Thursday, September 30, 2010
Christmas for Kids 2010 Volunteer Kick-Off Meeting - Tonight at 6:00 pm
When: Thursday, September 30, 2010, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Where: North Peachtree Baptist Church (in the Fellowship Hall),
4805 Tilly Mill Rd, Dunwoody GA 30360
Greetings Dunwoody,
Some will say that it is far too early to think about Christmas. Nevertheless, we here at the Dunwoody Police Department just can’t wait any longer! Christmas for Kids 2009 (CFK 2009) was an absolute success and we owe that success to the many Dunwoody citizens, businesses, city employees and officers who stepped up and gave the program their all. We are hoping that Christmas for Kids 2010 (CFK 2010) will be able to bring the same joy and happiness to this year’s recipients. With that in mind, CFK 2010 is underway once again. Our CFK committee and project team leaders are now in place, and we will soon be looking for many volunteers to help us help others.
For those who may have missed CFK 2009, allow me to fill you in. Christmas for Kids began with an idea to help Dunwoody’s less fortunate children by making their Christmases a little brighter. Last year, the economy was bad; and Dunwoody’s hardest hit were the hundreds of families who live in and along the Peachtree Industrial Boulevard corridor. Our goal was to collect new and unwrapped toys, search our community for needy families with children from newborn to fifteen years old, and invite them to a private Christmas festival where Santa and all his helpers came together to personally give out those toys and gifts. It was truly an awesome event; especially for the 60-plus honored guests ~ the kids!
The Christmas season for 2010 will be upon us before you know it; and unfortunately, the economy has not gotten much better over the past year. So I am writing this letter to reach out to our Dunwoody community and ask that we start getting into the Christmas spirit a little early. Just like Santa and his Elves, we have lots to do!
Our CFK Volunteer Kick-Off meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 30, 2010, 6:00pm-7:00pm at North Peachtree Baptist Church (Fellowship Hall) 4805 Tilly Mill Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30360 where we will give prospective volunteers a brief overview of the CFK program and allow them to choose and register for the project team that most interests them. Team leaders will be on-hand to answer specific questions about our various project teams including:
• Advertising/Promotion
• Gifts/Distribution
• Food/Beverage
• Decorating/Party Activities
• Registration/Transportation
Now is the time to give back within our community! Individuals and businesses interested in supporting the Dunwoody Police Department’s Christmas for Kids 2010 program should periodically check our webpage for more information on donating supplies and gifts; hosting a gift collection site; or just volunteering your time or talents.
Here’s to another successful Christmas season of giving back to those who really need it!
Yours sincerely,
Officer F. Espinoza
Emergency Communication - Dunwoody Water Main Break and Schools
Today in between meetings, I scrolled through Twitter on my blackberry and read from a Dunwoody High School student what was happening at the school. I called my wife Kristin and I was the first to tell her of the situation of the water main break and that students from Dunwoody High School and Dunwoody Elementary were being bussed off site.
This brought up the question for me. How did the schools do at Emergency notification? How did the City do? What could have been improved? What is the take away and lessons learned from the event?
Rick Callihan discussed it on his blog and even with his tongue in cheek prose he sounded positive about the communication, what was your takeaway from the event? I would love to hear the good the bad and the ugly.
New Food Pantry Garden Is In - Thank You for your Generosity !!
I would like to thank everyone who donated to the worth cause of the garden at St. Patrick's to benefit the the Malachi's Storehouse because, in truth many of us are just one paycheck away from needing their services. Thank You.
Below is a note from Pattie Baker as posted on her blog.
Big thanks to the entire community (and beyond) for your outpouring of generosity. Enough money was donated to create this garden and to have funds to manage it for an entire year. And thank you to all the folks who helped in other ways small and large. So many people were involved these past two weeks that I can't even list everyone! Now, let's see what else besides good, healthy food grows as a result.
Who wants to climb a tree? Dunwoody Nature Center offering a way to climb the bigest Oak in the forest.
Tree Hug Festival at Dunwoody Nature Center
Sunday, October 3
11:00 - 5:00 PM
DNC Members $10; General Public $15
Make friends with a tree! Genevieve Summers of Dancing with Trees brings all the equipment and training you'll need to climb high into a huge oak tree. Discovery stations all around the park introduce visitors to the wonders of the forest. Our oak tree can hold up to 10 climbers at a time, so enjoy the discovery stations while you wait your turn. Fees are per person.
(Don't want to climb the tree? The Discovery and Craft stations are free!)
Do you need a couch to go away or know someone who's a Hoarder, call Dunwoody's Just Trash It for assistance.
The other night my wife forced me to sit though a show called Hoarders about people who never throw away or discard anything. It was gross and these people needed to get some professional help. If this ever happens to the person I'm living with who actually likes this type of TV show, I now know who I am calling.
Today I heard the Atlanta Business Radio show where the guests were Kevin Copeland and Andy Greider from JustTrashIt. They are a 13 year old locally owned and operated junk removal business from Dunwoody that serves commercial and residential needs. They shared stories about helping home owners associations, apartment complexes as well as commercial real estate firms with their trash removal and recycling. To learn more please go to their website and see for yourself why they are the highest rated junk removal business on
Interested in the subject of trash, recycling, hording or just hearing about a local business, listen to the interview.
PS: Thank you, Just Trash It for working the Dunwoody 4th of July parade and the upcoming Dunwoody Music Festival. Your service to the community has been outstanding. Thank you.
Dunwoody HS Football Alumni Homecoming Barbeque - Friday, October 15th
The Dunwoody High School Football Alumni group is sponsoring a Homecoming Barbeque prior to the Dunwoody/Marist football game, Friday, October 15th. The event is open to ALL!! So, come by and enjoy some great Shane’s barbeque and support the DHS football team.
The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at North DeKalb Stadium next to Chamblee High School. The cost is $15 and includes:
$6 for the meal (barbecue pork or chicken sandwich; cole slaw; baked beans; chocolate chip cookie; drink)
$7 for a ticket to the game itself
$2 donation to the football team
Please respond to as soon as possible, so they can give Shane's a head count.
The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at North DeKalb Stadium next to Chamblee High School. The cost is $15 and includes:
$6 for the meal (barbecue pork or chicken sandwich; cole slaw; baked beans; chocolate chip cookie; drink)
$7 for a ticket to the game itself
$2 donation to the football team
Please respond to as soon as possible, so they can give Shane's a head count.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Video of September 27th Dunwoody City Council Meeting
Meeting recap, we amended the 2010 budget to remove two buildings at Brook Run, put $100,000 towards sidewalks, outlawed littering (including blowing leaves and grass into the street), cleaned up the tax code with minor edits, rejected the proposed noise ordinance changes, deferred the accessory structures change, approved the sign plan for the Dunwoody Music Festival, hired an Economic Development Manager to promote new businesses within the City, and deferred a decision on repaving Dunwoody Club Drive until discussions with Sandy Springs can be had regarding standardized lane widths.
I forgot to add that we also passed the Outdoor Lighting Efficiency Ordinance which would require efficient operation of outdoor lighting by limiting misdirected, excessive, or unnecessary outdoor lighting. There was a last minute change to this proposal which allowed upward sign lighting, which I was against because it is contrary to what was intended, but since this ordinance was not specifically targeting signs and even had a statement in there that it was not applicable to signs (page 4, last sentence on applicability); I voiced my concerns and approved the measure along with the other council members present.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Revive 285 Plan now has an interactive mapping tool of what could happen to the Dunwoody area.
Revive285 Maps Virtual Future of I-285 Top End with Interactive Mapping Tool
Pull up the map and zoom all the way in to see what could happen to 285, the intersections around it as well as where the possible new train stations will be.
See the collector lanes leading to Ashford Dunwoody which actually starts east of Chamblee Dunwoody, and the new train station (or bus rapid transit) on the Georgetown Shopping Center.
Pull up the map and zoom all the way in to see what could happen to 285, the intersections around it as well as where the possible new train stations will be.
Chamblee Dunwoody & 285 |
Georgetown Swim Tennis |
Look where the new transit line could go?
Ravinia Train Station & Ashford Dunwoody |
GM Plant becomes a Mass Transit Storage Yard? |
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Fontainebleau neighborhood asks for long term improvements to Happy Hollow Road.
Members of the Dunwoody City Council received the following letter from Mr. Christos Kiriazis, President of the Fontainebleau Swim and Tennis Club. After receiving the letter, I called and talked to Mr. Kiriazis informing him that I agreed with the needed infrastructure improvements which in my opinion would not only include sidewalks but also the long term infrastructure improvement of trees.
In 1998, the Fontainebleau area was one of the hardest hit areas of the Dunwoody tornado and the tree coverage was decimated. Though it is starting to come back, the stretch along Happy Hollow could, and in my opinion should, be tree lined at the same time that new sidewalks are installed. The City of Dunwoody council members have agreed to work towards being designated a Tree City USA Community; therefore the re-forestation of our community is important for all of us. Happy Hollow Rd from Peeler to the Sandy Springs border at Dunwoody Club runs 1.3 miles in length, with a number of elevation drop-offs and gullys; this type of project will need to be properly planned and engineered before installation. Besides sidewalks and trees the other amenity that will need to be taken into consideration in the long term planning of Happy Hollow Rd is the possible creation of bike lanes which may, or may not require a slight widening of the road. This type of project will not happen overnight but please know that it is on my and the other council members long term plans for the city.
John Heneghan
Dunwoody City Council
September 20, 2010
To: Mayor of Dunwoody, Ken Wright City Council Members: Denis Shortal, Adrian Bonser, Doug Thompson, Robert Wittenstein, Danny Ross, John Heneghan
The Board of Directors of Fontainebleau Swim and Tennis Club met on September 14, 2010, at our standard meeting held on the second Tuesday of every month. Among items on the agenda was the relationship this area of Dunwoody has with City of Dunwoody, particularly regarding infrastructure issues, long term planning, and road maintenance.
One issue that was unanimously viewed as needed is the addition of sidewalks in this area of Dunwoody, particularly the road connecting Spalding with Peeler, Happy Hollow Road. Our membership, of one hundred and twenty seven families, lives on both sides of Happy Hollow and is well aware of the traffic volume and speed issues in that section of Dunwoody.
The route along Happy Hollow would be well suited for walkers, families with strollers, joggers etc. but can not be utilized by the area residents due to the lack of sidewalks. For their safety, most residents, who do walk, jog etc. take long detours through neighborhoods on both sides of Happy Hollow, avoiding crossing or walking along Happy Hollow.
Parents who have school children with bus stops on Happy Hollow choose to either drive them to school or to a safer bus stop.
We hope that this issue can be addressed in a timely manner.
The Board of Directors of Fontainebleau Swim and Tennis would like to be informed of the next meeting for updating the rating system for sidewalk and infrastructure funds so that we may present our issues to the appropriate body. Hopefully, this section of Dunwoody can have equal priority with the other areas on this matter and all future issues for the city.
Thank you,
Christos Kiriazis, President
Fontainebleau Swim and Tennis Club
Friday, September 24, 2010
Dunwoody City Council Meeting Agenda for Monday Sep 27th at 7 pm
Work Session Agenda at 6 pm & Voting Meeting Agenda at 7 pm.
Proclamation Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Dunwoody Homeowners Association.
SECOND READ - Ordinance to Amend Chapter 26, Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places, Section 26-265 Definitions of Special Events.
SECOND READ - Ordinance to Amend Fiscal Year 2010 Budget.
SECOND READ - Ordinance to Amend Purchasing Policy.
SECOND READ - Ordinance to Amend Chapter 24: Offenses and Miscellaneous Offenses to Add Litter Control Regulations.
Approval for Staff to Dispose of Excess, Surplus or Obsolete Materials.
RESOLUTION to Adopt Administrative Hearing Procedures for the City of Dunwoody.
Approval of December Meeting Dates.
PUBLIC HEARING & SECOND READ - Proposed Text Amendment to Chapter 10: Business and Occupation Taxes.
PUBLIC HEARING & SECOND READ - Proposed Text Amendment to Chapter 27: Zoning to Add Outdoor Lighting Efficiency Ordinance.
PUBLIC HEARING & SECOND READ - Proposed Text Amendment to Chapter 18: Noise.
PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed Text Amendment to Chapter 27: Zoning re: Accessory Structures.
RESOLUTION Appointing Hearing Officer for the Appeals Process Related to Various Licensing Processes. (Richard Carothers, Esq & Michael Rothenberg, Esq)
Approval of Additional Signage Request for Dunwoody Music Festival.
Approval of Economic Development Program Implementation.
– Amendment to Position Allocation Chart to Add Economic Development Manager
– Amendment to Salary Table to Add Economic Development Manager Salary
– Approval of Job Description for Economic Development Manager
Modification to Clark Patterson Lee Contract for Economic Development Manager Position.
Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between Sandy Springs and City of Dunwoody for Paving.
Saturday the Dunwoody Police are collecting unwanted and expired medications for destruction
Saturday - 10 am until 2 pm
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
On September 25, 2010, the City of Dunwoody will be collaborating with the DEA to remove potentially dangerous controlled substances from our medicine cabinets. Collection activities will take place from 10:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m. at Dunwoody City Hall, 41 Perimeter Center East, 30346. The National Take-Back Day provides an opportunity for the public to surrender expired, unwanted, or unused pharmaceutical controlled substances and other medications for destruction. These drugs are a potential source of supply for illegal use and an unacceptable risk to public health and safety.
This one-day effort is intended to bring national focus to the issue of increasing pharmaceutical controlled substance abuse.
- The program is anonymous.
- Prescription and over the counter solid dosage medications, i.e. tablets and capsules accepted.
- Intra-venous solutions, injectables, and needles will not be accepted.
- Illicit substances such as marijuana or methamphetamine are not a part of this initiative.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Dunwoody Village Master Plan Meeting
Another good meeting, much like Georgetown, here is the Dunwoody Village presentation.
Here is the opening statement of City Manager, Mr. Warren Hutmacher.
Here is the future planning website for the Village.
Dunwoody Dog Directory helps reunite pets and owners.
This FREE website is designed to enable lost dogs to be reunited with their owners quickly and easily!
When a dog is reported LOST or FOUND an email will notify all registered dog-lovers immediately. Think of this site as a “Neighborhood Watch” for Dogs. Keep your eyes and ears open and bring dogs home that are running loose. All you have to do is go to the “Report a Lost Dog” Tab and let us know, so we can spread the word and quickly get the dogs to their rightful owners. All dog lovers are encouraged to register today.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Dunwoody Village Master Plan meeting Tonight at the Chapel of Dunwoody Baptist Church.
Tonight 7 p.m.
Dunwoody Baptist Church, in the Chapel
Dunwoody Baptist Church, in the Chapel
1445 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
The City of Dunwoody will be hosting the first of four community meeting to discuss the Dunwoody Village area on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Dunwoody Baptist Chapel which is located at 1445 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338. The meeting is part of the development of a Master Plan for the Dunwoody Village area, which will provide a framework to guide land use, transportation, and open space improvements in the future. At this kickoff meeting, we will be presenting the market analysis of the area as well as an interactive visual preference survey to help identify key goals and requirements for the future. Your input is needed!
For more information, please visit the City’s website at or contact Kimberly Greer at or 678-382-6709.
DeKalb County School Board Candidate Forum, Tuesday Sep 28th at Dunwoody City Hall
DeKalb School Board Candidate Forum
Tuesday, September 28th at 6:30 p.m.
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East, 303346
eduKALB, an independent and non-partisan 527 non-profit organization, is co-sponsoring a series of candidate forums for the 15 men and women seeking five seats on the DeKalb County School Board, in partnership with several leading and well-established community organizations later this month and in early October.
Following an extensive series of candidate interviews, as well as these candidate forums, the eduKALB board of directors will rank its preferences of candidates, and release its endorsements and preferred candidates slate on Tuesday, October 11.
Candidate rankings, survey responses, bios and other information supplied by the individual candidates and campaigns will be available on eduKALB's website at
All candidate forums will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and are open to all 15 announced candidates and incumbents seeking election to DeKalb School Board District Seats 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Below are the links to the information regarding the three District 1 candidates.
Jim Redovian – Incumbent
Questions & Answers
Merope “Bobbe” Gillis – Candidate
Questions & Answers
Nancy Jester – Candidate
Questions & Answers
Dunwoody Woman’s Club 2010 Tour of Homes - October 6, 2010
Dunwoody Woman’s Club Tour, October 6, 2010 Mark your Calendars |
The Dunwoody Woman’s Club has chosen four exquisitely designed and decorated idea-filled homes for its 38th Annual Home Tour, scheduled for October 6, 2010.
An estate home in a new gated community, a recently renovated European contemporary with views of the Chattahoochee, a half-timbered and gabled manor house in the English country style and an eclectic classic with meticulously displayed collectibles will be open on tour day from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m.
The tour will include a Design Seminar at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. presented by Dunwoody interior design firm INSIDESIGN.
Tickets will be available starting in mid-August from this website as well from members of Dunwoody Woman’s Club, the Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce and at participating merchants:
Ticket donation is $25 prior to the Tour and $30 on Tour day All ticket proceeds are returned to the community through the club’s initiatives in Arts, Conservation, Education, Home Life, and International and Public Affairs.
Big, late-breaking news about the Dunwoody Home Tour, scheduled for October 6. Cooking instructor and television personality Ginny McCormack will autograph her new book "Sunday in the South" at the Dyer home on the day of the tour. The author will donate 10% of the book's sale price to the Alzheimer's Association.
Tickets for the Home Tour are $25 in advance or $30 on tour day and provide entrance to the four homes on the tour as well as a design seminar presented by the Dunwoody firm Insidesign. Tickets are available from any member of Dunwoody Woman's Club or at Artichoke Designs, The Copper Pig, David Long Interiors, Harry Norman's Ashford-Dunwoody Road office, Insidesign, Pendleton, The Scarlet Tassel, Southern Comforts Consignments or at All ticket proceeds are returned to the community through initiatives of the Dunwoody Womans Club, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Please help me fund community garden beds at St. Pat's Episcopal to feed Dunwoody area food pantry clients.
Can you help me, help others?
As I have discussed here previously St. Patrick's Episcopal Church on North Peachtree Road operates the Malachi's Storehouse which is a food pantry that provides basic groceries to area families in need. The Church has just partnered with the Dunwoody Community Garden (located at Brook Run) to have garden beds installed on church property whereby all of the fresh food grown will be donated to the food pantry. My good friends Pattie Baker & Bob Lundsten are spearheading the fund raising drive ($1,000 by Wednesday) and I am honored to lend a hand here, as well as make a personal donation.
All donations made though the Dunwoody Community Garden website until this Wednesday will be assumed to be for the new food pantry beds. Please click here or click the button below if you are able to make a tax deductible financial donation towards this worthy effort.

Thank you for your generosity.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Young Musicians Wanted - Battle of the Bands at the Dunwoody Music Festival - winner gets free studio time.
Apply Today
Heard that demo requirement might be waived?
Heard that demo requirement might be waived?
Battle of the Bands - winner gets Free Studio time.
The festival offers an exciting contest for young musicians with an affinity to compete. This Battle of the Bands competition is for anyone ages 15 to 20. Every type of music is welcome and wanted. The competitors will perform on one of the festival’s two main stages on Sunday, October 24 from 12 pm to 4 pm. The entry fee is $75 and each band has twenty minutes to play three songs. If you are not selected, your $75 entry fee check will be returned to you. If you are selected and are a minor, an additional release form must be signed by parent/guardian. The first‐place winner will be awarded the final performance of the festival on stage, and 8 Hours of recording time at the exclusive recording studio, Wolff Brothers Post located in Midtown Atlanta. An award will be given to second and third place winners at the end of the festival.
Contact information: phone: 678‐244‐9700 ext 5
Happy Constitution Day - September 17, 2010
September 17, 2010
The signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787 by the Founding Fathers is one of the most important and influential events in American history, establishing the many rights and freedoms we enjoy today. On Friday September 17, 2010 the nation will observe and celebrate the 223nd anniversary of this remarkable day in our history.
The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. Empowered with the sovereign authority of the people by the framers and the consent of the Legislatures of the States, it is the source of all government powers and also provides limitations on the government that protects the fundamental rights of United States citizens. Today, it is one of the most influential legal documents in existence. Since its creation, over one hundred countries around the world have used it as a model for their own. It is a document that upholds high ideals, while answering the most practical questions of governance.
And it is a living document. It is one of the world’s oldest surviving constitutions. Great people have spent their lives studying and interpreting the Constitution. And while the Supreme Court continually interprets the constitution so as to reflect a rapidly changing world, its basic tenets have remained virtually unchanged and unchallenged since its inception. It remains a beacon of democracy, tolerance, justice, freedom and liberty for citizens of America and people around the world.
To celebrate the signing of the Constitution, the Congress, by joint resolution has designated September 17th as Citizenship Day and in such it requires all schools receiving public funds to hold educational programs on the United States Constitution.
At each DeKalb school today your child should receive instruction concerning this historic document. For those of you home-schooling or trying to help junior pass the bar, the links below will prove to be excellent resources for instruction on this topic.
Teacher Resources
Test Yourself
(Click above to take the test, I did better than Barney Fife.)
(Click above to take the test, I did better than Barney Fife.)
Early voting starts Monday on Memorial Drive and will also be available in Chamblee the week of Oct 25th
Starting Monday, Sep 20th
8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Mon - Fri
8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Mon - Fri
Memorial Drive – Main Office
Dekalb County Voter Registration and Elections
4380 Memorial Drive
Decatur, GA 30032
Only the Week of October 25 - 29
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Chamblee Civic Center
3540 Broad Street
Chamblee, GA 30341
Kingsley Fall Festival - Sat October 16th from 10 - 2
Kingsley Charter Elementary School
2051 Brendon Drive
Dunwoody, GA 30338
When: Saturday, October 16th
Times: 10am-2pm
Why: to support community and school spirit!
Info: Bill MacDonald –
Fun, Fun, Fun for Everyone!!!
100% of proceeds go directly back to Kingsley! help today to support your children and Kingsley – our local, neighborhood elementary school!
Lots of games, rides and food, classroom sponsored booths, attractions for 2010 include:
- Dunk Tank – come take your best shot at parents, teachers and Kaptain Kingsley himself!!!
- Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Joust – come challenge family and friends in a duel to the end!!!
- Obstacle Course – over 30’ feet of run, duck, jump and dodge
- Big Kahuna Slide – over 18’ feet of “riding the waves fun”!!!
- Toy Story Jump – fun for all our “younger folks”!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Overview of the Dunwoody Georgetown Master Planning meeting.
I attended the Georgetown Master Plan meeting which had about 120 Dunwoody residents in attendance and really enjoyed the well laid out presentation. The meeting quickly turned interactive whereby residents were looking and grading about 80 different photos of what could be built in the next 20 years. Residents placed red and green stickers on a big map showing areas they wanted changed and areas that should stay as is. A future website is coming where I believe everyone can then do the same; overall it was a good first step.
Any thoughts from those in attendance? Thanks.
Dunwoody Police Officer position available.
Dunwoody, Georgia
Begin Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010
End Date: Friday, October 15, 2010
The City of Dunwoody Police Department is currently accepting applications for two (2) open Police Officer positions.
This is the first rank of the Dunwoody Police force that includes certified officers. Certified officers are expected to demonstrate competency in law enforcement procedures. Police Officers work under the general supervision of an assigned Sergeant. They perform a wide range of law enforcement functions including making arrests, issuing traffic tickets, crowd control and investigative work to promote public safety and security, crime prevention and general enforcement of the law.
Minimum Requirements:
• Must be a U.S. Citizen
• Must be a current Georgia certified police officer through P.O.S.T.
• Must have a high school diploma or GED equivalent
• Must possess a valid Georgia Class C driver’s license
• Must be 21 years of age
• No felony convictions during your lifetime
• No discharge from any military organization less than an honorable discharge
• No termination for cause from a local, state or federal civil service or merit system job
The above requirements are not all-inclusive.
Starting Salary:
$38,500 - $46,000
• Vacation Leave
• Holidays
• Sick Leave
• 100% City-Paid Employee Medical Insurance
• 100% City-Paid Employee Dental Insurance
• Vision Insurance
• 100% City-Paid Employee Life/AD&D Insurance
• 100% City-Paid Employee Short-Term Disability Insurance
• 100% City-Paid Employee Long-Term Disability Insurance
• Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
• Retirement Savings Plans
• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
• Education Assistance
• Housing Reimbursement
• Fitness Center Memberships
• Take Home Car Program
For consideration, please send your completed application and consent form to or mail them to:
Dunwoody Police Department
41 Perimeter Center East, Suite 100
Dunwoody, GA 30346
The application and consent form can be found within the job posting on the Careers page of the City of Dunwoody website (
Only candidates that meet all the minimum requirements above will be considered.
Georgetown Master Plan meeting Tonight at Peachtree Charter Middle School, 7 p.m.
Dunwoody – September 9, 2010 – The City of Dunwoody is pleased to announce the kickoff for two concurrent master planning processes for the Dunwoody Village area and the Georgetown/North Shallowford Road area. For each planning process the City will host four community meetings.
Each of the two planning processes will seek to provide a framework to guide land use, transportation, and open space improvements in the future. The kickoff meetings, September 15 for Georgetown and September 21 for the Dunwoody Village, will include an introduction of the Planning Team, explanation of the planning process, a summary of existing conditions information (highlighting the market analysis as a central element), administration of the community preference survey, and a series of community engagement activities. At each meeting, participants will have an opportunity to provide input and work with the Project Team in small groups. All are encouraged to attend and be part of these two exciting planning processes.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Peachtree Charter Middle School cafeteria
4664 North Peachtree Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
Each of the two planning processes will seek to provide a framework to guide land use, transportation, and open space improvements in the future. The kickoff meetings, September 15 for Georgetown and September 21 for the Dunwoody Village, will include an introduction of the Planning Team, explanation of the planning process, a summary of existing conditions information (highlighting the market analysis as a central element), administration of the community preference survey, and a series of community engagement activities. At each meeting, participants will have an opportunity to provide input and work with the Project Team in small groups. All are encouraged to attend and be part of these two exciting planning processes.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Peachtree Charter Middle School cafeteria
4664 North Peachtree Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
New Dunwoody Rooms to Go store to add 50 positions - job fair tomorrow & Wednesday
Rooms to Go will be hosting a job fair Tuesday and Wednesday in the Atlanta area to fill 50 new jobs created by the opening of a new super store.
The job fair will take place at the Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center, located at 246 Perimeter Center Parkway near Hammond and Ashford Dunwoody. The hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Jeffrey Seaman, Chief Executive Officer of Rooms To Go said, “We’re thrilled to be opening our Perimeter location. It will showcase the best of Rooms To Go and Rooms To Go Kids/Teens. We’re looking forward to hiring a wonderful team to share our commitment to furniture shoppers."
Friday, September 10, 2010
Dunwoody City Council Agenda for Monday September 13th
Special Called Voting Meeting Agenda
1. Administer Oath of Office for New Police Officer, Harold E. Nelson, III.
2. Approval of a Contract for Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Based on the Master Plan RFP
Work Session Meeting Agenda - Immediately following Special Meeting.
1. Discussion of Commercial Sanitation.
2. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Fiscal Year 2010 Budget.
3. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 10: Business and Occupation Taxes.
4. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Purchasing Policy.
5. Discussion of Occupation Tax.
6. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 27: Zoning to Add Outdoor Lighting Efficiency Ordinance.
7. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 18: Noise.
8. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 27: Zoning re: Accessory Structures.
9. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 24: Offenses and Miscellaneous Offenses to Add Litter Control Regulations.
10. Discussion of Economic Development Program Implementation.
11. Discussion of Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Sandy Springs and the City of Dunwoody for Paving.
12. Police Department Report
13. Discussion of Additional Signage Request for Dunwoody Music Festival.
14. Discussion of Upcoming Meeting Dates.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thank You to the Dunwoody Police Department for serving with distinction
Dunwoody Police Report
Chief, Billy Grogan
Chief, Billy Grogan
The report below written by Dunwoody Police Chief, Billy Grogan will be presented at Monday's City Council Meeting and it's an overview of the Departments activities. I will post just the introduction of the ten page report and then if you want to see the full details, you will need to either click this link or read the embedded version if available down below. I am very proud of the work these men and women do and everyday they are living up to the the Mission and Vision laid out by Chief Grogan as well as remaining grounded in the Core Values of the organization.
In 2010, the Dunwoody Police Department has continued to provide the high level of customer service citizens have come to expect from our department. In addition, our department has continued to develop and strengthen our relationship with the community acknowledging this relationship as the foundation for all that we do. The Dunwoody Police Department has continued to focus on strategies to reduce crime and to that end; we have sought local, state and federal partners in our efforts to reduce crime and the victimization of our citizens.
If 2009 was a year of new beginnings, 2010 has been a year of transitions. We have shifted from doing what we had to do to get the department started to actually serving the community competently and professionally which is a different challenge altogether.
The Dunwoody Police Department is only as good as the men and women who work here. Although I am biased, I believe our department has some of the most dedicated men and women, both sworn and civilian, to ever work in local law enforcement. Their professionalism and commitment to service and teamwork is unparalleled. I am very proud of each and every person whom I have the privilege of working with at the Dunwoody Police Department.
This report provides information about the Dunwoody Police Department which might be of interest to you and citizens as alike.
Overview of the Dunwoody Police Department
The Dunwoody Police Department currently has 42 sworn police officers and 8 civilians providing service to the citizens of Dunwoody. We are a full service department providing 24 hour coverage. A Police Service Representative can always be reached at the main number for the department at 678-382-6900. In addition, a police supervisor is always on duty and available if needed.
So far in 2010, the Dunwoody Police Department has added 1 new Detective position and 1 new Drug Unit position. Officer Patrick Krieg will be assigned to the Dekalb High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) group as soon as our new recruit, Officer Trey Nelson, has been released to solo status. The Dekalb HIDTA group focuses their drug enforcement efforts in Dekalb County.
In addition, 2 new patrol officer positions will be filled in October. These positions will be assigned to the Uniform Patrol shifts.
Our retention rate for personnel has been exceptional. Only 1 sworn officer has left the department in almost 18 months and only 2 civilians have left during this same time period. There are several reasons for this low turnover rate. The first reason is the care and effort expended during the recruitment process to hire those who were committed to developing their career at the Dunwoody Police Department. The second reason is the commitment made by the City Council to provide a pay and benefits package which was attractive to quality candidates who were otherwise happy at their previous departments. The last reason is the emphasis placed on the professional development of employees as well as the emphasis on a culture of service and a commitment to teamwork.
Lastly, the Dunwoody Police Department currently has 8 officers who live in the City of Dunwoody. This translates to 19% of our police officers who live within the City of Dunwoody. In addition, we have 12 employees who are currently attending college for their degree or advanced degree.
Dunwoody_Police Department Report of Sept 2010
Planning Processes Kickoff for Dunwoody Village and Georgetown Area Master Plans
The City of Dunwoody is pleased to announce the kickoff for two concurrent master planning processes for the Dunwoody Village area and the Georgetown/North Shallowford Road area. For each planning process the City will host four community meetings.
Each of the two planning processes will seek to provide a framework to guide land use, transportation, and open space improvements in the future. The kickoff meetings, September 15 for Georgetown and September 21 for the Dunwoody Village, will include an introduction of the Planning Team, explanation of the planning process, a summary of existing conditions information (highlighting the market analysis as a central element), administration of the community preference survey, and a series of community engagement activities. At each meeting, participants will have an opportunity to provide input and work with the Project Team in small groups. All are encouraged to attend and be part of these two exciting planning processes.
Dunwoody Village Meeting Dates and Times
1. Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Dunwoody Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
1445 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
2. Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Dunwoody Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
1445 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
3. Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Dunwoody United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
548 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
4. Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Dunwoody United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
548 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
Georgetown Meeting Dates, Times, and Locations
1. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Peachtree Charter Middle School cafeteria
4664 North Peachtree Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
2. Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Peachtree Charter Middle School cafeteria
4664 North Peachtree Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
3. Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Peachtree Charter Middle School cafeteria
4664 North Peachtree Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
4. Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Peachtree Charter Middle School cafeteria
4664 North Peachtree Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
For more information regarding the master planning process please contact
Kimberly Greer, Assistant to the City Manager at 678-382-6709 or
AJC - Dunwoody: How a new city is finding its way
By April Hunt of the AJC
Jenny Troha supported Dunwoody becoming its own city because it meant more local control.
The stay-at-home mom got a taste of exactly what that meant when her 8-year-old daughter, Emma, wrote the new mayor asking for sidewalks on Valley View Road.
Mayor Ken Wright wrote back, explaining that the city was focusing this year on sidewalks near schools but that busy thoroughfares like Valley View were on the list for coming years.
“It was a good lesson in civics for her but it was also nice to see that the government really cares about the constituents,” Troha said. “I feel like we’re in a pretty good place right now, as a city.”
Dunwoody became Georgia’s newest city – and 16th largest in the state – when it incorporated on Dec. 1, 2008.
Advocates said cityhood would mean residents would have closer and better government that would address their specific needs.
Opponents argued against the finances, predicting the proposed budget underestimated expenses. Services would need to be scaled down or taxes would have to go up.
Turns out, both were right.
For instance, the city of 40,000 put a police force on the street in just four months, earning praise from residents and political watchers alike.
The price tag for the department, though, more than doubled original estimates, up to $5.7 million from estimates of $2 million. Costs went up largely because the department swelled from a projected 29 full-time employees to 48 officers and civilians.
The key in making such disparities work has been Dunwoody’s willingness to learn from other cities, both from other established cities in DeKalb County and start-ups in neighboring Fulton.
Early on, Dunwoody leaders concluded the city couldn’t outsource all services to just one firm as all the other new cities had done. Its city millage rate is 2.74, about half that of neighboring Sandy Springs, which had started the new-city trend of signing up one company to handle daily operations.
Dunwoody couldn't afford that, so it bid for all services. It ended up contracting with one firm to handle administration and finance, another for public works and a third for planning and zoning.
Residents supported the move, which ended up saving Dunwoody more than $2 million a year from the original one-firm bid.
Moreover, the city has done it without raising taxes from when it was part of unincorporated DeKalb. In fact, Dunwoody's charter stipulates the city can only raise taxes up to one mil without a vote of the citizenry, or about $160 on a house assessed at $400,000.
"I feel like we have a much better voice," said Todd Helton, a salesman who grew up in Dunwoody and moved back about 11 years ago. "It makes a difference to know you're being listened to."
City advocates had also watched from the sidelines as DeKalb and its existing cities battled for nearly a decade over divvying up sales tax money. The county collected sales tax money from the state and was to share those funds with the cities, though the governments have not been able to agree on how to allocate that cash.
Dunwoody’s charter tried to avoid that battle by laying direct claim to the money from the state.
The state Supreme Court agreed with the city this year, awarding the city $2.5 million as its share in 2009 and another $1.6 million projected for this year. That means instead waiting on the to county pass any sales tax money along, Dunwoody takes its share directly from the state revenue department.
Those savings have helped the city set aside $800,000 for road paving, $100,000 for an annual sidewalk program and leave enough money on hand to begin big-picture plans for its parks and commercial areas such as Dunwoody Village.
“Their goal has been for residents to see a direct line from their taxes to what they get in services,” said Katherine Willoughby, a professor of public management and policy at Georgia State University. “It speaks well for Dunwoody that they have done that.”
Willoughby authored a study two years ago that projected DeKalb County would lose about $16 million per year if the area became a city. The biggest losses would come in property taxes and business licenses but also include fines, forfeiture and other income.
The county was unable to make up for much of that loss, because it needed to continue to fund countywide services such as its police force and parks, said Joel Gottlieb, the county's interim chief financial officer. That loss of Dunwoody's revenue hit at the same time that the economy turned, forcing DeKalb to push more than 600 employees into early retirement and to make other cuts across its departments.
That financial reality had even some ardent supporters of cityhood worried.
“I felt like DeKalb had done a lot for us and we kind of abandoned them,” said Susan Hopkins, the owner of a travel agency who has lived in Dunwoody since 1986. “It’s just we have a lot of citizens who wanted something local, so they could be involved.”
Dunwoody and its citizens remain involved in county issues. Current topics include a clash with the DeKalb School Board over a drainage pond, built during new construction at Dunwoody High, that poses a possible health hazard. There is also ongoing demand for answers after a 74-year-old woman died in a January fire at a house that DeKalb firefighters had checked five hours earlier but left when they couldn't find the blaze.
But throughout, the city and county meet often and DeKalb CEO Burrell Ellis believes that communication has helped them avoid the bad blood has made for for tense dealings in Fulton County.
“Sometimes we have mutual interests and sometimes we need to negotiate,” Ellis said. “But we have a common fate.”
That could transform Dunwoody, already the largest city in the county, into the business model for DeKalb’s other nine cities. Those cities, for instance, stand to collect millions from the county based on the Dunwoody sales tax ruling.
Dunwoody has also joined with other DeKalb cities on grant applications. One, for a federal energy grant, effectively doubled the impact of the application by adding Dunwoody's 40,000 residents to Decatur, Doraville and Chamblee, which combined equals Dunwoody's population.
"Overnight, you added a pretty big player to our team," Chamblee City Manager Jim Gleason said. "They've reached out and really strengthened the relationship of all the cities in DeKalb County."
That gives all DeKalb cities a bit more clout in a county that is about 75 percent unincorporated. A vote on annexation in November is expected to add about 6,000 residents to Chamblee, creating a joint border with Dunwoody as well as gradually forming a swath of cities in the northern part of the county.
Being home to Perimeter Mall and the surrounding businesses already makes Dunwoody the retail and office capital of the county. The city has more than 2,350 licensed businesses, including more than 120 restaurants, 60 medical offices and 33 law firms.
Those businesses will generate more than $2.3 million this year in county occupational taxes alone.
That money helps Dunwoody focus on its Three Ps – police, paving and parks – while giving it a chance to be a voice for the larger area, Wright said.
“In Dunwoody, you’re OTP but in town,” Wright said of the city limits, which lie mostly outside the Perimeter but link to the larger area. “We don’t distance ourselves from the rest of metro Atlanta. We are modern-day Atlanta.”
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