Tuesday, May 29, 2018
City of Dunwoody calls for Special Called City Council Meeting / Retreat on June 4th to discuss redevelopment issues.
Email from staff mentioned the topic of discussion of the special called meeting is redevelopment within the city but as this is retreat I am not expecting other formal documentation but here is the Agenda and please note the location as it is not City Hall.
Below is a link to the large and detailed presentation that we went over in our first retreat in March but I am guessing (pure speculation) that next weeks mini-retreat will be some more of the same with additional details of what's coming, therefore even though there will be no votes taken, staff may want to glean direction on what to bring to Council for decision based on the discussions taking place.
The meeting is open to the public, please join us.
Monday, May 28, 2018
All Girls - Boy Scout of America Troop Forming In Dunwoody. Interested?
This Girl would like to be an Eagle Scout like her brothers.
Would your daughter like to join an all-girl Boy Scouts of America troop and become an Eagle Scout? Well, now she can! Girls between the ages of 11 and 17 can officially join the Scouting program starting February 1st, 2019.
We are in the beginning stages of organizing and planning all girl troops for the Dunwoody area and need your input. Our first informational meeting will be June 5th at 7 pm, the place is still to be determined....stay tuned!
For more information and meeting place (when we find one), please email Rob Maxwell at bsa4girls_dunwoody@outlook.com. We look forward to seeing everyone then!
BSA All-Girls Troop Meeting
Tuesday, June 5 at 7 pm
Place - TBD
Email Rob Maxwell
Second Helpings Atlanta provides part of the food that Malachi's Storehouse feeds to Dunwoody's hungry.
I came across a video by Second Helpings Atlanta that highlights the great service that Malachi's Storehouse of St. Patrick's Episcopal Church in Dunwoody does every Wednesday feeding hundreds of hungry Atlantans. Their Mission, is simple - it is to nourish both body and spirit, honoring the dignity of every human being around the giving and receiving of food.
If you are in need of food for your family or you are able to donate your time, talents or funds; please check out the link for more information.
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church,
4755 North Peachtree Rd,
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338
If you are in need of food for your family or you are able to donate your time, talents or funds; please check out the link for more information.
Hot Lunch and food pantry.
11:00 AM-3:00 PM
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church,
4755 North Peachtree Rd,
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338
Sunday, May 27, 2018
City of Dunwoody hosts Memorial Day Remembrance - Monday 10 a.m. at Brook Run Park
The City of Dunwoody will host its Memorial Day Remembrance on Monday, May 28th from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial at Brook Run Park.
Friday, May 18, 2018
Huge Dunwoody City Council Agenda for Monday May 21st - Special Meeting 4 pm / Main Meeting 6 pm
Monday, May 21st
Dunwoody City Hall
4800 Ashford Dunwoody Rd
Dunwoody City Hall
4800 Ashford Dunwoody Rd
Dunwoody, GA 30338
4 p.m. Agenda - Council Chambers
Brook Run Improvement Concepts
6 p.m. Agenda - Council Chambers
Presentation of CVBD 2017 4th Quarter Financial Statements and 2018 1st. Quarter Financial Statements.
Recognition of Dunwoody Citizens Police Academy Graduating Class #01-2018.
Presentation of 1st Quarter Internal Audit.
Presentation of 2018 Community Survey Report.
Update on Senate Bill 17 - Sunday Alcohol at 11 am.
Presentation of the Annual Audit/CAFR
YTD Financial Report for March 31, 2018
Consideration of Amendment to City of Dunwoody Special Event Signage and Advertising Policy.
SECOND READ: Amendment to Chapter 8: Review and Consideration of Text Amendment Regarding Roof Inspections.
SECOND READ: Amendment to Chapter 20: Review and Consideration of Text Amendment Regarding Standard Informational Signs.
Resolution to Approve the Service Delivery Strategy.
Approval of a Contract Amendment with Blount Construction to Resurface Additional Roads in 2018.
Approval of 2018 Through 2022 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Plan and Permit Procedures
Approval of Parks Facility Rental and Special Event Policy and Fees.
Approval of the Policy for Naming of City Parks, Recreational Areas, Streets/Roads and Facilities and Event Sponsorship
Approval of Contract with GC&E Systems Group for Video Surveillance Cameras at Pernoshal Park and Georgetown Park.
Approval of Contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc. for In Car Video Camera Replacement
Presentation of a Conceptual Plan for Roberts Drive Corridor Improvements at the New Austin Elementary School.
Naming of Park at Perimeter Center East.
Update on EMS and Alternatives to AMR.
City of Dunwoody 2018 Community Survey
The Communications Department worked with the Kennesaw State University A.L. Burruss Institute of Public Service and Research to conduct the city’s third community survey of residents. The goal of the survey is to gauge residents' satisfaction levels with city services as well as gather feedback and insights on select issues and compare the new data and findings with previous community survey findings collected in 2013 and 2015.
Similar to previous community surveys conducted by the city, survey questions covered important topic areas including: Quality of Life; Public Trust; City Services; Community Events; Department Interaction; Community Communication, and Policy Issues.
The community survey was developed by the city staff and the team at Kennesaw State University A.L. Burruss Institute of Public Service and Research and was distributed to a representative sample of 6,000 residential addresses in the city. Participants visited a secure online survey site, open to invitees from the end of February through the first week in April 2018. When the survey closed usable data from 516 respondents had been obtained, resulting in a response rate of 9 percent. The margin of error for the sample was at ±4.3% at the 95% confidence level. The data and findings from the 2018 Community Survey are included in the attached 2018 Dunwoody Community Survey presentation and 2018 Community Survey Final Report.
The majority of the scores fell into a range between 3.50 and 4.00, representing generally good to very good perceptions of the issues under examination. Viewed in the aggregate, the main theme emerging from the results is “holding steady/consistently supportive, with areas for improvement.”
When considering strengths of the City of Dunwoody, location, a safe community, police services, and parks were pointed out by survey respondents. Whereas, traffic, streets and infrastructure, and transportation remain the top three weaknesses identified by the survey respondents.
Comparing the 2018 Community Survey responses with the previous years, 2013 and 2015, there were several key perception levels that were notably different. The services of the Police Department improved noticeably from 2013 and 2015 levels. Opinions of the city’s Parks and Recreation Department services had higher ratings compared to 2013 and 2015 responses as well. The customer service from the city’s employees was given higher ratings in all aspects by the survey respondents.
As a whole, Dunwoody residents provided positive features of the city in their evaluations. Areas that reflected top scores include several aspects of the customer service provided by the city employees, perceptions of the city as a good place to raise children, access to retail opportunities, selected perceptions of personal safety, and the importance of maintaining a balance between providing a healthy economic environment and maintaining the city’s character.
Dunwoody Preservation Trust to offer Camp Flashback this summer for kids.
This summer, let your kids learn history by living it.

For rising 2nd – 5th graders, activities are designed to inspire, entertain and educate every day. All sessions are planned and led by experienced educators. For more information on Camp Flashback education team, please click here.
Just a few of the activities that will capture your child’s imagination.
- Hand-cranking ice cream
- Hand-dipping candles
- Making and playing a board game
- Woodworking
- Gardening
- Feeding farm animals
- And so much more
Four convenient sessions:Weeks 1 & 3 (June 18- 22; July 9 – 13)
Family Life & Transportation will include activities such as creating paper and quill pen, sewing, quilting, weaving, exploring period bikes, railroad, wagons, and horses.
Weeks 2 & 4 (June 25- 29; July 16 – 20)
School Days, Games & Music will include activities such as calligraphy, learning about and using chalk and slate, making and playing 19th century games, singing and playing musical instruments.
Camp hours: 9:30 am-3:00 pm
Price per session: $200 for DPT members; $225 for non-members
Early drop-off and late pick-up available at $85 per week when added at Registration.
Fees: $200 for members; $225 for non-members; $250 to add basic membership and register 1 child (this option also offers 1 one-day ride wristband for Lemonade Days 2018).
The Donaldson-Bannister House and Gardens, 4831 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338.For more information about Camp Flashback, please contact Suzanne Huff, Executive Director, shuff@dunwoodypt.org.
Start Camp Flashback Registration
Sponsored by Dunwoody Preservation Trust and staffed by experienced educators, Camp Flashback will let campers experience history by doing the ordinary things the original children of the farm would have done. They will get the feel of living in the past as they learn by doing – without technology.
City of Dunwoody calls special meeting to discuss Brook Run Park Improvement Plans - Monday 4 pm
The Dunwoody City Council was notified that there will be a special called meeting for the City Council (and community) to learn about the various options to improve three sections of the park. No votes are scheduled at this meeting as it is only a discussion item but I believe this meeting may set the tone for more detailed construction plans to to be developed,
The three areas slated for improvement include the back of the park where there are two proposed rectangular fields under consideration, the great lawn which would include a music bandshell and finally an improved event parking lot linked between the back entrance and the skate park.
The price ranges for the various options are between nine and five million dollars and the differences between the plans are for improved bandshell usability / dedicated seating near the bandshell / improved bathrooms / larger pavilions / and various hardscape which to me would make the whole facility wheelchair accessible.
I am leaning towards the expanded option because the added amenities will greatly improve the overall functionality of the parks public spaces. Not having quality restrooms, large pavilions, pedestrian walkways and some dedicated seating at concerts is shortsighted and with construction prices rising every year, I believe the Dunwoody City Council should find ways to move forward with installing the best amenities that we can afford.
If you feel strongly on the topic one way or the other, I suggest that you come to our special meeting on Monday at 4 pm to learn more and/or reach out to the City Council via email to give your opinion, we can be reached at CouncilMembers@dunwoodyga.gov
Sunday, May 13, 2018
City of Dunwoody is looking for citizens willing to serve on an advisory board, commission or committee.
The City of Dunwoody believes citizens bring valuable insights to the complex process of governance and are a skilled resource to our community. The Mayor and City Council encourage all citizens to consider becoming involved in city government by serving in an advisory role on a board, commission, or committee.
To be considered for appointment to a municipal board, commission, or committee, please complete and submit the Application for Appointment and send it, with a copy of your resume, to the City Clerk, Sharon Lowery.
Applications and resumes may be submitted by email to sharon.lowery@dunwoodyga.gov, by fax to 770-396-4705, or by mail to:
4800 Ashford Dunwoody Road Dunwoody, Georgia, 30338.
Application for Appointment
Overview of Boards, Commissions and Committees
Current Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees
Current Boards, Commissions, and Committees:
Dunwoody 4th of July t-shirts available at Art Festival today & online.
Happy Mother's Day to everyone and I hope your day is filled with joy from all the people who love you!
Yesterday I took my lovely bride and the mother of my three boys to the Dunwoody Art's Festival to buy various trinkets that caught her fancy and one of our stops was to talk to the girls of Dunwoody Outfitters who now have Dunwoody 4th of July t-shirts on sale. The Art's Festival will still be happening in full force today until 5 p.m. and girls are stationed near the shuttle bus pick up, in front of the Press Blend Squeeze juice and sandwich shop, so if you are interested in buying a shirt to support these young entrepreneurs, please stop by.
I know what I will be wearing in the State's Largest 4th of July Parade, maybe you can join me?
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Dunwoody Art Festival this weekend along Dunwoody Village Parkway
Saturday May 12, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday May 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
A Mother's Day tradition in the City of Dunwoody, the
crowd-pleasing Dunwoody Art Festival will celebrate its eighth dazzling show on
May 12, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and May 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00
In 2017, Dunwoody Art Festival drew a remarkable crowd of more than 50,000 happy grandmothers, moms, children, and of course, lots of dads too! Bestowed the trophy for the "Best New Event of 2010" by the Southeast Festivals and Events Association, Dunwoody Art Festival continues to attract the top artisans from across the country. Along with the partnership of the Dunwoody Crier, incredible community volunteers and the Dunwoody Rotary Club, Dunwoody Art Festival is a must-see!
A fun-filled Kidz Zone will await youngsters with great rides, sand art, imaginative crafts and games. A relaxing stage with continuous live music will be located in the festival cuisine area and will join Village Burger and other great eats from neighborhood restaurants. Sit down and relax before setting out again in search for that "gotta have it" piece of art. There truly is something for everyone at Dunwoody Art Festival!
Admission - FREE
Parking/Transportation - Free parking and shuttles are available at the City of Dunwoody building, 4800 Ashford Dunwoody Road and at the Crown Building, 4828 Ashford Dunwoody Road. Shuttles run regularly from Saturday at 9:45AM until 6:30PM and Sunday from 9:45PM to 5:30PM. Look for the "Art Festival Parking" signs.
Parking for those with disabilities - Parking for visitors with motor scooters or wheelchairs is available in the Dunwoody Village shopping center, next to Starbucks and Smoothie King. Look for the Handicapped parking signs.
"Everything will be OK" signs available by Dunwoody artist, Tina Walden of ReVarne
Farmhouse chic, Dunwoody sign
My friend Tina Walden has a creative, artistic streak whereby she has just turned her hobby of bringing new life to outdated furniture into a small start up business. Her company is called ReVarne and she is also creating handmade decor accessories to complete any room. I purchased the large sign above and by the end of the evening my wife loved it so much that she had it wrapped for a very special teacher at Dunwoody High School to hang in her room in order to thank her for Teacher Appreciation Day.
Long story short, I've just ordered a second sign and figured I would share Tina's skill set.
If you are interested in obtaining your own sign, Tina's information can be found here on her ReVarne Facebook page and the sign pricing is below.
The signs are Farmhouse chic inspired by an art installation at a local home built in 1867 in Dunwoody, GA. Handmade and painted with chalk paints with protective wax finish.
Small 7” x 13” $20
Medium 9” x 13” $25
Large 11”x 20” $35
X-Large 14” x 24” with optional custom place name at no charge $50
Monday, May 7, 2018
Dunwoody Open House for Roberts Drive improvements near new Austin Elementary - Thursday 6pm City Hall
The City of Dunwoody will be hosting a public open house for the proposed intersection and sidewalk project on Roberts Drive at the new Austin Elementary driveway on Thursday, May 10th, 2018 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at City Hall, which is located at 4800 Ashford Dunwoody Road;
Dunwoody, GA 30338.
With the new school driveway at the Dunwoody Nature Center entrance a traffic signal controlled intersection will be needed along with right and left turn lanes. The proposed project also includes sidewalk on the west side of Roberts Drive from Dunwoody Knoll Drive to Chamblee Dunwoody Road.
At the Open House, viable intersection concepts and other project components will be on display with City of Dunwoody representatives available to answer questions and receive feedback. The project is in its early design stages and dialogue between the City and the public is valuable to determine the best solution.
Neighbor concerns.
With the new school driveway at the Dunwoody Nature Center entrance a traffic signal controlled intersection will be needed along with right and left turn lanes. The proposed project also includes sidewalk on the west side of Roberts Drive from Dunwoody Knoll Drive to Chamblee Dunwoody Road.
At the Open House, viable intersection concepts and other project components will be on display with City of Dunwoody representatives available to answer questions and receive feedback. The project is in its early design stages and dialogue between the City and the public is valuable to determine the best solution.
Neighbor concerns.
I have met with residents of the Fairfield complex as well as several neighbors on Roberts Drive who have concerns regarding not only the various turn lanes that will be installed at the new traffic signal at the Roberts Park Drive (northern shared DNC & Austin driveway) but also the sidewalk on the west side of Roberts between Dunwoody Knoll and Chamblee Dunwoody as they believe this will forcibly remove many of the large trees abutting the Fairfield complex as the area between the trees and the brick wall is limited in spots. The neighbors I talked to have concerns on the planed sidewalk and would prefer have the sidewalk installed only between Dunwoody Knoll and the signal at the new Austin entrance, leaving the buffer of trees south of Austin on Roberts alone as they claim there are no pedestrian uses on the west side between the new Austin area and Chamblee Dunwoody.
The owners of the Swancy Farmhouse, the historic home registered with the Dunwoody Preservation Trust, located directly across from the bus entrance on the new Austin site has the most to lose as that home was built before Roberts Drive was installed and the home sits very close to the street with limited right of way therefore street and sidewalk improvements may negatively affect that historic property more than most.
I talked to Mr. Michael Smith, the City Public Works Director tonight at the City Council meeting and he said that the concept plan released today should allow the sidewalk to meander around many of the trees and the City may put in flexible sidewalks above some of the trees root systems in order to save them.
While touring the area the other day, I noted that the widths of the sidewalks on the east side of Roberts seemed smaller than standard and might negatively affect the safety of the numerous children that will be walking from the Wintercreek subdivision therefore I recommended to Mr. Smith that these walking paths be reviewed for possible improvement as part of this project.
Besides all of the direct properties affected, I expect Austin Elementary parents & representatives of the Dunwoody Nature Center will be in attendance on Thursday to review the project plans. I am also guessing that the residents of Dunwoody Knoll Drive which is a connector street between Roberts and Chamblee Dunwoody near the Austin Elementary signal will be attending as well as their traffic patterns and access to Roberts Drive will be modified.
Other than the preliminary concept design that was released Monday evening, the Dunwoody City Council hasn't seen any other planing documents for this project as I am guessing they will be released at the open house on Thursday but the RFP containing the design planning requirements are available for review, along with all traffic and pedestrian information.For more information, please visit the City’s website at www.dunwoodyga.gov or contact the City of Dunwoody at 678-382-6700.
I have also shared with the neighbors, the link to the Dunwoody GIS site which clearly shows the property and right of way lines for all properties in the city including those affected in this project.
Please share the details of this concept improvement with your neighbors and we hope to see you on Thursday, 6 pm at City Hall.
Vino Venue - Dunwoody Wine Bar & Restaurant
Vino Venue
4478 Chamblee Dunwoody Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Georgetown Shopping Center
Phone: 770-668-0435
Located in Dunwoody, Vino Venue is a
one-of-a-kind wine and dine emporium offering guests a unique, complete
wine and culinary experience. With over
50 wines available by the
glass, a respectable craft beer selection, and
bistro-style cuisine designed for sharing, Vino Venue is
just the place
to discover the art and science of food and wine. Vino Venue
is also
home to a $100,000 chef demonstration kitchen furthering Vino
fundamental priority: wine education at Atlanta Wine School.
Patric Good is Executive Chef of Vino
Venue, where he is creating wonderful things in the kitchen, as well as,
overseeing a multitude of
dynamic events. Patric’s global-style
cuisine with a hint of Southern
hospitality and International flare
brings a creative light to the food and wine
Dunwoody City Council agenda for Monday May 7th, 2018
Monday, May 7th
Dunwoody City Hall
4800 Ashford Dunwoody Rd
Dunwoody City Hall
4800 Ashford Dunwoody Rd
Dunwoody, GA 30338
AgendaRecognition of Dunwoody Police Department Officer of the Quarter and Employee of the Quarter.
FIRST READ: Amendment to Chapter 20: Review and Consideration of Text Amendment Regarding Standard Informational Signs.
FIRST READ: Amendment to Chapter 8: Review and Consideration of Text Amendment Regarding Roof Inspections.
Approval of a Contract Amendment with Calyx Engineers and Consultants for the Mount Vernon Road at Vermack Road Intersection Improvement Project.
Resolution Appointing Members to Serve on the Design Review Advisory Committee.
Approval of a Construction Contract for Intersection Improvements at Mount Vernon Road and Vermack Road.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Dunwoody Farmers Market opens Saturday morning at Brook Run Park with a great list of vendors.
Dunwoody Farmers Market
Saturday's 8:30am -1pm
Brook Run Park - Dunwoody, Georgia
Opening Day May 5th 2018
Saturday's 8:30am -1pm
Brook Run Park - Dunwoody, Georgia
Opening Day May 5th 2018
2 fun guys mushrooms
A variety of locally grown and organic mushrooms and mushroom products.
Alta cucina italia
Handcrafted Italian gourmet olive oils, seasonings, balsamic vinegars, pestos, tomato sauces, and pastas.
bentley farms
Blueberries, seasonal greens, okra, root vegetables, cage free eggs, chicken and grass fed meats
bernhard's german bakery
Fresh local baked goods, cakes, desserts and breads, now delivered right here in Dunwoody.
Local farm with a variety of Certified Naturally Grown, seasonal produce.calyroad creamery
One of Georgia's first micro-creameries with artisan cheeses (goat and cow), made from fresh Georgia milk.
da vinci's donuts
Unique, homemade donuts in a variety of flavors,based out of their Dunwoody location
deb-bee's honey
Debbie's local honey and honey products, keeping things sweet!
dickey farms
Georgia family owned and operated farm specializing in fresh locally grown peaches, pecans, and ice cream for over 120 years. www.gapeaches.com
farm burger
own Farm Burger will bring fresh breakfast sandwiches to our Saturday
morning market. Made from organic and locally grown products, the
perfect shopping snack. www.farmburger.net
fry farms
Locally grown fruits and vegetables, non-GMO and pesticide free, with high quality, sustainable growing methods. Bi-weekly.
faith of a mustard seed farm
Farm fresh pasture raised eggs, fresh vegetables, goat milk lotions and artisan soaps (every other Saturday).
gilliam's garden
Naturally grown, seasonal produce, greens, vegetables and herbs!
grow with the flow farm
Local, certified naturally grown produce, including lettuces, spinich, greens, squash, onions, beans, peas, and more...
hardy bakery
A long-time market vendor, offering gluten free and vegan baked goods and specialty orders
heritage farm
Certified Naturally Grown and Georgia farm with quality, grass-fed and free-range meats, eggs, and pesticide-free, non-GMO vegetables.
A variety of salsa's made from locally grown produce and seasoning.
jake's produce and cannery
A variety of salsas, sauces, and locally made tortillas.
javagenesis coffee
Organic, locally brewed coffee, served fresh and brewed weekly so you can take a bag home!
kasha 27
Organic and natural skincare, face and body lotions.
Homemade popsicles made from locally grown King of Pops produce.
Fresh mini-pies, pastries and desserts!
Local, certified apples, apple pies, jams, desserts, cider and pastries, all from North Georgia. www.mercier-orchards.com
minnie's sweetie paws
Natural, locally-made dog treats for your four-legged friend!
Every kindof pancake imaginable to snack on and to take home and enjoy all week!THE PEPPER GUYS
Locally grown Georgia peppers and produce, farmed by Dunwoody residents.
popcorn palooza
Chamblee-based popcorn snacks and treats!
ragg's designs
Local, hand-crafted jewelry.
Award-winning jams, sauces and salsas, known nationwide, but started here in Dunwoody!
A variety of sweet and savory scones, to taste or for purchase.
smokin'girls bbq
Award-winning barbecue and sauces, made right here in Georgia
A variety of fresh fish and seafood caught and delivered weekly from the Georgia and East coast. Pre-orders available!
twisted pretzel BAKERY
Baked, natural pretzels, bundt cakes and breads, one to try and the rest to last all week.
watsonia farms
Organic, locally grown seasonal produce, strawberries and peaches.
Unique, hand-crafted wood bowls and home goods for your fresh produce!
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Fifteen Eagle Scouts advance from one patrol of Troop 477 in Dunwoody, GA
When little boys join the Boy Scouts they band together to form a patrol of boys their own age in order to go through the adventures of scouting as a group. Only 4 percent of all Scouts ever make it to the rank of Eagle but there is an incredible story coming out of Boy Scout Troop 477 from Kingswood United Methodist Church in Dunwoody, Ga.
15 Scouts from the Batman Patrol have made the coveted rank of Eagle Scout before their 18th birthday, the deadline of aging out of the program. Records are being checked with Boy Scout Headquarters but this level of achievement is unprecedented and may actually be record setting.
The 15 Eagle Scouts are - Levi Hoey, Nicholas Fraser, Sam Lucius, Barrett Williams, Cole Griffith, Evan Maxwell, Caleb Sparks, David Antonino, Joshua Wall, Peter Richardson, Drew Cottle, Josh Bieber, Jackson Kuller, Riley Heneghan, Ben Todd.
Special recognition goes out the Scoutmasters and adult leaders of the Troop, including Bob Melton, Barry Deutsch, Nathan Sparks, Peter Bain, and the many others who helped make this happen.
25th Annual MJCCA Harris Jacobs Dream Run 5K through Dunwoody, scheduled for Sunday, May 6 at 8:00 am
25th Annual Harris Jacobs Dream Run/Walk
Family Fit & Fun Fair
Sunday, May 6, 2018 – 8:00 am
The Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta invites the community to run or walk in its family-friendly 25th Annual Harris Jacobs Dream Run (HJDR) 5K road race on Sunday, May 6 at 8:00 am. The race begins and ends at the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta’s (MJCCA) Zaban Park campus (5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338). The Family Fit & Fun Fair immediately follows the race.
The Harris Jacobs Dream Run (HJDR) was created 25 years ago to serve our community with a fun, active, and family-friendly event that honors the memory of Harris Jacobs, a past president of the MJCCA and influential member of the Atlanta Jewish community.
The popular community event features:
- 8:00 am - 5K Road Race/Walk (follows a certified, family-friendly course through Dunwoody neighborhoods.)
- Come for the run, stay for the fun! Post-race activities include: the Family Fit & Fun Fair, featuring the Atlanta Hawks Flight Crew, rock climbing wall, face painting, complimentary massages, and more!
- The HJDR course is a 2019 Peachtree Road Race qualifier (allowing runners to use their time to qualify for a start wave in the 2019 Road Race) and all participants will be chip-timed. Participants will receive a high-performance t-shirt.
“I encourage runners and walkers of all experience levels to come out and enjoy the Harris Jacobs Dream Run,” said Kitty. “It is certainly a tribute to my Harris, but also a way for friends and family members to come together and race or walk through beautiful neighborhoods, ending up at our MJCCA.”
Race/Walk Fees Adult: $30, $35 on Race Day / Children under 12: $15
More info: contact Pam Morton at 678.812.3981 or pam.morton@atlantajcc.org.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Dunwoody High School teacher loses home to fire and funds are being collected to assist one of our own.
Just after midnight on Friday, April 27, the house of beloved Dunwoody High School teacher and coach, Jermaine Searles, caught fire. His wife and family (and dog) were all able to get to safety but the house has been declared a total loss.
Coach Searles (as he is known to his 9th grade boys basketball team) led the team to its first ever 6-7A regional championship this year. He is also in his 2nd year at DHS as an Interrelated math teacher and just completed his masters degree in Special Education. He loves his Dunwoody High School students and athletes.
We are starting this Go Fund Me page to help them get back on their feet and to show support as they navigate this journey. His family has expressed such gratitude for the Dunwoody community rallying around them during this difficult time.
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