Letter to the Editor in the Dunwoody Crier
It’s no surprise that almost all of the Dunwoody candidates are worthy of serving us. So why should we pick one over the other?
It takes a different skill set to start something from scratch or change the course of a large operation than it does to maintain or fine tune and existing operation. It’s very hard work and takes a tenacious, experienced, smart individual.
Look for the guy or gal who has experience with the issues and government, experience with big contracts and sub-contractors, great integrity and intelligence, and also someone who can go toe-to-toe with the big dogs, stand their ground and get results. No on-the-job training if it can be avoided! As a start up, this election should not be about rewarding folks who have worked to get us this far. The worst is yet to come. We need to elect the candidates who have the smarts, diplomacy, experience, skill set, determination and tenacity to take us to the next level.
Look at John Heneghan running for post 6 (District 3 at large - we all vote for at-large positions). I know John personally to be of high character, but I can also attest to his experience, diplomacy and results when dealing with Dekalb County. I have worked with John across the table from Elaine Boyer on the white-elephant skate park. John stepped up got many concessions for the neighborhood. John personally got the intersection completed at the new school on N. Peachtree so our kids can cross safely at the same time traffic flows. When Dekalb wanted to do a massive road widening in 2005 greatly increasing cut-through traffic, John was on the front lines of the effort that completely stopped sure devastation to our bedroom community. I could go on with many more specific examples of his experience and efforts on our behalf.
John currently works for the Department of Transportation: he knows how things work and he’s familiar with the politicians and bureaucrats. He’s a pillar of the community and he can get the results we need!
Since John is a government employee, he can’t take donations and he can’t get the signs up and word out like many other candidates. Spread the word to your neighbors and friends that he’s the guy we need. We need his transportation and community experience on our city council - he’ll get results and fast. The other candidate worked hard to help us get this far, but it’s not a time to reward and experiment. John Heneghan is the only candidate in any council race with a proven track record of what it’ll take to move us to the next level. Please vote for John Heneghan, a vote for a successful Dunwoody.
BTW, the next Dunwoody Cruise Night is Thursday, September 11, at Dunwoody Village. I hope the candidates come out to meet the cruisers and vice versa.
Ric Woroniecki
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