Operation Pill Drop
Date: 10-29-11
Location: City of Dunwoody
The Dunwoody Police Department is teaming up with the Drug Enforcement Agency and Safe Kids Georgia to conduct Operation Pill Drop again. This is a prescription drug take-back event where the public can dispose of expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications to keep them out of the wrong hands. “Prescription drug abuse is the Nation’s fastest-growing drug problem, and take-back events like this one are an indispensable tool for reducing the threat that the diversion and abuse of these drugs pose to public health,” said Director of National Drug Control Policy Gil Kerlikowske. “The Federal/state/and local collaboration represented in this initiative is key in our national efforts to reduce pharmaceutical drug diversion and abuse.”
On October 29th, we invite Dunwoody resident’s to bring their unwanted medication to the front lobby of our police department from 10AM-2PM, 41 Perimeter Center East, Suite 100. We cannot accept needles/sharps, syringes with needles, thermometers, IV bags, bloody or infectious waste, personal care products, empty containers, inhalers, medical equipment and hydrogen peroxide. Unintentional poisoning from prescription medications is on the rise. Every year, over 2 million poison exposures are reported in the United States. In 2009, over 51% of reported poisonings in Georgia involved children ages 5 and under. Operation Pill Drop offers the public a free and convenient option for disposing of their prescription and over-the-counter medications to protect their families and the environment.
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