Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Video and recap of Feb 28th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

The City is starting to record and soon stream video of the meetings to the web and I believe tonight's meeting worked out some of the bugs experienced in the first meeting therefore it may be ready for prime time soon.  I was at City Hall early enough to set up my video camera for the work session but it was held in the side room, therefore I attempted to stream video off the monitor behind the desk and it sort of worked, if you turn up the volume.

The second video is the voting session where we approved everything on the agenda except we decided to defer the 911 matter because of information brought forward by Councilman Danny Ross.  Danny presented his opinion of the financial arrangements of 911 and though there are some assumptions in his data, he presented enough information for Council to defer action on the matter for a more through review of the numbers.  I modified Danny's document by adding his name to every page in order to made sure that it was now recognizable as his opinion and therefore not an official City Hall created document.  Council wants the most accurate financial estimates possible for changing 911 service before taking action, therefore I am expecting updated revenue and expense worksheets before the next time this is to be voted on again.

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