Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dunwoody Food Truck Thursday's proposed for Brook Run Park to run over a 12 week period this Summer.

Ms. Bettie Cagle of Redbird Events presented an idea to the Dunwoody Homeowners Association on Sunday Night which I believe on the surface has the possibility of becoming a reality.  Bettie has experience doing Food Truck events including Smyrna Food Truck Tuesdays & Virginia Highlands Food Truck Wednesdays and proposes a Dunwoody Food Truck Thursdays at Brook Run Park to run over a 12 week period from 6 to 9 pm this Summer.

The event would offer about five or six various food trucks, local entertainment in a park atmosphere at regularly scheduled times and she promises to incorporate the local brick & mortar establishments who already serve the community into the mix.  The proposal being discussed is for the DHA to partner with the City as a Special Event whereby the only cost to the city may be a little additional police.  In exchange for that overhead, we would have a weekly event happening every Thursday night that would build community and could grow into a wonderful long term event for the city.

Brook Run is a wonderful place to walk off an interesting meal and besides a few musical events as being proposed, imagine if we got the "problematic" stream running through the playground for the little kids to play in, we could throw in a couple "Movie in the Park" nights and then maybe dedicate an evening to have the Mayor show off his skateboard skills during a skate park event.

Watch the video for the full presentation but I think the food could draw us into the park but we would stay for other reasons.

1 comment:

DunwoodyTalk said...

If the park had true park amenities such as sports fields for youth soccer, lacrosse, football, baseball, etc. the food truck idea would be great. Unfortunately, Brook Run is mostly a waste land currently. With planning and implementation this park could be the highlight of our city.