The other day I posted a photo of some of the Citizens for Dunwoody leaders in front of the farmhouse and a friend of mine called me out stating they too were heavily involved in cityhood planing but missed that photo opportunity. As it turns out, 100's of people attended meetings and added feedback on what they wanted from their new city and then a great many people volunteered to work on committees or task forces to assist the new government with action plans moving forward. I didn't mean to leave anyone out of recognition or thank you's as a great many people were involved. In order to thank the appropriate people, I need to tell a story, might as well provide a few documents and I am sure I will still forget to name someone. Just to be safe, if you were involved in Cityhood in anyway, thank you.
After the City of Sandy Springs was created but before there was a City of Dunwoody, there was a small handful of people working the political side of possible cityhood at the Capital, namely Senator Dan Weber, Representative Fran Millar, citizens, Brian Anderson, Ken Wright, Robert Wittenstein, Denny Shortal, Tom Taylor, Bev Wingate and a few others.
The main working feasibility document for Cityhood was an independent financial analysis from the Carl Vincent Institute of Government from the University of Georgia that explained expected revenues and expenses which told us in 2008 that the City could be viable. The Georgia Legislature used this document as part of its decision to approve the formation of the city. (It would be an interesting study to show the city department expectations in 2008 vs the 2024 budget of today, but that is a project for another day and almost not relevant any longer as many if not most resident's arrived after the city was founded.)
With the Legislature getting close to passing the City Charter, citizen task forces were put together to assist the first council and city manager on operation expectations. Each of the Task Forces collected documents needed to set policy and made formal final reports to assist the future City Manager and Police Chief if the citizen's ratified the City Charter. There were lots of little sub-committee working towards hiring the first city manager, hiring the first police chief, there were real estate people looking for a city hall, ect, ect. I am not going to guess at the numbers but a great many people donated lots of personal time to create a city from scratch.
To everyone listed in the Citizens for Dunwoody Task Force Roster below and to the many other people not listed, like those who served on Dunwoody Yes but also helped at the start of cityhood, we appreciate the work and dedication you all provided this city. I also appreciate the many volunteers who currently serve on City Boards, Commissions, and Committees as well as the Volunteer Court Bailiffs, the Citizens on Patrol and the Dunwoody Ambassadors who volunteer their time back to the community. Without dedicated volunteers, the City of Dunwoody would not have existed nor would we be able to have the quality community that we strive to improve everyday.
Thank you to the many people in this community who volunteer with the City as well as the many non-profits; you are all deeply treasured!
Task Force Rosters
Bob Lundsten, Linda Ballow, Bill Phillips, Steve Spiegel,
Michael Erfani, Joe Stich, Travis Reid, Jon Greiver, Chip Perry, Bob Dallas, Ken Thelen, Joan Weiss, Stacy
Abbate, Kevin Crow, Jeff Glick, Maurice Blumberg, Jill Glascock, Bob Klingensmith
John Heneghan, Tom Montgomery, Keith Hodgson, George Vail, Dennis Crean, Brett Hensley, Arnold Heller
Ryan Currie, Charles
Auslander, Paul Baiser, Charlie Brown,
Donna Ciclet, Karen Currie, Laura Horlock, Dave Levy, Richard McCully, Wade
McGuffey, Louis R. Richey, Mike Weinstein, Rocio Woody
Villard Bastien, Anne Keegan, Worth Wells, Pater Cranston,
Geri Penn, Denis Shortal
Parks & Rec
Don Converse, Queenie Ross, Alan Mothner, Su Ellis, Richard
Ellis, Eve Schneps, Bob Dial, Richard Drake, Marie Drake, Bill Mccahan, Bill
Robinson, Tom Sims, Ken Brockschmitt, Rich Reynell, Bob Meehan, Terry Strode, John Valentine,
Al Tiede, Bernie Wasserman, Bill Tobin, Bob Durkis, Carl L.
Franklin, Cheryl Summers , David Brown, Donald B. Barden, Frank A. Figueroa,
Graham Andoe, Jay Sampsel, Jeff Coghill,
Jim Gaddis , Jim Maroney, Jim Sturgis, John Coffey, John Dickerson, John Keegan,
Ken Curry, Larry Echikson, Michael
A. Caldwell, Mike Mcgannon, R. Kyle
Thompson, Ron Silvers, Scott Bennett, Tom
Taylor, Tracy S. Redding
Addie Alberghini, Debi Elkins, Terry Strode, Dwight
Hawksworth, John Weiss, Charles Collins, Elizabeth Gill, Rick Otness, Fred
Brandt, Suzi Stich
Bruce Duff, Ed Kountz, David Kupel, Martha Fallwell, James
White, Bruce Northrop, Nick Lundhild, Buck Gilbert, Belinda Maaskant, David
Spain, David Winters, David Clinch, Jan Maaskant, Daniel Kish, Dan Geist, Joe
Devita, Mindi Crozier,
Bill Grossman, Charles A. Jury, Kyle Epstein, Geoffrey Gill,
Jack Rau, Claude T. Murphy, Melissa A. Henderson, Tom Dwyer, Bob Klingensmith, Gerri
Penn, Bill Grant, Kenneth J. Thelen
David Konits, Jo Tate,
DJ Gordineer, Tom Gordineer, Bryan C.W.
Tate, Joe Stitch, Maurice Blumberg, Lee Eastwood, David Winters, Maria Richmond, Steve Griffeth, Ian Ferdinands, Debra Jackson, Cindy Andersen, Norton Schneps, Vickie Patton, Sue
Hansen, Charles Collins, Steven Blaske, Danny Ross, Richard Boswinkle, Richard Roth, DeAnn Hargis, Al Alberghini