Mission Statement
The mission of the City of Dunwoody is to provide the highest quality of life for those who live, work or play in our community and to foster an environment where business can prosper. We will serve all stakeholders in a transparent manner with resourceful, efficient, progressive and professional leadership.
Dunwoody is a city located in metro Atlanta, in northern DeKalb County, Georgia. Dunwoody o officially incorporated as a city on December 1, 2008. The City of Dunwoody will provide quality service to its citizens and support the largest economic engine in the Southeast by planning in a careful and thoughtful manner. Th e City of Dunwoody will be inventive, transparent and embrace responsible progress, tempered by the city’s rich history and strong desire to maintain a close and vibrant community atmosphere that values family life and the entrepreneurial spirit. Th e City of Dunwoody will continue to support and nurture a community dedicated to the preservation of family, education, religious institutions, and the environment.
The goals of the City of Dunwoody and its governing body are to make Dunwoody a better community, built on mutual respect and trust, and to promote and maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct among all involved in City government – elected officials; City staff; volunteers; and members of the City’s boards, commissions and committees.
The proper operation of democratic government requires that decision-makers be independent, impartial, and accountable to the people they serve. The City of Dunwoody representatives intend to act pursuant to the ethics as delineated in the Charter in order to promote and maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct in the City's government. All elected and appointed officials, City employees, volunteers, and others who participate in the City's government will subscribe to those ethics, understand how it applies to their specific responsibilities, and practice its values in their work. Because we seek public confidence in the City's services and public trust of its decision-makers, our decisions and our work must meet the most demanding ethical standards and demonstrate the highest levels of achievement in following this code.
As the governing body of the City of Dunwoody, we represent as follows:
(1) As representatives of the City of Dunwoody, we will be ethical.
(a) We are trustworthy, acting with the utmost integrity and moral courage.
(b) We are truthful, do what we say we will do, and are dependable.
(c) We will make impartial decisions, free of bribes, unlawful gi fts, narrow political interests, and financial and other personal interests that impair the independence of our judgment and actions.
(d) We will be fair, distributing bene fits and burdens according to consistent and equitable criteria.
(e) We will extend equal opportunities and due process to all parties in matters under consideration. If we engage in unilateral meetings and discussions, we do so without making voting decisions.
(f ) We will show respect for persons, confidences, and information designated as "confidential."
(g) We will use our title(s) only when conducting offi cial City business, for information purposes, or as an indication of background and expertise, carefully considering whether we are exceeding or appearing to exceed our authority.
(2) As representatives of the City of Dunwoody, we will be professional.
(a) We will apply our collective knowledge and expertise to our assigned activities and to the interpersonal relationships that are part of our job in a consistent, con dent, competent, and productive manner.
(b) We will approach our job and work-related relationships with a positive attitude.
(c) We will keep our professional knowledge and skills current and growing.
(3) As representatives of the City of Dunwoody, we will be service-oriented.
(a) We will provide friendly, receptive, and courteous service to everyone.
(b) We will be attuned to, and care about, the needs and issues of citizens, public officials, and city workers.
(c) In our interactions with constituents, we will be interested, engaged, and responsive.
(4) As representatives of the City of Dunwoody, we will be fiscally responsible and transparent.
(a) We will make decisions a er prudent consideration of their financial impact, taking into account the long-term financial needs of the City, especially its financial stability which are transparent to the City residents and businesses.
(b) We will demonstrate concern for the proper use of City assets (e.g., personnel, time, property, equipment, funds) and follow established procedures.
(c) We will make good financial decisions that seek to preserve programs and services for City residents.
(5) As representatives of the City of Dunwoody, we will be organized.
(a) We will act in an e fficient manner, making decisions and recommendations based upon research and facts, taking into consideration short and long term goals.
(b) We will follow through in a responsible way, keeping others informed, and responding in a timely fashion.
(c) We will be respectful of established City processes and guidelines.
(6) As representatives of the City of Dunwoody, we will be communicative.
(a) We will convey the City's care for and commitment to its citizens.
(b) We will communicate in various ways that we are approachable, open-minded and willing to participate in dialogue.
(c) We will engage in effective communication, by listening carefully, asking questions, and determining an appropriate response which adds value to conversations.
(7) As representatives of the City of Dunwoody, we will be collaborative.
(a) We will act in a cooperative manner with groups and other individuals, working together in a spirit of tolerance and understanding.
(b) We will work towards consensus building and gain value from diverse opinions.
(c) We will accomplish the goals and responsibilities of our individual positions, while respecting our roles as members of a team.
(d) We will consider the broader regional and Statewide implications of the City's decisions and issues.
(8) As representatives of the City of Dunwoody, we will be progressive.
(a) We will exhibit a proactive, innovative approach to setting goals and conducting the City's business.
(b) We will display a style that maintains consistent standards, but is also sensitive to the need for compromise, "thinking outside the box," and improving existing paradigms when necessary.
(c) We will promote intelligent and thoughtful innovation in order to forward the City's policy agenda and City services.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Dunwoody Homeowners Association annual meeting is Sunday 3 pm at the High School
Have you paid your dues to support their fine work?
Annual Meeting
Sunday Jan 29 at 3 p.m.
Dunwoody High School AuditoriumSunday Jan 29 at 3 p.m.
The Dunwoody Homeowners Association annual meeting will take
place this Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 3:00pm in the auditorium at Dunwoody High School
at 5035 Vermack Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338. The public is invited to attend.
Georgia Attorney General ChrisCarr will be the guest speaker and there will be an update from GLASS(Georgians for Local Area School Systems) on their effort to allow cities in
Georgia to start their own school systems. In addition, they will be announcing
awards for DHA Business of the Year and Person of the Year and electing new
executive board members.
I am proud to support the many fine activities of the Dunwoody Homeowners Association as they enrich our lives by organizing the Dunwoody 4th of July Parade, Light Up Dunwoody & they operate Food Truck Thursday's at Brook Run Park. If you enjoy these activities, I encourage you to support the organization by paying your dues for 2017 by visiting their website.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Dunwoody announces Tilly Mill Road Lane Closure for this weekend.
Friday, Jan. 27 to Sunday, January 29
The City of Dunwoody will conduct upgrades on Tilly Mill Road from Friday January 27, 2017 until Sunday January 29, 2017. Please use alternate routes and try to avoid the area during this period.
The construction upgrades require the closure of travel lanes beginning at the intersection of North Peachtree Road at Tilly Mill Road and extending east to the intersection of Peeler Road at Tilly Mill Road.
The lane closure will begin at 8:00 p.m. Friday night (1/27) and end by Sunday (1/29) at noon (12:00 p.m.)
This section of Tilly Mill Road will only allow access for one travel lane during the Friday to Sunday construction period. The lane closure will be continually monitored and properly flagged and will shift traffic from one side of the road to other to facilitate road work and installation requirements. All work, road and lane closure and detour activities will be dependent on weather conditions during the construction period.
The road closure and detour will permit work crews to replace and install a major portion of storm drain pipe. This work is critical to help safely and securely install the new pipe adjacent to and above several major utility lines which serve homeowners and residents at the Assisted Living Facility on Tilly Mill Road. While the lane closure will be a temporary inconvenience, it is needed to ensure the proper installation of the storm drain pipe and the safety of the construction crew(s). The lane closure also ensures residents in the direct area/path of the work will have access to and from homes and driveways as needed. Crews will be on hand throughout construction to offer assistance and guidance on entering and exiting properties within the construction zone.
The affected intersections will be clearly marked with proper barricades and signs throughout the construction work period.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact the City of Dunwoody Project Team via email at construction@dunwoodyga.gov or by phone 678-382-6850.
Dunwoody's State Representative, Tom Taylor drops HR 58 to authorize Municipal independent school systems
House Resolution 58
By: Representatives Taylor of the 79th, Stovall of the 74th, and Brockway of the 102nd
1 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution so as to authorize any municipality in the State
2 of Georgia to establish by local law an independent school system; to provide definitions; to
3 provide for related matters; to provide for the submission of this amendment for ratification
4 or rejection; and for other purposes.
7 Article VIII, Section V of the Constitution is amended by revising Paragraph I as follows:
8 "Paragraph I. School systems continued; consolidation of school systems authorized;
9 new independent school systems prohibited. permitted. (a) Authority is granted to
10 county, municipal, and area boards of education to establish and maintain public schools
11 within their limits; provided, however, that the authority provided for in this Paragraph
12 shall not diminish any authority of the General Assembly otherwise granted under this
13 article, including the authority to establish special schools as provided for in Article VIII,
14 Section V, Paragraph VII.
15 (b) As used in this Paragraph, the term:
16 (1) 'County school system' means a school system operated under the control and
17 management of a county board of education; and
18 (2) 'Independent school system' means a school system operated under the control and
19 management of a board of education of a municipality or other political subdivision of
20 this state other than a county school district.
21 (c) Existing county and independent school systems shall be continued, except that the
22 General Assembly may provide by law for the consolidation of two or more county school
23 systems, independent school systems, portions thereof, or any combination thereof into a
24 single county, municipal, or area school system under the control and management of a
25 county, municipal, or area board of education, under such terms and conditions as the
26 General Assembly may prescribe; but no such consolidation shall become effective until
27 approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting thereon in each separate school
28 system proposed to be consolidated. No independent school system shall hereafter be
29 established."
31 The above proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be published and submitted as
32 provided in Article X, Section I, Paragraph II of the Constitution. The ballot submitting the
33 above proposed amendment shall have written or printed thereon the following:
34 "( ) YES
35 ( ) NO
Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to allow any municipality to
establish an independent school system by local law?"
36 All persons desiring to vote in favor of ratifying the proposed amendment shall vote "Yes."
37 All persons desiring to vote against ratifying the proposed amendment shall vote "No." If
38 such amendment shall be ratified as provided in said Paragraph of the Constitution, it shall
39 become a part of the Constitution of this state.
History buffs to meet at Dunwoody Maggiano's on Sat - Churchill Society of Georgia
Saturday, January 28th 11:30 AM
Maggiano's Perimeter Mall, 4400 Ashford-Dunwoody Rd. Dunwoody
Luncheon, Author Lecture, and Book Signing
Dunwoody, GA – The Churchill Society of Georgia announced today the first lecture for the 2017 year, with Alison Carlson – Author – Lecturer and Author: " The Man Within: Winston Churchill — An Intimate Portrait"
Now 52 years after his death, in rare photos & his own words - a 200 page art-and-photography book. The Man Within: Winston Churchill, is a compelling showcase of some 140 lesser-known black-and-white photographs of the great man across all phases of his life. It was designated as the official commemorative book of The Churchill Centre on the fiftieth anniversary of his death in January 1965. Signed, hardcover copies of the book will be available for $50.00 each. The price for this luncheon and lecture is $35 pp for members in advance, and $45 at the door. Reservations required. Please contact joewilson68@hotmail.com, for reservations. Checks should be sent to Winston Churchill Society of Georgia, 1439 Vernon North Drive, Dunwoody, GA 30338.
According to Joe Wilson, Society President, “The Winston Churchill Society of Georgia is dedicated to the continued awareness of the significant role Sir Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister played in the world during one of its most significant and difficult times.” He also mentioned that the Society holds 5 lectures per year, with bi-monthly meetings in the Dunwoody area, for one on one conversations and discussion concerning Churchill and his impact on world history. The Society welcomes anyone interested in Churchill, history and great camaraderie to join them. New members and contributors are welcome.
Winston Churchill Society of Georgia, www.georgiachurchill.com, or contact Joe Wilson at (404) 966-1408.
Best regards,
Joe Wilson
Winston Churchill Society of Georgia
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Heneghan Opinion of Dunwoody Home Occupation SLUP for Medical in Suburban Neighborhood
On Monday, January 23rd, Mayor Shortal opened this item for council comment and action, called upon me where I read my opinion. There were no questions nor further discussion by Council whereby I then made the motion to deny and the item carried 7 / 0 for denial as failing to be consistent with our Comprehensive Land Use Plan. My opinion from January 23 is listed below.
The matter in front of us tonight is for Special Land Use Permit application for a medical facility to be operated as a home occupation with regular customer contact within our Suburban Neighborhood character area. This is the first application in front of Council since we have a rewritten the code on home occupations and therefore this matter needs careful review.
The matter in front of us tonight is for Special Land Use Permit application for a medical facility to be operated as a home occupation with regular customer contact within our Suburban Neighborhood character area. This is the first application in front of Council since we have a rewritten the code on home occupations and therefore this matter needs careful review.
When we rewrote the home occupation ordinance we made allowances for easy approval for businesses with no customer contact and we put into place special expedited administrative approval for teachers and tutors as we highly value the services they provide. The ordinance also instituted a full and thorough review by the City Council for all applications made outside of those guidelines. With tonight’s decision, the City Council will not only be deciding this one case but we will be interpreting the guidelines previously put into place to make sure they are appropriate for our community moving forward.
Throughout the creation of the Comprehensive Plan, the city designated eight very different character areas with specific land uses and our citizens labored for many nights to say exactly what they wanted, and what they didn’t want to allow in each district. Our citizens in laboring over the Comprehensive plan also set into place eight overarching goals that we should always be striving for. Let me read you the first goal entitled – Preserve Our Neighborhoods.
“Throughout the planning process, preservation of Dunwoody’s neighborhoods was the dominant goal expressed by participants. To most residents of the City, this goal centers around the preservation of single family neighborhoods which make up over 65% of the land area of the City, however, successful neighborhoods are far more than just brick and mortar, they are the people, the community organizations, and the services and facilities that support them. As a result, efforts to maintain what many consider Dunwoody’s strongest asset, it’s neighborhoods, involves a broad comprehensive approach that involves all aspects of the community and allowing for appropriate balance between growth and preservation that maintains the overall suburban character.”
Tonight, I will argue that preserving our neighborhoods, means reading the Comp Plan and holding the line to exactly what it says, and what it allows when it comes to the sanctity of the Suburban Neighborhood classification. I will show that the other character areas are open to a much wider breadth of uses but that the Suburban Neighborhood classification should be limited to only the consideration of Home Occupations that are office in nature, as dictated by the Comp Plan and nothing else.
In approving this home occupation, we are required to follow Sec. 27-359 of our code of ordinances and Paragraph 1 – of our code states that the first factor we need to judge in approving a Special Land Use Permit is “whether the proposed use in front of us tonight is consistent with the policies of the comprehensive plan”. I am of the belief that our citizens never intended medical facilities to be located within our suburban neighborhood classification.
In reading Section 2.4 of the Comp Plan we are told to interpret the supporting text in the Character Areas when considering a conditional land use like the one we have in front of us tonight.
If you look closely at the Comp Plan for Suburban Neighborhood in your packet, the future uses are listed as follows.
Single-family, residential, public gathering spaces, places of worship, office, aging in place appropriate residential.

Medical facilities were not listed in the comp plan for the suburban area, in fact they are a separate commercial use category as defined in Sec. 27-114 from office and therefore it is my belief that medical service facilities are not intended in this character area, nor should they be allowed as home occupations in the Suburban Neighborhood area but based on our Comp Plan general office uses may be considered.
Please allow me to read into the record the definitions of the commercial use categories of Medical Service and Office found in Sec. 27-114 so that you can see that this application clearly falls into Medical Service category and that our community delineated the difference of medical from the category of office.
As I stated we have eight character areas and for the record, please allow me to remind you of what they are as some allow a residential component and others do not. Only those that allow residential component can apply for Home Occupations.
1. Perimeter Center - Allows Residential
2. Dunwoody Village - Allows Residential
3. Georgetown - Allows Residential
4. Institutional Center - Does Not Allow Typical Residential
5. Mount Vernon East - Does Not Allow Residential
6. Multi-Family / Mixed Use - Allows Residential
7. Winters Chapel - Allows Residential
8. and finally making up close to 65% of our land mass and 95% of our single family homes is the Suburban Neighborhood classification and it clearly Allows Residential.
1. Perimeter Center - Allows Residential
2. Dunwoody Village - Allows Residential
3. Georgetown - Allows Residential
4. Institutional Center - Does Not Allow Typical Residential
5. Mount Vernon East - Does Not Allow Residential
6. Multi-Family / Mixed Use - Allows Residential
7. Winters Chapel - Allows Residential
8. and finally making up close to 65% of our land mass and 95% of our single family homes is the Suburban Neighborhood classification and it clearly Allows Residential.
The City of Dunwoody has many different housing options and they are located in five different character areas within the city whereby our Comprehensive Land Use plan intended for us to treat them differently as per the specific words listed in our document. This item today is the first opportunity for us to delineate these differences between the Character Areas and tonight we will decide if Medical Services are to be an allowable use in the Suburban Neighborhood classification.
As I have already argued that Medical Services are not listed in the Suburban Neighborhood character area, nor do I believe that they are they intended to be allowed as a home occupation where they are not listed. Reading of the other character areas where residential is allowed could also be interpreted as allowing a much wider range of commercial & mixed uses in the home vs the Suburban Neighborhood which has a very narrow allowance for only office possibilities.
1. Perimeter Center - The area is quoted as creating the conditions of possible true “live-work” environment., it allows mixed use, has a high level of employment uses therefore this character area would allow a greater mix of home occupations to be approved.
2. Dunwoody Village - allows mixed use and specifically allows “live-work” units where a greater mix of home occupations could be allowed.
3. Georgetown - The City seeks a dynamic mix of uses in the Georgetown area and it allows institutional uses, commercial, office, townhome, other occupied housing, and mixed-use therefore a greater mix of home occupations could be envisioned.
4. Multi-Family / Mixed Use This character area is only listed in one large multi-family apartment complex near I285 which is currently behind secured gates but the future allowance of mixed use intends that it would be open to a greater mix of home occupation allowances.
5. Winters Chapel - This character area envisions Multi-family as part of Mixed-Use, along with attached and detached single-family, small office and neighborhood scale commercial, therefore a greater mix of home occupations could be envisioned.
I again reiterate that this Home Occupation, Special Land Use Permit application for a medical facility in the Suburban Neighborhood character area is inconsistent with the policies of the comprehensive land use plan and as I believe it conflicts with our communities’ vision, I will not vote to approve.
I yield back to the Mayor and my fellow Council Members for discussion or questions but when appropriate I will make a motion to deny this SLUP based on 27-359 paragraph 1 failing to be consistent with our Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Dunwoody wins Back to Back DeKalb County Wrestling Championship thanks in part to Nava / Breffle Wrestling Club
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Photo courtesy of Ken Langley |
In fact, it probably goes without saying that the success of today's Dunwoody Wrestling program has its roots in the Nava/Breffle Wrestling Club of Dunwoody that started back in 2007.
Congratulations to all the boys & coaches!
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Dunwoody City Council Agenda - Monday January 23rd
Monday, January 23, 2017
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
Watch Live at 6:00 p.m.
6 pm AgendaDunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
Watch Live at 6:00 p.m.
Administer Oath of Office to Officer Bryan Castellanos.
Recognition of Major David Barnes for Completing his Masters of Public Safety Administration.
Presentation of Dunwoody High School Youth City Council Student Survey Results.
FIRST READ: Text Amendment to Chapter 27, Section 27-97, DVO, Dunwoody Village Overlay.
Resolution Appointing Members to Serve on the City of Dunwoody Sustainability Committee.
SECOND READ: SLUP 17-011: Rhett Roberson, owner of 2347 Brookhurst Drive, Dunwoody, GA 30338, seeks a Special Land Use Permit from Chapter 27, Section 27-168(g)(1) to allow for a Type B Home Occupation for a physical therapy business. The tax parcel number is 18 354 03 005.
SECOND READ - Ordinance to Amend Chapter 4 re: License for Dispensation of Free Alcohol.
Resolution Revising Alcohol Fee Schedule to Add License Fee for Limited Pouring Licenses.
Design Approval for the Baseball Fields at 4635 Barclay Drive.
Discussion of Concept Design for Intersection Improvement at Mount Vernon Road and Tilly Mill Road.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Which baseball layout is best for new fields in Dunwoody?
In October the City released a request for an informal written quote for the design and permitting of the baseball fields to be built at Peachtree Charter Middle School. The scope of work includes preliminary design, final design, construction documents and permitting and construction administration throughout the project. Skyline Engineering and Construction was awarded this contract.
Since that time Skyline has had several meeting with City Staff and Dunwoody Senior Baseball Board Members. From these discussions, several concepts have been created for Councils consideration and are attached to this memo.
Concept 1 allows for a drop off lane on Barclay Drive and a small parking lot of approximately 30 parking spaces. Concept 2 allows for the field to orient more to Brook Run Park and a drop off lane but would not allow for parking on the site. Concept 3, provides for a parking facility on the site of approximately 57 parking spaces and a drop-off lane within the parking lot. In all three concepts, a concession/meeting facility, small covered playground and seating areas are provided in the plaza area.
Since that time Skyline has had several meeting with City Staff and Dunwoody Senior Baseball Board Members. From these discussions, several concepts have been created for Councils consideration and are attached to this memo.
Concept 1 allows for a drop off lane on Barclay Drive and a small parking lot of approximately 30 parking spaces. Concept 2 allows for the field to orient more to Brook Run Park and a drop off lane but would not allow for parking on the site. Concept 3, provides for a parking facility on the site of approximately 57 parking spaces and a drop-off lane within the parking lot. In all three concepts, a concession/meeting facility, small covered playground and seating areas are provided in the plaza area.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Dunwoody Moms - there is a need for gently used Prom Dresses to be donated to girls in Foster Care. Can you assist?
Formal dresses in sizes 16-30 are in high demand.
A friend of mine volunteers as a court appointed special advocate for kids in DeKalb County foster care and she notified me a very special event entitled Prom-A-Plaooza being sponsored by the Foster Care Support Foundation whereby gently used prom dresses are collected and provided to girls who wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise.
Dunwoody Moms if your lovely daughters have dresses in the closet that may forever go unused, or maybe you have don't have any children yet but have numerous bridal dresses that you would love to see used by somebody else, now is the time to clear out the closet. Formal dresses in sizes 16-30 are in very high demand.
If you would like to make a donation of gently used formal dresses, accessories, makeup or supplies, please contact Yumeka Devereaux at the DeKalb County CASA office at 404-378-0038. DeKalb CASA is located at 4309 Memorial Drive, Decatur, GA 30032 and I am sure that the Foster Care Support Foundation located near North Point Mall would also accept the donations as the event is happening there in mid-February.
All donations must be submitted by Feb 1st to ensure participation. Please view the link below for more information about Prom-A-Palooza and what they contribute to the community. Let's make this an unforgettable night for these lucky girls!
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Dunwoody Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day of Service on Monday, January 16th 9:00 a.m. - Brook Run pavilion
Brook Run Park Pavilion - 9 a.m.
The City of Dunwoody, in partnership with the Dunwoody-Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., Trees Atlanta and the Dunwoody Nature Center will host a Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day of Service on Monday, January 16th from 9:00 a.m. until noon.) Volunteers will gather at the pavilion at Brook Run Park (4770 N. Peachtree Road, Dunwoody.) This is a FREE volunteer event for all ages to lend their time to give back to the community.
Please sign-up here or by following the link below to choose your volunteer location though I am happy to say that many volunteer locations are already full. The morning will start off at the Brook Run Pavilion where volunteers will receive full details on their volunteer opportunity, followed by a ‘MLK Day of Service Community Walk’ around the Brook Run trail loop to get the day started. Then all volunteers will head to appointed locations with a goal of concluding activities at 12:00 p.m.
We hope to see you there! Please sign-up by following this link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0548adac2ba7fa7-city
Please sign-up here or by following the link below to choose your volunteer location though I am happy to say that many volunteer locations are already full. The morning will start off at the Brook Run Pavilion where volunteers will receive full details on their volunteer opportunity, followed by a ‘MLK Day of Service Community Walk’ around the Brook Run trail loop to get the day started. Then all volunteers will head to appointed locations with a goal of concluding activities at 12:00 p.m.
We hope to see you there! Please sign-up by following this link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0548adac2ba7fa7-city
Taste of Dunwoody returns to the Westin Perimeter on Sat Feb 25th
Be a part of our annual 13th Taste of Dunwoody presented by Arrow Exterminators and enjoy an evening of food and fun benefiting Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Featuring delicious fare from more than 25 Atlanta restaurants, a silent auction, a cash bar and live music by Band X, the Taste of Dunwoody is always a sell-out event.
Monday, January 9, 2017
My insights into 2017 as requested by Dick Williams of the Dunwoody Crier
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2017 will see the finalization of one project and the start of others. |
Mr. Dick Williams of the Dunwoody Crier was nice enough to reach out to ask if I wanted to put a few paragraphs togeather outlining my thoughts on the coming year and I provided him the text below (minus at least one typo I found) so I thought I would try to find background links to my statements to provide more background for my readers.
The City of Dunwoody is very blessed to have the weekly Dunwoody Crier as our city legal organ as it is the one news source that hits every driveway, every week and therefore has the eyeballs of every citizen no matter the generation whereby I know my electronic media newsletter is limited at best in reaching all those I serve. Dick thanks for the opportunity and your continued service to the community.
2017 will be a great year for the City of Dunwoody with the completion of several major transportation improvements and there will be extensive paving and sidewalk projects pushed forward as well. The City is now updating the comprehensive transportation plan and we could use your input so please check the city website or my blog for the link. I am excited about future intersection improvements, an innovative pedestrian / bike crossing from Georgetown to Perimeter Center, small connections to our trails and lighted crossings across busy streets where they are needed. New intersections will also bring technological upgrades to possibly speed emergency response vehicles through our busy streets.
2017 will also be a huge year for park improvements as two new baseball fields with artificial turf will be installed on the land purchased at Peachtree MS as well lights and an upgraded football field. Brook Run is slated for up to $3.5M in upgrades, Perimeter Center East park will be expanded and connected to Georgetown, there will be restrooms put in Windwood Hollow & Brook Run. The Parks Master Plan update is coming soon too. The city is assisting to find field space for everyone who needs it and I was overjoyed when Georgia State announced that they will be allowing Dunwoody High Lacrosse teams to use their fields for practice. Council is working diligently to find a way to assist the Dunwoody Nature Center on obtaining long-term funding for a possible major capital project. My hope is that outdoor concerts and festivals will be expanding in 2017 as the Council has funded a new Recreation Programs Supervisor to work this issue and to start to facilitate an active recreation program within the City of Dunwoody.
Dunwoody is blessed with an exceptional quality of life, a very strong and growing economic base, a strong residential real estate market and more importantly a strong sense of community where the City Council is attempting manage both growth, livability and quality living.
Thank you for allowing me to serve on the City Council, it is truly a privilege.
John Heneghan
4624 Buckley Court
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Please take the Dunwoody Comprehensive Transportation Plan Survey
The City of Dunwoody is currently updating its Comprehensive Transportation Plan which outlines the community’s transportation objectives and funding priorities. This plan was originally developed in 2009. Since this time, efforts on several of the prioritized projects have begun and some have been completed. The primary purpose of the five-year update is to review and refresh the recommended project list and work program as well as explore enhancements to plan components such as pedestrian and bicycling facilities.
The survey below is a critical component of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan update. Public feedback and input will help shape the vision for the city’s recommended projects and programs for the next five years. This survey will be available until January 19th at 5:00 pm.
Take the Transportation Plan Survey
Additional public involvement including a public information open house will occur in early 2017.
Saturday, January 7, 2017
The problem in Dunwoody is Ice Ice Baby - note from Mayor Shortal on winter storm weather update.
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Yo, man, let's get out of here! Word to your mother! |
At 12:30 am Saturday, snow is not the issue but instead it is the ice building up on the trees, many of which have deadwood that can't take the weight, limbs are falling and power lines are snapping. Dunwoody PD is probably slammed with calls as I know several streets are blocked and the Georgia Power outage map shows widespread isolated issues through out the general Atlanta area. Stay warm / stay safe. John
Below is a note sent by the Mayor earlier this evening.
evening my fellow citizens … winter storm weather update and one other item …
1. I
have just returned from the command center at city hall and these are some of
the latest developments ...
- Over the last 2 hours the
temperature has drop 5 degrees (from 34 to 29 degrees) and the rain has changed
into sleet/freezing rain. The build on the street of this mixture is over 1/4”
and increasing .. and the streets are just starting to get a little slick. I
noticed a little sliding in the turns. We have been putting brine on the
streets but because of all the rain the brine will have reduced affect. As the
temperatures drop the sleet should turn to snow at about midnight and continue
until about 4 to 6 AM with the temperature dropping well below freezing .. 22
degrees. The sun is forecast to come out about noon on Saturday but the temperature
will stay below freezing. If there is any solar thawing tomorrow it will freeze
again tomorrow night as the temperature will drop to 16 -18 degrees with a
chill factor of approx. 4 degrees. If the current forecast are accurate
we are in for hazard driving conditions for at least a couple of days.
- What I am telling you is
that the “winter storm warning" is no longer a warning …. the winter storm
is here.
- First and foremost, unless
you have a medical emergency or you are a first responder … STAY HOME! Spend
the time at home doing some “family bonding" etc. If you are one that
absolutely has to go out be sure to drive very slow and take the turns and
corners extra slow. Leave plenty of room between you and the car in front of
you. Rear end accidents are the number one type of accidents in these
conditions. Coming home from city hall a few minutes ago there was a car
following me about 20’ behind my bumper … I just thought it can’t be anyone
from Dunwoody because none of us are that dumb. If your car is equipped with
anti-skid brakes read the proper operating procedure in your car manual before
you go anywhere … that knowlewdge may save your day.
- As noted above the
temperature is going to drop significantly Saturday night. If you have every
had problems with pipes freezing in your house I recommend you open cabinet and
other doors where water pipes are located. This will reduce your exposure to
frozen water pipes.
- We have a full continent of
Dunwoody Police Officers on duty tonight to assist where needed.
- As we can, we will be
updating our website and social media concerning conditions. Make sure you
check these sources for information prior to coming to our Council meeting on
Monday night.
- Lets all be safe out there
as this should all pass is two days or so. We are all family in Dunwoody so if
you neighbor needs some help please offer your assistance.
State of the City Event … Please mark your calendar for the annual “State of
the City” event to take place on March 9, 2017 at the Crown Plaza Ravinia. The
general reception starts at 6 PM and the ceremony starts at 7 PM. Everyone is
That is all for tonight. Please pass this on to your friends, neighbors and
members of your HOA, etc. If anyone wants to be added to my email list just let
me know. Thanks for everything each of you do to make us a great city
“family" and create an atmosphere of mutual respect and quality of life
that we all desire!
Us Continue to Build Our City Together!
of Dunwoody
C 678-246-9006
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Dunwoody City Council Agenda - Monday January 9, 2017
Monday, January 9, 2017
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
Watch Live at 6:00 p.m.
6 pm AgendaDunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
Watch Live at 6:00 p.m.
Convention & Visitors Bureau of Dunwoody Year in Review. (Katie Bishop Williams)
Administration of Oath of Office to Officers Courtlen Jones and Ethan Taffar.
FIRST READ: SLUP 17-011: Rhett Roberson, owner of 2347 Brookhurst Drive, Dunwoody,GA 30338, seeks a Special Land Use Permit from Chapter 27, Section 27-168(g)(1) to allowfor a Type B Home Occupation for a physical therapy business. The tax parcel number is 18
354 03 005.
SECOND READ: Ordinance to Convey Real Estate.
Approval of a Subgrant Agreement with MARTA for the Hammond Mid-block PedestrianCrossing.
Approval of an Access and Maintenance Agreement with MARTA for the Hammond Mid-Block Pedestrian Crossing.
Approval of a Supplemental Agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation forthe Georgetown Gateway Project.
SECOND READ: Ordinance To Amend Chapter 2 re: Adoption of Fingerprint BackgroundCheck Process.
Municipal Services Contract Amendment - Programing Supervisor
PlanFirst Program Memorandum of Agreement Between the Georgia Department ofCommunity Affairs and Dunwoody. (Jessica Guinn)
Lease Termination Agreement for The Law Offices of William A. Heath, Jr., P.C., 4800
Ashford Dunwoody Road, Suite 130.
Resolution Appointing Members to the Dunwoody Board of Ethics.
FIRST READ - Ordinance to Amend Chapter 4 re: Alcohol Special Event Permits.
Approval of MOU for Purchase of SWAT Command Vehicle.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
What one word describes "Our Town" of Dunwoody?
My friend (maybe he's everyone's friend?) Heyward Wescott serves on the Dunwoody Perimeter Chamber of Commerce and he is looking for 1 word that describes Dunwoody.
The results so far are interesting and as his post on Facebook is public, please check it out and add to the list.
I cheated and honored my favorite play "Our Town" by listing Grover's Corners, the name of the setting.
Do you have one word? Please add to Heyward's list by clicking his request above. Thanks
PS: kudos to the Dunwoody Crier for this week's edition of the Lewis J. Walker, Investment Coach article entitled, The Magic Bank Account which reminded me of the play "Our Town" by Thornton Wildner. I have linked the article above and highlighted my favorite part (and the lesson to be learned) from the play. Both are recommended reading.
Happy New Year and please hug those that you love. John
Emily: Good-bye to clocks ticking…and Mama’s sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new ironed dresses and hot baths…and sleeping and waking up. Oh, earth, you are too wonderful for anybody to realize you. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it—every, every minute?
Stage Manager: No. The saints and poets, maybe they do some.
Dunwoody - Snow possible Friday Night into Saturday
Don't know about you but my 11 year old would love to have a snow day, even if it was just on a Saturday!
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