to welcome renowned pianist Joe Alterman, for two jazz concerts, kicking off the MJCCA’s new 2013-14 Jazz at the JCC series. Alterman has performed at venues around the world, including the Blue Note Jazz Club in Milan and Preservation Hall in New Orleans. Both Oct. 27 concerts will be produced in association with the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival.
More information, MJCCA’s
Box Office at 678.812.4002, or visit
Meals for Two Made Easy
Sunday, October 27, 4:00 am – 6:00 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park - 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338)
MJCCA Members: $15 / Community: $25
In this hands-on cooking class, caterer and food blogger Lynda
Mahana will teach you how to pare down your meals to fit a table for two.
Perfect for newlyweds, empty-nesters and singles. Join us for a fun and
informative culinary adventure at the MJCCA. Advance registration required.
More information:,
Social Media Workshop
Monday, October 28, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park - 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338)
MJCCA Members: $5 / Community: $10
Come learn the ins-and-outs of social media and how to catch up
with friends old and new. This 1.5 hour workshop will teach you the basics of
social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
More information:,
Edgewise Speaker Series
Thursday, October 31, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
(MJCCA at Zaban Park - 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338)
MJCCA Members: Free / Community and Silver Sneakers: $5
David G. Maples will share from his years as a special GBI agent.
Maples is a 26-year veteran of the FBI. He has investigated bank frauds, served
on a swat team, and supervised major case squads including labor racketeering
and terrorism.
More information:,
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Video of the October 14th Dunwoody City Council Meeting.
The Dunwoody City Council started at 6 for a quick meeting, followed by executive session on real estate followed by the main meeting that started at 7 and finally ended about 11:30. It was along night.
Council approved the Zoning Code Rewrite with some minor edits taking out the restrictions on animals and added a few clarifying points that were not substantive. We approved a minor GDOT item and everything else was discussion item preparing for the vote in two weeks. We discussed the Dunwoody Village Parkway, Georgetown Renaissance Project, Brook Run Trail, City Budget and a Spruill Center Ground Lease whereby a new 6 story hotel will be built just off Ashford Dunwoody near Wal-Mart.
The items added by Councilwoman Bonser regarding an ethics hearing and her reimbursement were removed from the agenda by her at the last minute.
State Farm buys more land across from the Dunwoody Marta Station, picks developer for large scale campus.
Soon to be the largest employee in Dunwoody?
Job Announcements - many more to follow.
State Farm Insurance Co. continues assembling land along the Atlanta Perimeter for its future campus.
This time the insurance giant purchased about 3.9 acres along Perimeter Center Parkway just south of the Dunwoody MARTA transit station. The site was once part of the big Perimeter office and land portfolio that Barry Real Estate and Rubenstein acquired in 2007. The site includes the Chequers Seafood Grill and a former Fuddruckers.
State Farm paid $32 million, or $189 per land square foot, according to Databank Inc., an Atlanta research firm. It’s a price more commonly paid for intown development sites in Buckhead or Midtown, said Databank founder Alan Wexler.
State Farm now controls land at the intersection of Perimeter Center Parkway and Hammond Drive, where it will develop its project. Earlier this year it bought the 10-story Hammond Exchange building and 13 acres of undeveloped land.
The company has chosen to work with KDC Real Estate Development and Investments.
More at the Atlanta Business Chronicle.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Early Voting for Dunwoody starts today, only available on Memorial Drive in Decatur and Absentee ballots are now available too.
DeKalb County Voter Registration & Elections Office
4380 Memorial Drive, Suite 300
Decatur, GA 30032
404-298-4020 Phone
404-298-4038 Fax Number for easy return of application.
HOURS & TIMES OF OPERATION: 10/14/13 through Friday, 11/1/2013
M-F, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Daily
TO VOTE ABSENTEE BY MAIL: an application can be obtained at the following website:
Your request can be faxed or mailed to the address shown above, or e-mailed to, and must be received no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, November 1, to be processed. The voted ballot must be received at the DeKalb County Voter Registration & Elections Office by 7:00 PM on Election Day in order to be counted.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Dunwoody City Council Meeting Agenda for Monday October 14.
Monday, October 14th
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
6:00 p.m. - Work Session
7:00 p.m. - Voting Meeting
Agenda 6 PM (CAD to CAD)
Agenda 7 PM
Update on the CAD-to-CAD Interface Project. (employees in training)
SECOND READ: Ordinances Amending and Readopting Chapters 27, Zoning, and 16, Land
Development, and all Previous Amendments Thereto.
Staff Memo of Changes
Chap 16 Clean Chap 16 track changes
Chap 27 Clean Chap 27 track changes
CC & PC Minutes
Approval of Revised Intergovernmental Agreement with DeKalb County for the Provision of Election Services.
Discussion of Dunwoody Village Parkway Construction Contract.
Discussion of 2013 Amended Budget, 2014 Annual Operating and Capital Budgets, and Proposed Fiscal Year 2014 Budget.
Discussion of 2014 Legislative Priorities. (Independent Schools & ??)
Discussion of 2014 Town Hall Meeting Program.
Discussion of Amendment to the Development Agreement for Project Renaissance.
Discussion of Spruill Center for the Arts Ground Lease.
FIRST READ: Amendment to the Project Renaissance Quitclaim Deed regarding the Reversionary Interest.
Discussion of Amendment to the Project Renaissance Declaration of Easements.
Approval of Agreement with GDOT for Year 2 of the Perimeter Traffic Operations Program
Request by Council Member Adrian Bonser for City Council Review of Ethics Board Recommendation Regarding Stephen Chipka Ethics Complaint Against Council Member Bonser Dated 5-21-13.
Ethics hearing officer findings in Bonser / Chipka complaint.
Minutes of Ethics Hearing on 09122013 in favor of Councilwoman Bonser
ACTION ITEM: Request by Council Member Adrian Bonser for Reimbursement of Legal Fees Associated with Ethics Complaint Filed by Stephen Chipka Against Council Member Adrian Bonser Dated 5-21-13.
Legal expenses of Councilwoman Bonser defending Chipka Complaint.
The Great Pumpkin Patch - All Saint's Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus, 2443 Mount Vernon Road 30338
Just a small sample of the pumpkins available at All Saints.
The Knights of Columbus at All Saints Catholic Church again received a whole bunch pumpkins in a 70 foot trailer that was unloaded by some of the strongest men & women in the city. The All Saints pumpkin sale will be going on from until October 31st with the hours on Weekdays from 9am - 6pm; Saturdays and Sundays noon - 7pm. The selection is huge but come early as the best carving ones always go fast. Please stop by, pick up a pumpkin and support this fine charitable organization where I am proud to call myself a member. Thanks.
All Saints Catholic Church
2443 Mount Vernon Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Monsignor Marren, All Saints' Pastor, was actively present throughout the day enjoying the festivities and the joyful faces of the children. That is him mock auctioning a pumpkin and doing his own videotaping.
A man with little credibility, who leads an irrelevant organization states that Georgia needs to continue inefficient political fiefdoms because it is all about the children.
"If we're going to change a school system, it needs to start with those that lead the school system," Elgart Dec 2012
Mark Elgart, President and CEO of AdvancED, spoke at the Oct. 10 Buckhead Business Association meeting.
The head of an organization that accredits high schools throughout the nation said he would not be in favor of a proposal to create a school system in the city of Dunwoody.
Mark Elgart, President and CEO of AdvancED, answered spoke about the proposed new school system during a Q&A at the weekly Buckhead Business Association meeting on Oct. 10. He was responding to a question from Reporter Newspapers about the idea.
He said the state has 181 school systems, which is “far too many.”
“Georgia does not need to expand the number of school systems it has in the state,” he said. “It needs to contract it so it can use its resources differently than it currently does.”
Dunwoody is exploring the idea of an independent school system, largely because Elgart’s organization threatened to revoke the accreditation of DeKalb County Schools, which serves the city.
State Rep. Tom Taylor, R-Dunwoody, on Oct. 6 released findings of a new study showing that local tax dollars could easily fund the enterprise.
Taylor told a crowd of about 40 members of the Dunwoody Homeowners Association that, if taxes were left at the same rate, a local school system could operate with a surplus of cash, possibly more than $20 million.
Rest of the article on the Dunwoody Reporter
Dunwoody Fall Festival and Carnival at Perimeter Mall benefiting the Dunwoody Preservation Trust - Oct 17 - 20
The Fall Festival being offered by the Dunwoody Preservation Trust will be different then events offered in the past as this will be a pure carnival - rides, games and food (cotton
candy, funnel cakes, etc) with nothing else attached (no sponsors, vendors,
face painting, outside restaurants, art, music, VIP tent, etc). Kudos to Peachtree
Rides, which is based here in Dunwoody, is providing the entertainment and
General Growth Properties who was nice enough to discount the space.
Hours are 5-11 Thursday and Friday, and 1pm to 11pm on
Saturday and Sunday. Parking is at the mall. As we mentioned, a
portion of the proceeds goes to the DPT.
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