Saturday, September 15, 2018

City of Dunwoody to build EcoClassroom for the Dunwoody Nature Center

The City of Dunwoody moves forward with EcoClassroom project for the Dunwoody Nature Center.

The Dunwoody Nature Center EcoClassroom will serve the needs of both the Nature Center’s current and future program users while providing additional public gathering space. For the sixth consecutive year, the Nature Center achieved record numbers of park users and program participants in every single documented program area with 17,406 program participants and more than 27,000 facility users. The desired sustainable design of the EcoClassroom will greatly alleviate facility concerns while allowing for simultaneous programming across user groups. It will also serve as an environmentally friendly example of repurposing shipping containers to achieve a desired effect.

A sustainable container building will be used, in keeping with the Nature Center’s mission, and will occupy unprogrammed space adjacent to the front entry/parking lot area just west of the recently created micro pool stormwater system. The building will serve the community by offering meeting space for Boy and Girl Scouts and other civic organizations, as well as programming space for field trips, camps, classes and birthday parties.

The EcoClassoom will utilize a sustainable design featuring two shipping containers that will be built together to create a 450 S.F. enclosed meeting space for these user groups. The quote provided includes the full build out of the EcoClassroom Below are examples of refurbished shipping containers and the desired footprint and location within the park of the containers for this project.

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