Wednesday is GA Walk to School Day and Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
Please find a way to thank our Crossing Guards, the Teachers, Paras, Librarians, Specialists, Principals, Lunch Ladies and even the Janitors at our children's schools because each of them have a role in educating our children.
Below was lifted from Dunwoody Mom.
At Sunday's Public Forum 2 DCSS teachers spoke and, while we all know the issues they have faced, pay cuts, larger class sizes, furlough days, 2 faces were put to those frustrations yesterday. I further realized how deeply they have been affected emotionally by the actions of the Central Office Administration and DeKalb School Board.
The following was sent out to the Kingsley Charter Elementary community last night, but I am hoping the parents of all our schools will take the same action.
It's not Teacher Appreciation Week. It doesn't have to be.
Let's not forget our
teachers and administration during this time of turmoil and uncertainty at the
county level. Teachers needs to hear from parents. Teachers need to know how
much they are appreciated. Teachers are doing more with less and on salaries
that haven't seen increases in six years.
Make it a goal this week
1. Write a note to your
child's teacher letting them know what a difference they are making in your
child's life.
2. Write a note to your
child's teacher LAST year. Let them know how they've paved the way for
3. Write notes to other
teachers that your child has experienced through specials, Discovery, art,
music, etc.
Perhaps there are other
ways you can show your thanks. Don't wait! Do it now. It is critical that we
make sure that our teachers know that they are not alone in the challenges they
face and that we want to see them return next year
Finally a related thought to share.
During a visit to the NASA space center in
1962, President Kennedy noticed a janitor carrying a broom. He
interrupted his tour, walked over to the man and said, “Hi, I’m Jack
Kennedy. What are you doing?”
The janitor responded, “I’m helping put a man on the moon, Mr. President.”
It is so easy to become caught up in our ordinary, unimaginative lives. To believe that our seemingly endless repetitive actions are meaningless disjointed pieces.
To be so exhausted from the routine of “right now,” that we’re unable to see that our efforts have long term consequences.
It makes no difference what “small tasks” you signed up for today.
You . . . are . . . significant!
Your life has purpose beyond walking the dog, preparing breakfast, raking leaves, and watching television.
You are amazing!
You have lives to impact.
People to inspire.
Questions to answer.
Goals to achieve.
A destiny to fulfill.
A world to change.
You can look at today as a another
throw-a-way unimportant waste of trivial activity OR you can decide to
be part of something bigger than yourself — a project that reaches far
into the future and impacts people you may never meet.
You can choose to sweep the floor . . . or be part of the space mission putting a man on the moon.
You can teach a class . . . or impact the next generation.
Shuttle kids to practice . . . or create opportunities for young people to excel.
Support a charity . . . or help eliminate hunger in Central America.
Recycle the paper . . . or save the planet.
We must not,
in trying to think about how we can make a big difference,
ignore the small daily differences we can make
which, over time,
add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.
~ Marian Wright Edelman
in trying to think about how we can make a big difference,
ignore the small daily differences we can make
which, over time,
add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.
~ Marian Wright Edelman
What are you going to do today? Why not help put a man on the moon?
Why not thank those who do so much to educate our children?
Whatever you are, be a good one!
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