Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Windwood Hollow Park Playground in Dunwoody is open after a complete rebuild.
Just in time for the holidays, Windwood Hollow Park Playground is finished! We still have some sidewalk work to do but the play structures are ready for use. Go by and check it out, it's pretty awesome.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Dunwoody High School Wildcat Royale Fundraiser - Sat January 31st
Since 2004, the DHS Community Association (aka Wildcat Fund) has championed and contributed to Dunwoody’s flagship high school. Here are examples of how our foundation has supported DHS: new tennis courts, a rubberized track surface, a new grand piano, laptops and printers for classrooms, and the support of many student academic clubs and teams. Looking forward, there are big plans for improvements across the board at Dunwoody High School and this alumni association will be one of the leaders in making these plans a reality.
The capital improvements already identified by Principal McFerrin which have been approved by DeKalb County School System but await funding are: digital marquee, ADA bathroom facilities on athletic fields, lights for our practice field, and gym concession stand. Additional wish list items include: copiers on every floor for teachers, an additional Counseling staff member (college prep/graduation coach), stairs/bleachers for baseball field, new turf for our practice field, new track around our practice field, and a staging room and offices off the auditorium.
These advancements will help to bring Dunwoody residents together in new and exciting ways. More and more Dunwoody High School alumni are returning to the Dunwoody community and we are seeing a second generation of students entering through the doors of the school. Further, since area residents will also be able to utilize these facilities, there will be an enhancement of quality of life and property values in the neighborhood.
Our reason for doing this is simple; we want to enhance our Dunwoody community, making it the best it can be. And you can help to make our vision a reality. Any donation you can oer to the Wildcat Fund is an investment in our collective future. Together, we can make it happen so please join us and “Be All In.” click here to complete paper response card or here to do the online registration.
Friday, December 12, 2014
National Children’s Memorial Day will be observed at Dunwoody High School on Sunday, December 14th at 7:00 p.m.
The 18th Annual Worldwide Candle Lighting in observance of National Children’s Memorial Day will be observed in the Louis Nava Memorial Garden on Sunday, December 14th at 7:00p.m. The garden is located at Dunwoody High School at the base of the stairs that lead from the gym to the track, baseball and practice fields.
The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honor the memories of the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren who left too soon. As candles are lit at 7:00 p.m. local time, hundreds of thousands of persons commemorate and honor the memory of all children gone too soon.
Every year, the parents of DHS Alumni Louis Nava and Doug Breffle hold a candle lighting ceremony at DHS as part of this worldwide event in memory of their sons, Louis and Doug.
Louis Nava was the victim of a shooting after being carjacked in 1999 when he was a student at Dunwoody High School and Doug Breffle was killed in a car accident in 2002.
All are welcome to join for an hour of quiet remembrance of children who have died, but will never be forgotten. See for more information. Contact Lisa Curtis,, with questions.
Largescale Greorgetown Gateway Plan proposed by City of Dunwoody including Roundabout.
Public Information Open House Materials
December 11, 2014
Corridor - Chamblee Dunwoody Georgetown Gateway
Cotillion Pedestrian Improvements
Intersection - Chamblee Dunwoody Road at Peeler Road
Next Project
Phase – Preliminary Design Phase
During the
preliminary design phase, the design consultant, URS, will further refine the
preferred designed concept(s), identify and avoid problems, and determined ways
to mitigate any potential unpreventable impacts.
Project Updates
- Fall 2014 - The public involvement phase has begun. Stakeholder meetings with business owners and residents will be held mid-November. A Public Information Open House has been scheduled for Thursday, December 11th, 2014.
- Summer 2014 - The consultant is collecting survey data of the built environment, collecting and analyzing traffic data, and identifying key stakeholders in preparation for the upcoming public involvement phase.
- Spring 2014 - The City hired consultant URS to assist in the concept and roadway improvement design efforts.
CDC Director Tom Frieden visits the Atlanta Press Club to discuss Ebola.
On December 10, 2014 CDC Director Tom Frieden visited the Atlanta Press Club to discuss the CDC's efforts to control the epidemic and prevent Ebola from further spreading in the U.S. I was in attendance and thought this speech was timely, locally relevant and was worth sharing, especially since I know of so many hard working and dedicated employees of the CDC who live here in Dunwoody.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Updated Dunwoody City Council Agenda - Board Apointments, City Manager documents and Paving Plan maps.
Tonight's Dunwoody City Council agenda is huge and there were a few updates and revisions presented to council over the weekend so I thought I would just republish the agenda. The revisions are as follows:
6 pm Agenda
Update on the CAD-to-CAD Interface Project (L.R. Kimball)
Update from Facility Usage Partner - Dunwoody Nature Center.
7 pm Agenda - this pdf version is not updated
Proclamation Recognizing Dr. Mack Hannah, Senior Pastor, Dunwoody Baptist Church.
Proclamation Recognizing the Dunwoody High School Girls Cross Country State Champions.
Recognition of Officer Tim Brown for Earning his BA in Business Administration from DeVry University.
Resolution Appointing Members to the Board of Zoning Appeals. (Stacey Harris) new
Resolution Appointing Member to Community Council (Brian Sims). new
Resolution Appointing Member to Convention & Visitors Bureau of Dunwoody.
Resolution Appointing Members to Design Review Advisory Committee.
Resolution Appointing Members to Development Authority.
Resolution Appointing Member to Planning Commission. updated
Resolution Appointing Members to Sustainability Committee.
Approval of Contract Amendment with JAT Consulting Services - 1,300 open record requests?
Approval of a Contract Amendment with Lowe Engineers.
Approval of a Contract Amendment with InterDev.
Approval of Contract Amendment with Gresham Smith Partners for Tilly Mill at North Peachtree Intersection Project.
SECOND READ: Ordinance Granting an Underground Easement Agreement for Atlanta Office Investment (KDC).
SECOND READ: Ordinance Granting an Aerial Easement Agreement for Atlanta Office Investment (KDC).
Resolution Authorizing the Use of Eminent Domain on Property at 4962 Tilly Mill Road.
Award of Construction Contract for Mount Vernon Road Water and Road Improvements.
SECOND READ: Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 8, Buildings and Building Regulations.
Resolution to Appoint a City Manager. updated
Discussion of 2015 Paving Plan / updated 5 year / 2013 laser truck analysis of streets. More maps updated
Discussion of Contract for PCIDs Crosswalk Repairs.
Presentation of Comprehensive Plan Update Kick-Off by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
Resolution of Support for the North Extension of MARTA - Westside 400.
Approval of Disposition of Excess Property - old police cars.
Discussion of Appointment of Sounding Board Members for Comprehensive Plan Five Year Update (Thomas O'Brien) updated
Discussion of Methodology for Naming City Parks.
· Added resolution appointing members to Board of Zoning Appeals· Added resolution appointing members to Community Council· Added resolution appointing members to Planning Commission· Added final member to resolution appointing Comp. Plan Update Sounding Board (resume included)· Additional maps were added to the 5-Year Paving Plan agenda item
6 pm Agenda
Update on the CAD-to-CAD Interface Project (L.R. Kimball)
Update from Facility Usage Partner - Dunwoody Nature Center.
7 pm Agenda - this pdf version is not updated
Proclamation Recognizing Dr. Mack Hannah, Senior Pastor, Dunwoody Baptist Church.
Proclamation Recognizing the Dunwoody High School Girls Cross Country State Champions.
Recognition of Officer Tim Brown for Earning his BA in Business Administration from DeVry University.
Resolution Appointing Members to the Board of Zoning Appeals. (Stacey Harris) new
Resolution Appointing Member to Community Council (Brian Sims). new
Resolution Appointing Member to Convention & Visitors Bureau of Dunwoody.
Resolution Appointing Members to Design Review Advisory Committee.
Resolution Appointing Members to Development Authority.
Resolution Appointing Member to Planning Commission. updated
Resolution Appointing Members to Sustainability Committee.
Approval of Contract Amendment with JAT Consulting Services - 1,300 open record requests?
Approval of a Contract Amendment with Lowe Engineers.
Approval of a Contract Amendment with InterDev.
Approval of Contract Amendment with Gresham Smith Partners for Tilly Mill at North Peachtree Intersection Project.
SECOND READ: Ordinance Granting an Underground Easement Agreement for Atlanta Office Investment (KDC).
SECOND READ: Ordinance Granting an Aerial Easement Agreement for Atlanta Office Investment (KDC).
Resolution Authorizing the Use of Eminent Domain on Property at 4962 Tilly Mill Road.
Award of Construction Contract for Mount Vernon Road Water and Road Improvements.
SECOND READ: Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 8, Buildings and Building Regulations.
Resolution to Appoint a City Manager. updated
Discussion of 2015 Paving Plan / updated 5 year / 2013 laser truck analysis of streets. More maps updated
Discussion of Contract for PCIDs Crosswalk Repairs.
Presentation of Comprehensive Plan Update Kick-Off by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
Resolution of Support for the North Extension of MARTA - Westside 400.
Approval of Disposition of Excess Property - old police cars.
Discussion of Appointment of Sounding Board Members for Comprehensive Plan Five Year Update (Thomas O'Brien) updated
Discussion of Methodology for Naming City Parks.
Frontier Baseball at Murphey Candler for kids with ADHD and other mild challenges.
Registration is now open. Go to and Click on Frontier League to register!!
Dunwoody Homeowners Association reviews All Saints Church plans, Village and Georgetown townhome proposals.
At the Sunday night DHA meeting three relatively large projects were discussed. My audio sometimes fades in and out but I thought the videos were worth posting. For details on the townhome projects, please see the full plans posted here.
Dunwoody City Manager Employment Contract - Eric Linton
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Eric Linton |
The contract up for vote was mistakenly not posted by the City to the meeting packet therefore I have requested that it be corrected and I have posted it here for your information.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Details emerge on the 81 Townhomes planned for Dunwoody Village and the 40 Townhomes in Georgetown. Discussion starts Sunday at DHA.
This Sunday the developers of this proposed 81 town home project in Dunwoody Village will share their plans with the Dunwoody Homeowners Association and then the first review by a citizen based City committee, the Community Council, will take place at City Hall on Thursday at 7 pm. This will come to the Dunwoody City Council in probably February for a decision.
RZ 15-021: Pursuant to the City of Dunwoody Zoning Ordinance, applicant, Lonnie Moss, on behalf of CQ Dunwoody Village Court, LLC, seeks permission to rezone property currently zoned Office-Institution (O-I) District to Multi-dwelling Residential (RM-100) to allow for construction of a 81-unit townhome development. The subject property consists of two parcels: tax parcel 18-366-060-61 located at 1530 Dunwoody Village Parkway, Dunwoody, GA 30338, and tax parcel 18-366-060-65 located at 1536 Dunwoody Village Parkway, Dunwoody, GA 30338.
The site is located on the eastern side of Dunwoody Village Parkway, just north of its intersection with Mount Vernon Road. The property consists of two parcels, both currently zoned Office-Institution (O-I). The subject property, consisting of two tax parcels, contain approximately 8.38 acres of land located at 1530 and 1536 Dunwoody Village Parkway, Dunwoody, Georgia 30346.
According to the site plan dated November 24, 2014, the developer proposes to construct 11 multi-unit buildings, containing a total of 81 units, on 8.38 acres of land. By ordinance, the maximum building length may not exceed 250 feet, and the maximum density for RM-100 is 12 dwelling units per acre. The subject property will contain 9.66 units per acre. Parking will consist of 2 spaces in each garage and 2 in each driveway for a total of 324 spaces, plus two overflow parking lots consisting of 27 spaces—a total of 351 total spaces. Staff is concerned that vehicle parking in front of unit garages will extend into the drive aisles and interfere with vehicle movement and emergency vehicles. At a minimum, the design creates a situation where enforcement issues are created.
The townhomes are to have front-facing two-car garages with a minimum private driveway length of 12 feet from back of proposed curb to face of garage doors. The current internal street network will be removed and replaced with a private drive spanning 24 feet from back of curb to back of curb. The typical dimensions of each townhome are 20 feet wide and 50 feet deep with a deck of approximately 7 feet in depth on the front above the private driveway and a height no higher than 35 feet (three-stories) above grade, “measured as the vertical distance from finished grade along the exterior building wall to the…average distance between the eaves and the ridge level for gable, hip, and gambrel roofs” (§ 27-577(2).
The proposed plan calls for four “landscaped courtyard” areas and classifies there to be 55 percent common open space, equivalent to 3.78 acres; the Code requires 20 percent of the lot area to be open space with a maximum of 35 percent lot coverage (§27-58). The applicant will be amending the application to provide the appropriate calculation of impervious surface according to the procedures for determining lot coverage.
Lot coverage in the November 24, 2014 site plan is calculated at 31 percent using the 2.6 acres that consist of “townhomes, driveways, and sidewalks” but does not take into account the 2.0 acres that consist of “private drives.” Taking into account the private drive area increases the total lot coverage to a total of 45 percent. The developer will be applying for a variance from the lot coverage maximum (§27-58) and a variance from the 75-foot stream buffer regulation (§16-98).
This Sunday the developers of this proposed 40 town home project in Georgetown will share their plans with the Dunwoody Homeowners Association and then the first review by a citizen based City committee, the Community Council, will take place at City Hall on Thursday at 7 pm. This will come to the Dunwoody City Council in probably February for a decision.
RZ 15-022: Pursuant to the City of Dunwoody Zoning Ordinance, applicant, Dennis J. Webb, Jr., on behalf of JH Holdings, Inc., seeks permission to rezone property currently zoned Local Commercial (C-1) District and Office-Institution (O-I) District to Multi-dwelling Residential (RM-100) to allow for construction of a 40-unit, fee simple townhome development. The subject property consists of two parcels: tax parcel 18-345-003-006 located at 1745 Old Spring House Lane, Dunwoody, GA 30338 zoned (OI), and tax parcel 18-345-003-010 located at 4536 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd,
Dunwoody, GA 30338 zoned (C-1).
The site is located on the western side of Chamblee Dunwoody Road, south of Old Spring House Lane and north of Interstate 285. The property lies directly behind the Georgetown Shopping Center, sharing its southern boundary with the rear of the Kroger tenant space.
The property, consisting of two lots, is currently zoned Local Commercial (C-1) and Office Institution (O-I).
According to the site plan dated November 18, 2014, the developer proposes to construct 6 multi-unit buildings, containing 40 units, on 3.339 acres. The current internal street network will be removed and replaced with a private drive spanning 24 feet from back of curb to back of curb.
The maximum building length may not exceed 250 feet. Additionally, the maximum density for RM-100 is 12 dwelling units per acre; the subject property will contain just fewer than 12 dwelling units per acre.
The proposed plan calls for a pocket park on the far eastern portion of the lot and classifies there to be 24 percent of common open space on the lot, or 0.81 acres. The total lot coverage is calculated at 65 percent, where the maximum allowed is 35 percent. The townhomes are proposed to have a driveway with a minimum driveway length of 18 feet from back of proposed curb. The typical dimensions for each townhome are 24 feet wide and 50 feet deep with a deck on the rear and a height no higher than 35 feet (3 stories) above grade. The site plan does, however, identify proposed rear setback and lot coverage reductions, which must both be processed before the Zoning Board of Appeals. The applicant requests a reduction of the required 30 foot building setback from the adjacent Kroger shopping center to 15 feet.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Dunwoody agenda for Monday - Cad2cad, Dr. Mack Hannah, @DunwoodyXC, 1300 open record requests, Eminent Domain, Building Code, Paving Plan, Naming Parks and new City Manager
6 pm Agenda
Update on the CAD-to-CAD Interface Project (L.R. Kimball) Disappointing
Update from Facility Usage Partner - Dunwoody Nature Center.
7 pm Agenda
Proclamation Recognizing Dr. Mack Hannah, Senior Pastor, Dunwoody Baptist Church.
Proclamation Recognizing the Dunwoody High School Girls Cross Country State Champions.
Recognition of Officer Tim Brown for Earning his BA in Business Administration from DeVry University.
Resolution Appointing Member to Convention & Visitors Bureau of Dunwoody.
Resolution Appointing Members to Design Review Advisory Committee.
Resolution Appointing Members to Development Authority.
Resolution Appointing Members to Planning Commission.
Resolution Appointing Members to Sustainability Committee.
Approval of Contract Amendment with JAT Consulting Services - 1,300 open record requests?
Approval of a Contract Amendment with Lowe Engineers.
Approval of a Contract Amendment with InterDev.
Approval of Contract Amendment with Gresham Smith Partners for Tilly Mill at North Peachtree Intersection Project.
SECOND READ: Ordinance Granting an Underground Easement Agreement for Atlanta Office Investment (KDC).
SECOND READ: Ordinance Granting an Aerial Easement Agreement for Atlanta Office Investment (KDC).
Resolution Authorizing the Use of Eminent Domain on Property at 4962 Tilly Mill Road.
Award of Construction Contract for Mount Vernon Road Water and Road Improvements.
SECOND READ: Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 8, Buildings and Building Regulations.
Resolution to Appoint a City Manager. Supporting docs missing from packet; requested resolution, contract and background documents supporting nomination.
Discussion of 2015 Paving Plan / updated 5 year / 2013 laser truck analysis of streets.
Discussion of Contract for PCIDs Crosswalk Repairs.
Presentation of Comprehensive Plan Update Kick-Off by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
Resolution of Support for the North Extension of MARTA - Westside 400.
Approval of Disposition of Excess Property - old police cars.
Discussion of Appointment of Sounding Board Members for Comprehensive Plan Five Year Update
Discussion of Methodology for Naming City Parks. (nothing after people - dead a few years - or only rare hero's honor?)
Was the Willow Oak the right tree to plant along Dunwoody Village Parkway?
Twitter is a great communication tool for an elected official as sometimes I find interesting conversations or issues being raised which then gives me the opportunity to dig deeper. Here is an example. A conversation was going on regarding the Willow Oak trees that were planted along Dunwoody Village Parkway and their suitability in that specific location. After doing a little research, I found this article on Trees for Parking Lots and Paved Areas that stated in a chart that the Willow Oak was Unsuitable for Restrictive Paved Areas Due to Large Surface Roots.
Based on that documentation, I reached out to staff for an explanation as the tree choice was solely their decision as they are the technical experts (Dunwoody has an Professional Arborist on Staff). The City Manager and Public Works Director both stated that the trees were selected by a Landscape Architect and approved by the City of Dunwoody Arborist. Per the Landscape Architect, the willow oak is widely used as a street tree because of its hardiness and low maintenance. It was selected for the parkway for these reasons and because it can grow large enough to create a canopy over the roadway.
I then asked the City Arborist, Mr. Howard Koontz to weigh in on the issue of the trees being identified as being unsuitable and he stated that he tends to disagree with categorizing willow oaks as a poor choice for an urban treescape.
Without getting too far into the weeds on this issue, he said there is truly no perfect tree for every location in the built environment. One must plan for the above ground environment, the below ground environment, proposed structures to exist at and near the planting site, and the perceived use near the tree throughout all the phases of the trees' life.
The willows may be somewhat shallow rooted, but this is only so pronounced in an urban environment because of the presence of so many underground structures, and the existence of sub-soil (as opposed to top soil) all too often remaining in a job site planting area. Willow oaks in a more naturalized environment aren't so noticeably shallow-rooted, because they have the option to grow more root mass below grade.
There certainly are trees which withstand the rigors of urban existence better than others, but the willow oak is one of those more robust trees in this case. Some trees are even better at urban survival, but don't provide the shade canopy desired (Hornbeams); some trees provide better shade canopy, but may not tolerate wet, dry, sterile, contaminated, or otherwise poor soil as well (ornamental cherries, Zelkova, etc.)... the list of characteristics is long, but the end result is that the willow oak is a fine compromise on what will work and survive along the parkway.
I hope that answers the questions.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Interesting Dunwoody Homeowners Association meeting on Sunday and it is now time to pay your DHA dues!
Please pay your $40.00 Dunwoody Homeowners Association Dues - it buys a lot!
Sunday is the monthly Dunwoody Homeowners Association meeting that is always open to the general public where I will be in attendance to hear firsthand from developers on possible future changes to our community. Historically developers have used the DHA as an initial sounding board whereby they would vet future projects to the homeowners and the DHA would suggest tweaks and/or vote up or down their support of the project. As this is outside the formal governmental realm it is a good opportunity for the community to gain concessions and weigh in prior to the formal proposals to the city. The DHA has operated in this way for 44 years and even though there is now an official City Government, the DHA and their many volunteers still add great value and insight into our community.
Without the DHA we would not have the 4th of July Parade, Light Up Dunwoody or Food Truck Thursdays as these are Not City Events but instead they are presented by Dunwoody Homeowners Association and they need your dues to continue these services. If you want to have an active group of citizens pushing for an independent Dunwoody School System, you want to fund the Dunwoody Homeowners Association because they the backbone of the effort exploring the idea.
Please do me and yourself a favor, click this link and pay your 2015 annual dues to the Dunwoody Homeowners Association as the $40.00 is very well spent. The DHA is always looking for new board members and volunteers so if you are interested, please let them know.
The meeting on Sunday will focus on the future plans for All Saints Catholic Church which appears to be going in front of the Zoning Board of Appeals in January as well as several new townhome proposals (Dunwoody Village & Georgetown) that have not been vetted previously so it should be a very interesting meeting.
Maybe I will see you there?
Board of Directors Meeting - Open to Public
Sunday, December 7, 2014 @ 7:30 P.M.
Sunday, December 7, 2014 @ 7:30 P.M.
DeKalb Cultural Arts Center (Room 4)
5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338
All Saints project– Andrew Halloran
Dunwoody Village Parkway townhomes – Carl WestmorelandThe City of Dunwoody Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Dunwoody City Hall, which is located at 41 Perimeter Center East, Dunwoody, Georgia 30346, to hear the following applications:
ZBA 15-012 a, b, c &d: Andrew M. Halloran, representative of Cornerstone Site Consultants, LLC, on behalf of Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory, Archbishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Atlanta, owner of 2443 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338, seeks the following: Variance from Chapter 27, Section 27-58 to increase the lot coverage from approximately 46% to 55%; Variance from Chapter 27, Section 27-269 to increase wing walls above 10 feet in height; Variance from Chapter 16, Section 16-222(5) to reduce the minimum driveway spacing from 245 feet to allow for a new driveway aligned with Jett Ferry Road; Variance from Chapter 16, Section 16-98 to encroach the city’s 75 foot stream buffer. The tax parcel number is 18 373 02 002.
Providence Group – townhomes – 1745 Old Spring House Lane – Den Webb
Spruill Center zoning changes – Stacey Harris
1. The hotel still contains 128 rooms, but is now proposed to be a maximum of (7) seven stories, rather than (4) stories (increase in height sought through the SLUP request). Additionally, the location and orientation of the hotel on the site has moved from the far east side of the site, slightly to the west. Parking from under the building has been removed, and all proposed parking is now surface. The site of the hotel dumpster and enclosure has been moved from a spot at the southeast corner of the site to the southwest corner of the interior landscape island adjacent to the hotel to the east.Membership Drive – Stacey Harris
2. The one (1)-story retail/restaurant space at the southwest corner has been modified from a maximum of 8,000 square feet to a maximum of 10,000 square feet. The one (1)-story retail/restaurant space to the east of the existing Spruill Arts Center has not changed from its figure of a maximum of 6,000 square feet. Thus, the aggregate square footage of the two retail/restaurant buildings has increased from 14,000 square feet to 16,000 square feet.
3. The 10,000 square foot maximum retail/restaurant building at the southwest corner has been redrawn to be 8 feet from the southern side property line, a reduction in the minimum required setback of 20 feet. The applicant is requesting a variance from ZBA for the 12 foot encroachment.
4. Total parking spaces for the site have been modified from 269 to 272 spaces. While the requested number of spaces is 272, the site plan only offers a total of 271 spaces. While still an increase in the total number of spaces, the site is deficient in required parking as a result of the increase in floor area. The applicant is applying for a Special Exception from ZBA to allow 1.125 parking spaces per hotel room instead of the required ratio of 1.25.
5. The existing westernmost Meadow Lane driveway, conditioned in the original request to be right in/right out, is modified to be a full left/right ingress/egress driveway.
Exquisite Dinner Theater experience to be presented on December 12 and 13 by the Kingswood Methodist Church Theater Group in Dunwoody
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A Little Knight Music “The Unlikely King” |
December 12th & 13th at 7:30 p.m.
Order Tickets Today - Reservations needed by Monday – $25
Kingswood Methodist Church 5515 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338
Stage II, Kingswood United Methodist Church’s theater program, presents “A Little Knight Music: The Unlikely King,”
a unique opportunity to enjoy the Christmas season as Henry VIII might
have—a royal banquet hall, sumptuous Renaissance feast, and beautiful
music of the season. First presented 4 years ago, this holiday event
returns by popular demand, with new music, script and entertainment to
make a return visit worth your time.
guests enter a recreated Renaissance court led by the King’s Master of
the Hall to dine with fully-costumed royal courtiers who will, in turn,
entertain you royally—a traditional Renaissance event with a dash of
Monty Python and “Spamalot.” Featured music includes a variety of
styles, soloists, ensemble, brass, English hand bells, percussion and
Enjoy a traditional Wassail
Bowl ceremony, complete with royal toasts to the season. Menu includes
traditional Renaissance fare and is served Renaissance style—without
utensils. The delicious banquet features:
Warm Spiced Wassail
Norwegian Lobster Bisque with Sherry Crème Fraiche
Roasted Turkey Pastie with Cranberries, Walnuts and Arugula
Skewered Roasted Autumn Vegetables
English Blue and Sharp Cheddar Cheeses with Rustic Bread
Welsh Christmas Cake with Brandy Crème Anglaise
Below is an article from the The Crier previewing the show.
Kingswood offers Renaissance feast and holiday musical
“A Little Night Music – The Unlikely King” will be presented on December 12 and 13 by the Kingswood Methodist Church Theater Group. A Renaissance Feast in a castle setting featuring exquisite cuisine by an Executive Chef, music by an all - star cast and an award winning Celtic dancer. Enjoy an evening of theater at Kingswood located at 5515 Tilly Mill Road. Dinner begins at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $25 and reservations can be made at or 770-457-1317 up until December 8.
How about a Renaissance feast in a castle-like setting surrounded by the beautiful sounds of “A Little Night Music — The Unlikely King”?
That’s the offering to the community from Kingswood United Methodist Church for the Friday and Satirday evenings of December 12 and 13, by Stage II, the Kingswood United Methodist Church (KUMC) theatre group. Both performances are open to the public. Tickets are on sale now for $25 each, including dinner. Performances begin each night at 7:30 p.m.
The Unlikely King is part of the church’s bi-annual renaissance Christmas series and this year features a dinner menu prepared by Executive Chef Steve Mayer, formerly of Clyde’s of Washington, D.C., Sam & Harry’s Steakhouse, and the Smolenski’s Group of London, England.
The play’s setting, in the royal banquet hall of a stunning castle, is brought to life in Kingswood’s Fellowship Hall using imaginative scenery and the skillful talents of an all-star cast. This unique setting offers dinner guests the opportunity to enjoy the season as Henry VIII might have – eating a sumptuous Renaissance feast served by fully costumed royal courtiers and listening to beautiful music of the season.
Guests will enjoy a traditional Wassail Bowl ceremony, complete with royal toasts to the season. The menu includes traditional Renaissance fare and is served Renaissance style—without utensils. The banquet features Warm Spiced Wassail, Norwegian Lobster Bisque with Sherry Crème Fraiche, Roasted Turkey Pastie with Cranberries, Walnuts and Arugula, Skewered Roasted Autumn Vegetables, English Blue and Sharp Cheddar Cheeses with Rustic Bread and Welsh Christmas Cake with Brandy Crème Anglais.
Produced by Dennis Lewallen and William Mahlandt, the team that staged other highly successful musical productions including “Titanic: The Musical,” “Stephen Sondheim’s Company” and “1776.” “The Unlikely King” offers a time to reflect on the miracle of an extraordinary birth. First presented four years ago, this holiday tradition returns by popular demand with new music and script, making a return visit, or a first-time trip, worth the time.
Another new feature integrated this year are performances by Irish step dancer Anna Johnson whose exciting and percussive traditional dances are sure to get toes tapping and hands clapping. A champion Celtic dancer, she has appeared at festivals and concert halls across the country and locally at the Woodruff Arts Center and Georgia Renaissance Festival.
Enjoy an evening filled with sumptuous cuisine, seasonal music, and talented performances. Tickets are on sale now and available by calling the Kingswood office at 770-457-1317, or purchased online at Reservations must be received by Dec. 8. The full menu is also available online.
Kingswood United Methodist Church, known as the “Personal Church in an Impersonal World,” is located at 5015 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338 (on the corner of Tilly Mill Road and North Peachtree Streets). Services are held every Sunday at 8:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday school classes for children and adults begin at 10 a.m.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Funeral for Dunwoody North resident Bobbi Sedam set for Friday at St. Jude Apostle Catholic Church
Video - (I wish the quality was a bit better but this gives a taste of her flair.)
The City of Dunwoody lost an amazing citizen yesterday. Bobbi Sedam touched the lives of so many people in such a positive way. Thank you Bobbi for all that you contributed to so many causes. We will miss you. As of now Bobbi's funeral service is on Friday at a 11am at St. Jude Apostle Catholic Church in Sandy Springs.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Today is Election Day - Nancy Jester is the clear choice to replace Elaine Boyer for DeKalb County Commissioner.
Nancy Jester
Several months ago there was a candidate forum where I said there were serious contenders with great backgrounds running to replace Elaine Boyer and several others on the other end of the spectrum where by they either don't have a clue or were running because they had a specific agenda or vendetta to satisfy.
Nancy Jester is the clear choice in the Heneghan household and if you have doubts, please watch the video below. The polls close at 7 pm.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Light Up Dunwoody - Sunday Nov 30th from 3 to 6 pm at the Farmhouse (Chamblee Dunwoody & Mt. Vernon Rd)
Light Up is Sunday from 3 to 6
An annual community event to welcome the holiday season, Light up Dunwoody Christmas Village opens at 3:00 pm and concludes with the lighting of the tree at 5:45 pm.
A cozy warm atmosphere is supported by vendors offering treasures and refreshments.
The Cheek-Spruill Farmhouse is the center of activity Santa and elves will welcome children on the front porch reindeer with a Santa sleigh will be available for more photo opportunities. Bring your own camera! Everyone is invited, and there is no cost to participate in this family friendly festival.
For volunteer opportunities, please contact Pam Tallmadge at 770-393-9647 or
Thank you to the sponsors of Light Up Dunwoody! Is your company interested in sponsoring Light Up Dunwoody? Sponsor and Vendor Information (PDF).
Please join in on this great community event and the Dunwoody Police would like to remind you to bring an unwrapped toy for their Christmas for Kids program which serves Dunwoody’s under-privileged children.
I am also looking forward to seeing Gus & Hannah throwing the switch to light our community, so please come and cheer them on.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
City of Dunwoody selects Douglas County Administrator Eric Linton as new City Manager
Eric Linton
Dunwoody City Manager
Dunwoody City Manager
Following a seven-month-long, nationwide search, the Mayor of Dunwoody has selected Eric Linton for the role of City Manager. A vote on his appointment is expected to come before the City Council at its December 8, 2014 meeting.
A review committee comprised of the Mayor, two City Council members and select members of the community, evaluated a list of extraordinarily qualified candidates and narrowed down a group of finalists for the position.
“We conducted a thorough search and ultimately selected Eric from a large list of experienced and extremely talented candidates,” said Dunwoody Mayor Mike Davis. “Eric is a highly skilled public administrator and government services manager with experience at the city and county level. Specifically, we were impressed with his veteran skills in planning, zoning and development as well as his experience with comprehensive planning. I am confident he will be a tremendous asset to our city and the right leader for our exceptional team of employees.”
Mr. Linton is a Credentialed Manager with the International City/County Management Association, a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and is active in the American Planning Association, Georgia Planning Association, the Georgia City-County Management Association and the Association County Commissioners of Georgia.
“I am excited about the opportunity to serve the citizens of Dunwoody and help implement development and infrastructure improvements in line with community-driven plans and goals,” said Linton. “I grew up just outside the Dunwoody city border and attended Chamblee High School so I am very familiar with the area’s character, history and tradition. It’s a homecoming for me in a way and I’m looking forward to providing strategic and effective ideas to help the city succeed.”
Mr. Linton is married to Cathy, his wife of 11 years, and together they have one son, Thomas. Mr. Linton holds a Masters in Planning and also a Bachelor of Science in Management, Operations Management, both from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
City Announcement
Monday, November 24, 2014
Who knew that the Pop Rocks corporate headquarters is located in Dunwoody, GA?
Imagine what the Dunwoody 4th of July parade (Largest in Georgia) would be like if these packets were tossed to the thousands of kids along the route?
Pop Rocks Inc. Three Dunwoody Park Suite 128 Dunwoody, GA 30338
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Light Up Dunwoody has been rescheduled until Next Sunday, November 30th
The Dunwoody Homeowners Association has postponed
the Light Up Dunwoody event until Next Sunday, 11/30. Plan to celebrate
next Sunday with the opening of the Christmas Village at 3 p.m. and the
lighting of the tree at 5:45 p.m.
The Cheek-Spruill Farmhouse (5455 Chamblee
Dunwoody Rd) is the center of activity as Santa and his elves welcome
children on the front porch. A live reindeer with Santa's sleigh will be on
hand for an exciting and unique holiday photo opportunity. Please be sure to
bring your own camera!
Everyone is invited, and there is no cost
to participate in this family friendly festival. This event is sponsored by the
Dunwoody Homeowners Association, the Dunwoody Preservation Trust, and the Dunwoody Crier.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Light Up Dunwoody - Sunday Nov 23rd from 3 to 6 pm at the Farmhouse (Chamblee Dunwoody & Mt. Vernon)
Please join in on this great community event and the Dunwoody Police would like to remind you to bring an unwrapped toy for their Christmas for Kids program which serves Dunwoody’s under-privileged children.
I am also looking forward to seeing Gus & Hannah throwing the switch to light our community, so please come and cheer them on.
Dunwoody Police Department Christmas for Kids program has kicked off and will be accepting gifts at the Light Up Dunwoody Event on Sunday.
Dunwoody Police Department Christmas for Kids (CFK) program began in
2009 with the goal of bringing our community together to collect new and
unwrapped gifts for Dunwoody’s under-privileged children between the
ages of newborn to 15 years old.
gifts are collected, the Dunwoody Police Department invites members of
the community to join our CFK team for a "Wrap-Up Event" in early
December to personalize a bag of individually wrapped gifts for each of
the 60 or so children who are honored at a private Christmas party later
in the month. Santa himself (along with his Elves and perhaps a Toy
Soldier or two!) appears at the private event to spend quality
one-on-one time with our honored guests and to distribute the gifts
CFK is unique in that the
Christmas party is an intimate affair for the pre-registered children
and their parents only. Keeping the party private allows our CFK team to
focus only on what’s important – the children and the joys of giving.
for Kids is a community effort and is only made possible by the
generosity of our citizens, businesses, and other local organizations.
Important Dates in 2014:
NOV 1 - NOV 27, 2014: CFK FAMILY REGISTRATIONS- Registrations must be in person at I Care Atlanta located at: 5879-B New Peachtree Rd, Doraville, GA 30340 between the hours of 11am-2pm, Monday-Thursday
- For questions regarding eligibility contact: Stephanie Stevens at I Care Atlanta, 678/615-3341
- NOTE: Family registrations for the private Christmas Party will CLOSE once we reach our 60 qualified children maximum; however, we will continue to accept applications for qualified families through Dec. 2, 2014 for gift assistance (only) subject to gift availability
- Gift collections (toy drive) at participating CFK Gift Drop sites (see list below)
- Collections will continue at Dunwoody Police HQ through December 23, 2014
- Look for the CFK program at the Dunwoody Police tent in front of the Dunwoody Farm House where we'll be collecting new, unwrapped toys and gifts for kids aged 0-15 years
- Bring the whole family to help "Wrap-Up" toys and gifts for those in need
- Enjoy free refreshments and share some community Christmas cheer
- Location: Dunwoody Municipal Court, 41 Perimeter Center East, Ste: 103, Dunwoody, GA 30346
- Dunwoody Police headquarters will continue to collect CFK toys and gifts for families in need through December 23, 2014
- Stop by 24/7 to drop your new, unwrapped toy or gift for kids aged 0-15 years in our front lobby gift drop box
2014 Participating CFK Gift Drop Sites
- Another Broken Egg Cafe
- Crossroads Church of Dunwoody
- Dentistry With A Difference
- Dunwoody Elementary School
- Dunwoody Nature Center
- Dunwoody Police Department (OPEN 24/7)
- Fidelity Bank (Dunwoody Village)
- Kingsley Elementary School
- Mellow Mushroom
- Nancy's Hallmark
- North Atlanta Memorial Park
- Peachtree Middle School
- Picayune Toys
- Vanderlyn Elementary School
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Adoption and Foster Care Lunch & Learn - Thursday Nov 20 at Atlanta City Hall
This afternoon I received a phone call from Atlanta City Councilmember Keisha Lance Bottoms regarding a luncheon event that she is holding this Thursday November 20th to speak about adoption opportunities in the community. November is national adoption month and as Councilmember Bottoms family consists of her husband and four adopted children, she wants to tell her story and help others learn of the adoption process. Please reach out and make reservations to the luncheon if you are interested to 404-330-6054 and/or contact Ms. Bottoms directly at
In doing my research I found the Georgia Department of Human Services adoption page entitled "It's my turn now Georgia" and I was touched at looking at the 169 children that are ready for adoption. If you've ever thought of adoption, please read some of the information provided and visit the page below to scroll through the children.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Dunwoody High School Band Auction is now open with over $10,000 worth of donated items.
DHS Band 3rd Annual
Online Silent Auction – November 14th-24th
Mark your calendars and help
spread the word that the 3rd annual silent auction to benefit the
Dunwoody High School Band Boosters will start Friday, November 14th and run through Monday,
November 24th.
Our auction committee has
been very busy through the summer and into the fall acquiring over $10,000
in donated items including the fabulous items listed below.
Bookmark this link and get ready to bid: DUNWOODY HS
BAND Online Auction 2014
A one week
vacation in a timeshare where you can choose from a list of desirable international
A teen driving
course from Nathan’s Driving School
An Electric
Guitar from the School of Music
Pontoon Boat
Rental for a day
Family Park
Hopper Passes to Disney theme parks in Florida
Tickets to:
Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Atlanta Botanical Gardens,
Medieval Times, Dunwoody Nature Center, Atlanta History Center, Zoo Atlanta,
Rock City…
Lots of local
restaurants and services, music lessons, gym memberships, hotel stays, and so
much more….
Please forward this information through your neighborhoods
and community organizations to help get the word out – Thank you & happy
Dunwoody High School Band Boosters, Inc. is a 501(c)
charitable organization.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by
law. Tax ID #: 32-0333812.
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